Hasegawa Bf 109 K-4
Photo 1 of 39
10 November 2011, 17:58

Hi Ahgis,
looks great but to lager for me. I will stay with the quarter scale. Which markings do you plan apply?
10 November 2011, 19:57

JG53, Black 8 I think. I have been trying to decide for a long time and always been uncertain... Thanks for viewing.
10 November 2011, 20:05

Thanks Michael. I sure hope it comes out well, I love the K-4.
11 November 2011, 15:35

Nice Job Aghis, very fine details you have made on your Bf109, I want to see more!!!Greetings Phil
11 November 2011, 16:42

Many thanks guys, I will keep you updated. This Hasegawa kit is a joy to build, with the necessary improvements and corrections.
11 November 2011, 21:42

Hi Barber, the new forms of Hasegawa show a little more detail than the kit's 80 years, very good work! congratulate
12 November 2011, 13:09

Aghis, on the last pic, did you sprayed RLM02 over the coat of RLM66 for shading? Or is it just a lightened RLM66?
15 November 2011, 17:05

It is different shades of RLM66. The photos can be misleading due to the lighting.
15 November 2011, 17:35

I always use white for toning down greys. By adding small quantities of white progressively you can get a tonal difference that is detectable, but not too great. If it is too great, you can always overspray (mist) by RLM66 again.
15 November 2011, 17:42

A good way to bleach! Did it in my Emil-cockpit, this way and it worked out fine!
15 November 2011, 17:45

Indeed shading is the most important scale effect. I used it in my Graf Spee to great advantage.
15 November 2011, 17:48

Ja! My model is now honoured that a real KGM sailor had a look at it 🙂
15 November 2011, 17:59

Just added a few more photos. I love it when it starts to look nasty 🙂
13 December 2011, 19:07

Wonderful Aghis, go on its looking absolutely promising! Your work on the cockpit is very well done and the look in the barrels (last pic) crawls down my neck! Thumps Up! 🙂
14 December 2011, 07:30

Danke Holger! I love the head on shot too! I guess that is why the 109 is the most popular subject among fighters.
14 December 2011, 16:26

Haha, that's because I have the book in pdf ! It has been out of print for some years now, and I went through hell to locate it - it was worth it.
15 January 2012, 22:39

I just realized that you changed your mind regarding the marking 🙂
15 January 2012, 22:42

Initially I was going for JG53, then I realised that it would look very much like my G-10, so I decided to go for a more "exotic" color scheme, one with the unspecified "green blue" belly. I love the RLM 75/83 camo, but for now I wanted to attempt something different.
15 January 2012, 22:46

This is what I like at the Bf 109 - you have so many varations regarding the marking
15 January 2012, 22:50

I should be doing 3 Bf 109's this year (109A, 109E and Buchon) and this is inspiration. Thanks for the photos.
15 January 2012, 23:20

'Green-blue' coat on - The wings are not attached to simulate the real assembly of the aircraft. The wings and tail assemblies were supplied prepainted for final assembly.
16 January 2012, 17:30

Hi Aghis, Looking real good. I always wanted to build an Me-109 K and I can't wait to see the finished model.
16 January 2012, 23:32

Hey Aghis, looks good so far. Did you paint the number or is it a decal?
5 March 2012, 17:23

It is painted. I am working on it as we speak. I will have new photos soon.
5 March 2012, 17:41

🙂 Aghis, must be a spiritual connection, between us! I´m browsing trough your page and ask, and in the same time you´re working on it😢!
5 March 2012, 17:50

Hello Holger! I have progress, yes, the wings are in the painting process before final attachment to the fuselage to simulate better the real situation with the diverse manufacturing /painting before final assembly. I hope I will have some real cool results to show...😢
5 March 2012, 17:51

Initial coat of paint on the wings is on, some fading is coming next, especially on the RLM81, which is notorious for being unstable. Mottling is in progress - heavy wear is added on the wing root using AK "worn effects" solution.
13 March 2012, 20:13

Wonderful, Aghis, very nice progress, you made! The worneffect on the wingroots turnes out very realistic!
14 March 2012, 07:22

