Infantry Fighting Vehicle BMP-2
first issue
ACE | No. 72112 | 1:72

Související produkty
Detail and Conversion sets
Navrženo pro: This specific kit

PE engine grills for BMP-2
F72102 Navrženo pro: Same Product family

Set of Parts for BMP-2
Zedval 1:72
N72001 Navrženo pro: Generic
Navrženo pro: Unknown

Soviet BMP-2 Comander Cupola
Yao's Studio/ 老姚手工坊 (Lao Yao) 1:72
LYTG72025 Decals
Navrženo pro: Unknown

War, Conflicts and Special Operations in Ukraine Part 18 Russian AFVs in 2022-23: BMP-2
Star Decals 1:72
72-A1157 2024 Nová forma 
AFV mix
War, Conflicts and Special Operations in Ukraine Part 2Star Decals 1:72
72-A1113 2022 Multitéma (3)