MBB UH-05 Armada de Chile - AMODEL 1/72
Photo 1 of 95
43 3 September 2023, 17:27

Up with the cleaning of the windscreen, adding the nose et working on the floatations.
17 September 2023, 16:51

Looks promising already. Fantastic work on this demanding kit, Nicolas!
17 September 2023, 17:25

Agreed. Great job with the windshield and new nose. Your effort is paying off!
17 September 2023, 19:57

New Up with le tail rotor, rescue hoist and some improvments on the fuselage and tail.
Next Step, painting! 🙂
24 September 2023, 16:41

Colours applied and decals are on!
Next step will be unmasking the canopy and add the last parts.
1 October 2023, 16:38