Thank you all for your kind comments. More to come... 🙂
14 March 2012, 11:04

The camo is in the fading/wear phase - no varnish yet. Other subassemblies are also been prepared to get installed (belly tank, legs, wheels, canopy, spinner). Slowly it is getting there...
15 April 2012, 20:36

Great job Aghis, wonderful paint job, looks very well, greetz Phil
16 April 2012, 08:32

The masking was far from perfect, so after some corrections I finally got an acceptable result. Many thanks for viewing, everyone!
16 April 2012, 14:38

May have been far from perfect, but the result looks very good! Spiral spinners are hard enough to get right at 1:1 scale! 🙂
16 April 2012, 16:36

Yes! Very slow, but you can see where I am going. Some problems on the way have to be dealt with, especially with the canopy - hope this is the last Erla haube I make for the foreseeable future 🙂
7 May 2012, 19:13

With all the internal framing and the rest of the details so visible, the rather flimsy Erla haube PE set is very tricky! However, it looks right to scale and has much better contours than the rather square kit part.
7 May 2012, 19:23

Danke Markus, I appreciate it.
@Holger: I do not think there are many correct 'Erlas' out there in any scale😉
7 May 2012, 19:43

Very nice! I love your technique for oil leaks and stains. Very realistic.
8 May 2012, 00:07

Thanks for looking guys. I have to refine the oil streaks in some areas and make it more downright dirty 🙂 More wash and earth dirt also on the way: these aircraft were mostly parked in the woods...
8 May 2012, 17:23

When i was younger i parked my car in the woods and sure he was dirty to 🙂
8 May 2012, 17:29

A car in the woods gets dirty on the outside, and steamy windows on the inside...? 😉
8 May 2012, 18:07

In those day's the inside off my car wasn't much bigger then a cockpit,that was cozy.Today my car still isn't much bigger but the coziness is gone.... 🙂
9 May 2012, 16:49

Outstanding interior details 🙂
And a very nice paint job Aghis
Tune...and waiting more photos 🙂
10 May 2012, 19:31

Yep Aghis, but I tried to make some "stressed-skin" which was most stressing for me, 'cause of my bad equipment. I'm not sure if I should go on, or step somehow back. However, I've got a G-14/AS in stach😉
10 May 2012, 20:47

Love the G-14 camos, when I feel like building another...109 it will have to be a G-14.
11 May 2012, 15:07

Well, I am still struggling with the heart emblem, and I have a few details to complete (especially that engine stain) but otherwise it is finished. Just added a few photos for all of you that liked the project since the beginning. Thank you guys! Cheers😉
5 July 2012, 19:13

Hey Bogy - what a question!!?? - Aghis without SCM?? - this could kill him...
Think he is in the meantime a SCM-junky too...
5 July 2012, 19:37

Hi Aghis, very well done. I like the wheatering which covers the whole range, from subtle dust streaks to heavy oil leaks
5 July 2012, 19:41

Wow,looks very mean.
I like the details and the paintjob very much.Superb weathering!
5 July 2012, 19:44

I appreciate your views guys - SCM addicted, yes, but it is all of you that make it so cool...😉
5 July 2012, 20:24

Awesome job Aghis, very well done, love the waethering, greetz Phil
5 July 2012, 20:43

As long as iam building Models,so long will i stay with you mates.And my stash is big ,so it will be a long time to join you! 🙂
6 July 2012, 17:47

My Stash is Not Big but i'm working on it😢 so i stay loyal, for a Long Long Time, too!😢
6 July 2012, 18:05

Hi Aghis,
you made an amazing Kurfürst!
All the little and very well researched details, the fine paint job and the weathering are pretty!
I like this model .
6 July 2012, 20:09

I just came back to SM after a while, and now it's finished! Wonderful Kurfürst!
Hopefully you didn't mentioned it before, but how did you make the fading in the colors? It is not only the preshadings, thats what I can tell by looking at the pictures. There is a play of lights and shades in it, which I'm really looking for at my models. Can you tell me your secret, or show me, where it is written? ;D
26 July 2012, 10:10

