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30 9 November 2024, 16:34

This built is already some years old but I haven´t had the time for upload up to now. Back then it was a funny project. The initial plan was to use the SMER kit as a paint mule. But after I started assembly I noted that it was not bad at all. Rather quickly I had the idea for a "What If".
So the historical context would be like this: The Soviet High Command of Warsaw Pact requested from the NVA/LSK of East Germany (Nationale Volksarmee/Luftstreitkräfte der DDR) to increase the number of close air support units (at least this is true - in the 80s this lead to the introduction of the Su-22). The result was to convert an existing JG (Jagdgeschwader) from MiG-21 MF to Su-25. The MiG-21´s were sold to Syria. Conversion was finished by mid 1991.
What-if-OFF: as we all know the people of the GDR fortunately decided to make a peaceful revolution which resulted in the tear down of the Wall on Nov. 9, 1989 and the re-unification of Germany on Oct. 3rd, 1990.
9 November 2024, 16:51

That turned out very well and I really like the what if insignias! 👍
Out of curiosity - how well does the plane build up? Any noteworthy areas to keep in mind?
1 1 January, 22:43

Hi Alexander & Gorby, thanks for your comment!
There are 2 possibilities 😄:
(1) If you prefer the challenge to bring a mediocre kit to good standards take the Smer. Fit is not bad. I have not expected much but was positively surprised so I went on. It was big fun nevertheless. But made some aftermarket parts necessary. The greatest set was the Master pitot.
(2) You choose the Zvezda kit which was not available during my build.
1 2 January, 09:54

Thanks for the input Mid Franconian. I already have the Smer/Kopro kit with aftermarket, so I am not afraid of a challenge 😄 . But good to know that the fit is not too bad. 👍
2 January, 13:19

Awesome what-if!!! I always liked the camo scheme of the LSK der DDR. Well done!!!
22 February, 17:07

Thank you S B! My initial plan was to have more of the dark green instead of the light green (both swapped) like with the Czech Su-25. But I mixed it up. Glad you like it anyway - and hey: its a what-if😉!
23 February, 09:43