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Vlákno založeno Navyaircraftguy

will attend
SCM Groupbuild-Naval Aviation in
SCM Groupbuild-Naval Aviation

22. Leden dokud 10. Květen 2014
11 January 2014, 14:27
B Autor
Anyone else want to join??
 11 January 2014, 14:30
Hunter Cummins
Can I build ww2 aircraft??
And did you make this??
 11 January 2014, 15:52
Ooo tempting.. but not gonna be able to finish by 28th of Jan
 11 January 2014, 18:53
Frank Krause
@Augie: Actually it is Feb., 28th, 2014, so you might be able to give it a try, since you are a quick builder.
Presently the event pages cannot show it, if an event goes via month's end. Tim has to correct that manually.
 11 January 2014, 21:16
B Autor
Hunter it's anything as long it's a Naval Aircraft 🙂
 11 January 2014, 21:51
Hehe thanks Frank, then I might just have a crack at it... will look an see what I fancy
 11 January 2014, 22:06
B Autor
Yay!! I'm going to build this:S-3A Viking (Hasegawa 00537, 1:72)

 11 January 2014, 22:28
Hunter Cummins
Brandon count me in 😄😄
Did you creat this ??
Oh and nice build 🙂
 11 January 2014, 22:48
B Autor
Yeah I created this,what will you build?
 11 January 2014, 23:05
Anthony Flanagan
This looks like it would be fun. If I could clear a couple of my outstanding projects...hmmmm...
Would you accept a slow builder, as in may not finish by the deadline? I would like to tag along.
 11 January 2014, 23:08
Fabian D.
I´ve got a started Swordfish pretty deep down in my stash... would that be ok?
all in all one of the worst kits (if not the worst) in my stash, but I´d be ready for the callenge 😉
Fairey Swordfish Mk I/III (Revell 04115, 1:72)