Add me to the lesson list! This is one beautiful 109, excellent job! 🙂
26 July 2012, 12:44

First of all thank you for your views, I am really glad that you like it!
After popular demand (... 🙂 ... ) I have to try to explain this camo painting. It is simple really!
The late war Luftwaffe fighter camo is a big subject. What I have tried to portray here are the following:
1. Diversity of production: wooden tail unit, wings, fuselage, etc all come from different production plants. Thus different colour tones are expected, as well as different paints, etc.
2. Fuselage is painted in the unknown "blue-green" colour, of which several shades are known. The mix I used is based on elefenbein FAS 1 colour (used for ground vehicles) with a little RLM02 added to it. This is not faded, it is a fresh colour and according to available evidence, very stable too.
3. This aircraft is new, so most of the 'wear' is attributed to thin application of camo paint, dirt due to forest storage conditions and harsh operating conditions (no time for careful servicing, cleaning etc).
In order to achieve the above, I first sprayed on the basic camo colours (RLM81, 83). Then I followed by several layers of thin application of the same colours with very small tonal differences (this is similar to figure painting in a way). One needs a fine spray nozzle, diluted paint and small pressure (just above 1 bar). It is much like trying to paint an intricate mottle pattern, only here the 'mottling' is due to the wear effects. The use of salt is another approach to this, which I have not tried. Dry brushing was also used around corners. The wing root paint wear was achieved by using (for the first time) the 'worn effects' solution by AK interactive.
At the end, after the satin varnish is applied, further staining was applied using pigments (for dirt) and oils for fuel and oil stains/leaks.
26 July 2012, 16:15

Thank you for explaining! The result is just outstanding, simply outstanding! (Thx Augie, you said what i thought!)😉
27 July 2012, 06:18

That really is a masterful looking model. I very much like the paintwork and subtle effects you have achieved.
27 July 2012, 09:08

I really appreciate your comments Augie, Holger and Howard.
27 July 2012, 10:33

Thanks for the explanations. And the idea of representing too thin layers of paint due to shortage is clever. The results of shortage is to often overlooked as are the problems of logistic in general
27 July 2012, 10:42

The thin layers of paint are characteristic of all german fighters built after the summer of 1944, including 190D-9 and Me262 in particular. Their life expectancy was so short, that the camo was purely applied for ground concealment. (light metal surfaces were easily detectable from the air).
27 July 2012, 10:51

Fantastic & realistic model, very very good job Aghis, respect ! 🙂
27 July 2012, 15:02

I watch this build now for approx a year? And whenever i look at it, i still find new details! Amazing!
27 July 2012, 19:51

Acki ! You are teasing me! 🙂
@Stefan and everyone: I am pleasantly surprised with all your kind comments, many thanks.
29 July 2012, 06:55

wonderful 109 !!
could you explain to me how you made that spring for the cable holding the cockpit glass
7 August 2012, 16:51

I particularly like the attention of the amount of detail your prepared to put in. It looks marvelous Aghis🙂
7 August 2012, 17:01

@ Jan > Thank you Jan. Spring making is easy, just figure out the right dimensions and get the proper diameter wire, then wrap it around a rod enough times...and voila!😉
@ Steve > I very much appreciate your opinion, thanks mate!
7 August 2012, 17:10

good decne very natural and beautiful work, special gear I liked
27 March 2014, 08:13

I thank you all for your views, this is one of my favourite models - so glad that you like it too!
28 March 2014, 19:00

Great job mate. 👍
Can you tell me what color did you use for the Bakelite base of loop antenna?
28 March 2014, 21:05

Thank you Jens and Elia! As for the loop antenna, I think it is humbrol satin black.
31 March 2014, 16:57

Well, this 109 won a silver medal. Thank you all for your encouragement!
13 October 2014, 15:55
Album info
Work started at the wings, in order to correct the oversized wheel fairings and assembly the excellent RB productions wheel well. The rudder is corrected by smoothing out surface detail and adding correct size tabs (wooden rudder).