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Model Aircraft Monthly Volume 17 Issue 02

Model Aircraft Monthly


Model Aircraft Monthly
Volume 17 Issue 02 | February 2018
977204653803802 (2044-737X)


Editorial | Page 4
Jump-Jet Joy!

by Andy Evans

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 6
Shar School

by Alan Kelley
Alan Kelley looks at the new 1:48 Kinetic two-seat Harrier, and builds the all-black Royal Navy T.8 version
T-Harrier Harrier T2/T2A/T2N/T4/T4N/T8 Two Seater Trainer
Kinetic 1:48
K48040 2017 Nové díly

Reference | Page 16
Combat Edge

UH-1Y 'Venon'

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 18
Snake Bite

by Fred Vergneres
Fred Vergneres builds the 1:48 Kitty Hawk UH-1Y
UH-1Y Venom
Kitty Hawk 1:48
KH80124 2015 Nová forma

Build Report, 1:32  | Page 24
Daphne the Pirate

by James Ashton
James Ashton looks at weathering the 1:32 Tamiya Birdcage Corsair
Vought F4U-1 Corsair "Birdcage"
Tamiya 1:32
60324 2013 Nová forma

Reference | Page 28
Aviation Datafile #1

The Fairy Gannet

Reference | Page 31
Fairey Gannet AEW.3

by Luc Colin

Reference | Page 35
Model Aircraft Extra

Martin B-57 Canberra Bombers in Vietnam

Build Report | Page 38
Night Intruder

by Mario Serelle
Mario Serelle builds the 1:72 Italeri B-57B in Vietnam War Colours
B-57B Canberra
Italeri 1:72
1387 2017 Nové obtisky

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 45
Tropic Moon Bomber

by Mark Goldby
Mark Goldby builds an 1:48 Airfix B-57G
Martin B-57B Canberra
Airfix 1:48
A10104 2009 Nové díly

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 48
X-Files Flight

by Craig Boon
Craig Boon looks at the 1:72 Platz X-47B UCAV
U.S. Navy UCAS
X-47B "Go Navy" Army-Navy-Game
Platz 1:72
AC-18 2016 Nové obtisky

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 52
Dawn of Gustav

by James Cann
James Cann looks at the 1:48 Eduard Bf 109-G6 Early kit
Bf 109G-6 early version ProfiPACK Edition
Eduard 1:48
82113 2016 Nové díly

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 56
Typically Tropical

by Gerry Doyle
Gerry Doyle builds the 1:48 Revell Spitfire Mk Vc
Spitfire Mk.Vc
Revell 1:48
03940 (80-3940) 2016 Nové obtisky

Build Report, 1:72  | Page 60
Contra Rotating ASW!

by Vitor Costa
Victor Costa returns 1:72 scale modelling with the Revell Fairey Gannet AS Mk.1/4
Fairey Gannet AS Mk.1/4
Revell 1:72
04397 2007 Nová forma

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 64
F/A-18F Super Hornet

by Ben Hinton
Fear the Bomes
F/A-18F Super Hornet [U.S. Navy Carrier-Borne Fighter/Attacker]
Hasegawa 1:48
07238 (PT38) 2005 Nová forma

Build Report, 1:32  | Page 68
FW190 A-8/R11 Nightfighter

by James Ashton
Radar Raider
Focke Wulf Fw190 A-8, A-8/R11 Nightfighter
Revell 1:32
03926 (80-3926) 2017 Nové díly

Build Report, 1:48  | Page 74
mig Masterclass

by Mario Serelle
Victory 103
F/A-18F Super Hornet [U.S. Navy Carrier-Borne Fighter/Attacker]
Hasegawa 1:48
07238 (PT38) 2005 Nová forma