Vlákno založeno FrenchmanRdV134

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22 21 May 2024, 12:13

My intention is to do a véhicule used by a French paratroop regiment in Algeria.
Not certain of what tires they had ; may have changes depending on the periode ans the area of operation..
5 August 2024, 22:12

The Edouard set is nice but requires somme additional scratch.
If one intends toi leave hatches closes, then Eduard set isn't realy required.
8 August 2024, 07:04

I have the interior set from Scorpion miniature models which is a very comprehensive set.
8 August 2024, 18:16

Could you share some pictures of the kit or the instructions ?
8 August 2024, 21:18

Hi Francois.If you go to my stash list its all there.Failing that Scorpion Miniature models.
9 August 2024, 15:43

Found the instructions, thanks. They are going to be helpful for m'y scratch building and painting.
9 August 2024, 18:08