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RF-8A Crusader - wip
The fit on the clear parts is worse than it seems when dry fitting them. A lot of gaps and steps are to be filled and sa...
27 23 June 2024, 09:58

Very promising, this one! I love the detailed build log, keep it coming!
14 July 2024, 13:09

I'm displaying my canopy closed as well, can't say I've experienced good fit with it. It's too "squat." There's a step between it and fuselage where it meets at the top, and steps on the side that make it not flush with the canopy walls. Have had to do a lot of sanding to make it look flush
20 July 2024, 20:26

At least I had to agree with you. Just clued the canopy to the fuselage and as long as the fit of the wind shild is okay, the canopy don´t fit any longer with part #13 glued inside. In my case it ended with a little crack in the canopy.
27 July 2024, 17:41