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Vlákno založeno Diorama Dude

Diorama Dude
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50 30 October 2023, 21:06
Rui S
Beautiful Dio. Great work 👍 Congratulations
 30 October 2023, 21:45
Man riecht förmlich den Kraftstoff und die Salzluft... Möwen kreischen. Ein wirklich tolles Diorama
 31 October 2023, 02:56
I agree with Rui and Stephan! 👍
 31 October 2023, 10:33
Michał Karczewski
Awesome job.
 31 October 2023, 11:28
Pietro De Angelis
Stunning work, congrats!
 31 October 2023, 13:32
Tom B.
Great! Lots of stuff going on in that diorama 👍
 31 October 2023, 14:48
David Taylor
Nice busy dio.
 31 October 2023, 15:16
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank You Rui s, Stephan, Neuling, Michal Karczewski, Pietro De Angelis, Tom B. and David Taylor for your nice Words. I thank all Mates for her Likes.
 31 October 2023, 22:07
Ben M
Wow - what a great dio! You've got a boat and a train - need an airplane flying overhead 🙂
 31 October 2023, 22:44
WOW, amazing!
 1 November 2023, 07:13
Mr James
Lots and lots to look at and appreciate on this wonderful scene. You truly are the diorama dude 🙂
 20 November 2023, 23:12
 20 November 2023, 23:48
Gary Victory
Awesome work, just so much detail and so much going on for the eye to take in. Top job Sir.
 21 November 2023, 07:09
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank You Ben M, gorby, Mr James, Doubtingmango and Gary Victory for your kind Comments. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest.
 23 November 2023, 22:29
Good work, like it a lot!
 25 November 2023, 19:46
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank You Finn for your Comment.
 30 November 2023, 21:28
Truly one of the most fantastic dioramas that I have ever seen, and I'm 68. Even my wife is so impressed with it. Very impressive!
 18 November 2024, 01:50
Diorama Dude Autor
Thank you Henry for your Comment and your Interest on this diorama. I thank all Mates for her Likes and her Interest.
 23 November 2024, 21:38

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