Gotha Go 242B
WWII German Landing Glider
ICM | No. 48225 | 1:48

- Značka:
- Název:
- Gotha Go 242B WWII German Landing Glider
- Číslo:
- 48225
- Měřítko:
- 1:48
- Typ:
- Kompletní model
- Vydáno:
- 2022 Nová forma
- čárový kód:
- 4823044407699 (EAN)
- Obal:
- Pevná krabice (otevírání shora)
- Téma:
- Gotha Go 244 » Vrtulové (Letectvo)
Gotha Go 244
Gotha Go 242 B
Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1935-1945)
Gotha Go 242 B-2
Wehrmacht Luftwaffe (German Air Force 1935-1945)
Obsah krabice
525x263x56 mm
(20.7x10.4x2.2 inch)
Časová osa produktu
Download 13107Kb (.pdf)
Internetové obchody

USD 36.72

USD 65.99

USD 70.59

USD 73.99

USD 89.99

USD 50.41

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Alternativní SKU pro ICM 48225:
ICM48225 | ICM 48225 | 4823044407699 | 3318225
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I cannot adequately express my admiration for planning and realising products like these under the current circumstances in Ukraine.
I have longed for this ever since I built both a Go 242 and a Go 244 from the Italeri kit in my youth (I still have them, in bits and pieces, waiting to be restored).
I wonder whether a Go 244 is planned. I would buy one immediately.
I also wonder why the Scalemates subject section for the kits discussed here is called "Gotha Go 244" rather than "Gotha Go 242" as the 244 was, though interesting, more or less a relatively unimportant side project.
5 October 2022, 18:08