 11 January 2014, 23:59
Hunter Cummins
Nice 😄 I dont know yet lol
Off to the hobbyshop
 12 January 2014, 00:15
Hunter Cummins
 12 January 2014, 00:15
B Autor
@ Anthony,I'm willing to change the deadline so you can join 🙂 just tell me what should be good for the dates
@ Fabian,yeah that'll work 🙂
 12 January 2014, 00:34
Fabian D.
cool, so I´ll better go digging😉
 12 January 2014, 00:44
Anthony Flanagan
Like Fabian D. I have a USS North Carolina I have started. Not a great kit but if acceptable I would able to meet the deadline.
 12 January 2014, 00:49
B Autor
I'll accept the USS North Carolina,it has the kingfisher on the back. So it'll work 🙂
 12 January 2014, 00:58
B Autor
Btw does starting on the 24th work? I have a project to finish,Hunter needs to get a kit and Anthony said he needs to finish some projects. I can change it to a later date
 12 January 2014, 01:00
Fabian D.
I´m open for almost any date... Just have found the kit again, now I know why I put it in it´s box again some years ago... 😄
 12 January 2014, 01:17
Hunter Cummins
The 24this fine because im going really soon to go and get an airplane 🙂 and iam looking forward to doing this groupbuild 😄😄
 12 January 2014, 01:32
B Autor
Cool! I can't wait to start 😄
 12 January 2014, 01:38
Hunter Cummins
Me to😄😄
 12 January 2014, 01:46
Anthony Flanagan
Brandon, I agree that you should keep the dates as they are. Also, if Hunter can go to the trouble of getting an aviation kit, I can do an airplane from my stash.
Yes, I am looking for an excuse to start another kit! Thanks Hunter! 🙂 🙂
 12 January 2014, 02:55
B Autor
Anthony,if you want to build the USS North Carolina,go for it 🙂 but if you would rather build an aircraft,that'll be fine too 🙂
 12 January 2014, 12:47
Hunter Cummins
No problem anthony 🙂 always glad to help😉🙂 and im also looking to start another kit lol 😄
 12 January 2014, 13:26
Anthony Flanagan
Brandon, I plan on digging out my Hellcat out for this build so I should be fine.
 14 January 2014, 16:29
B Autor
Cool! Do you have enough time? We're going until April 🙂
 14 January 2014, 21:00
Anthony Flanagan
Brandon - I am confident I will have enough time. I should be a lot more focused on this one than usual. Also, this replaces one of the kits I had when I was young and have since lost (picture moving and mom clearing out my room!).
 17 January 2014, 02:23
B Autor
Cool! This GB will be awesome
 17 January 2014, 02:42
Hunter Cummins
Heck yea 🙂
 17 January 2014, 11:20
Anthony Flanagan
Hunter - whatever happens, where ever you go, keep your built models. You may build them better in the future, but you will miss them if they are lost. Also, keep them high enough that the neighbor's brat kids can't reach them when your mom has one of her friends over while you are at school. I am going to stop now before I start a titanic rant.
 17 January 2014, 20:36
Hunter Cummins
Anthony I will always keep them no matter what and I hope I build them a lot better in the future 🙂
And mine are all in boxes now due to me moving 🙂
But at my knew house I am building a brandnew mancave😉 and I have a door with two dead bolts and they are high up lol
 17 January 2014, 20:43
Anthony Flanagan
Good man!! Nothing is sadder than coming home to find pieces of various models spread throughout the house...just picture Darth Vader's reaction upon learning Pademe had bought it! Grrrrrrrr!
 18 January 2014, 00:39
Hunter Cummins
That would be horrible to see lol
And what a sight that would be ahaha
 18 January 2014, 01:13
Anthony Flanagan
I had/have a horrible temper. It was not pretty. Thank God I can laugh about it now...sort of.
 18 January 2014, 02:22
Hunter Cummins
I use to be that way but got over it thankfully but im glad you were able to laugh about it 🙂
 18 January 2014, 02:41
Clifford Keesler
When I am building a model the four letter words fly like I was a sailor: Wait I was a sailor. LOL. Sometimes my temper gets the best of me too.
 18 January 2014, 04:59
Hunter Cummins
Oh clifford yo do know how to make a guy laugh haha
And michael : hiw loud was the sonic boom😉😛 and glad to hear it
 18 January 2014, 13:58
Clifford Keesler
When I was younger My temper was really bad. One time my wife and I were having a fight and I started throwing things, well my wife picked up my 1.500 dollar Rickenbacker guitar and handed it to me. Not realizing what she had just gave I procceded to beat it to death on the stairs. Once I realized what it was, that cured me of throwing things.
 18 January 2014, 16:28
Clifford Keesler
Except tools at work. I was famous for throwing tools across the Flight line or Hanger. I was trying to remove a #1 flight boost resovior from my CH-47 Chinook one day and no matter what I did it would not come out,so in anger I took a ballpen hammer and did a Mexican hat dance on the Aft Pylon. Almost got hung over that one.
 18 January 2014, 16:32
Hunter Cummins
Oh wow holy crap
 18 January 2014, 16:32
B Autor
Woah,that's not good
 18 January 2014, 16:34
Clifford Keesler
Yea was pretty bad that one. I don't do it much anymore.
 18 January 2014, 16:35
Anthony Flanagan
Like Clifford, when I was young I could have sudden explosions/detonations. The peace of building a model, even with all the frustrations w/ fiddly parts etc, was very therapeutic. As an adult I find it the same. Details do not argue, they are a puzzle to contemplate or a challenge to be creative. So when I build, all those frustrations and aggravations lose their place in my mind and at the end, hopefully, I have a nice token of my efforts. I find it very, very satisfying. My early models were poorly done but represented a turning point in my life and world view. Anyway, I could prattle on but lets not.
 18 January 2014, 17:49
Hunter Cummins
Yup model building is very theriputic 🙂
 18 January 2014, 18:00
Clifford Keesler
Amen to that. Sure helps with the PTSD.
 19 January 2014, 23:32
B Autor
You have PTSD?
 19 January 2014, 23:41
Clifford Keesler
 19 January 2014, 23:42
B Autor
Do you mind if I ask how you got it?
 19 January 2014, 23:44
Clifford Keesler
Vietnam, and a tour in Lebanon.
 19 January 2014, 23:53
B Autor've seen some crazy s*it
 19 January 2014, 23:54
Clifford Keesler
Yes I have, Plus lost several friend in aircraft crashes, which I witnessed. Then when I retired from the service I worked as a paramedic.
 19 January 2014, 23:57
Hunter Cummins
Holy sh*t clifford
Thats horrible
 20 January 2014, 01:25
Sebastijan Videc
sorry to hear that, clifford

I found out modelling is therapeutic for me as well - as a stress reliever. I work as an air traffic controler and at times, due to various situations in the airspace I get really stressed. It's funny that it's a hidden stress really, you don't notice it really. But when I sit down and model, I find myself getting relaxed... I guess you our defence mechanisms in our bodies try to negate the harm...
 20 January 2014, 10:31
Clifford Keesler
Thanks guys and yes the modeling really helps.
 21 January 2014, 03:16
B Autor
The GB has now started!
 22 January 2014, 19:25
Sebastijan Videc
👍 Good luck everyone! Hope to see a bunch of finished naval birds!
 22 January 2014, 19:47
Hunter Cummins
Brandon I cant start till friday :'( :'( :'(
Im really sad 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁
 22 January 2014, 20:26
B Autor
No problem,we have until April
 22 January 2014, 20:26
John Thomas
Hey Hunter, what Navy bird do you plan on doing?
 22 January 2014, 20:35
B Autor
He told me that he wants to do a hellcat
 22 January 2014, 20:49
John Thomas
A hellcat would be neat. I plan on doing 3 hellcats for my Jolly Rogers project. Will start on them soon
 22 January 2014, 20:54
B Autor
Cool! Have you decided what you're going to build?
 22 January 2014, 20:55
John Thomas
Yes, I have 2 corsair on the work bench started. the F4U-1 and the F4U-1A.
The F4U-1 is ready for paint.
 22 January 2014, 21:00
B Autor
Oh! Those will be cool!
 22 January 2014, 21:04
Hunter Cummins
Ok sweet 😄
 22 January 2014, 21:31
Anthony Flanagan
Well, let's get it on!! This should be fun and I am looking forward to it.
 23 January 2014, 17:29

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