Udvar-Hazy Museum, Dulles Airport Virginia
Photo 1 of 112
7 20 April 2012, 23:02

I knew that i have to visit this museum! But after your pix, i have definately to go there!!! Thank you for making more than 1 pic from the F-14!
21 April 2012, 05:05

Wow what a collection, thanks for sharing those pix Bill, this is a great museum, greetz Phil
21 April 2012, 06:55

I may have some more photos of some of the other aircraft, let me see if I can find them. What I've uploaded so far is not the complete collection from the museum. By the way, the Udvar-Hazy Museum is the "annex" for the National Air and Space Museum that is located on the mall in Washington, D.C. It contains the aircraft that won't fit in the main museum! Also, the restoration facility is also at Udvar-Hazy. I think I have a couple of photos of that. Cheers!
21 April 2012, 16:27

Besides Udvar-Hazy at Dulles and the NASM in Washington, also nearby is the U.S. Marine Corps Air-Ground Museum at Quantico, VA. Lots to do when you're in the DC area!! We will need more than a day!
21 April 2012, 16:44

I added two photos to this collection, both are pictures of aircraft that are awaiting final restoration. The photos were taken from a balcony that overlooks the receiving area at the back of the museum. The first is a Curtiss Helldiver, and the second, more interesting, is the only surviving Nakajima Kikka, Japan's first jet fighter. Both were still on their shipping pallet and covered with a clear plastic sheet, but you can make out what they are. Enjoy!
26 April 2012, 13:59

You´ve gotta go to the Aberdeen proving grounds, there are a lot of tanks!😢
26 April 2012, 14:19

Overloon (NL) isnt that bad too!Aberdeen,i dream at night from. 🙂
26 April 2012, 14:22

I´d give a ball for visiting Kubinka! Overloon is on my "to-do-list"!
26 April 2012, 14:28

Holger is right, Aberdeen is the place to go in the US if you like heavy armor. I was there once for work (back in the 90s) and we went "down range" for a live fire muzzle velocity test of the M1 Abrams. The ground shook...Holy Crap!! 🙂
They were also testing a T-72 (I think that was the designation, I'm afraid I don't know my tanks well) which they brought back from Gulf War I.
26 April 2012, 15:16

I've been to the Overloon Museum a couple of years ago and I was pleasantly surprised! There's also a model shop opposite the museum entrance, DINNISSEN MODELBOUW. The shop is included in the Scalemates database.
26 April 2012, 16:29

Very important, despite located in Holland, the food was excellent! 😉
26 April 2012, 16:32

The food is exellent but makes chubby belly,if to much . 🙂
26 April 2012, 16:37

Holy Crap! So many Originals! OMG, and I`m so far away and can`t see all the beauty's!
I`m really jealous.
Thx for sharing the pictures!
26 April 2012, 18:37

They're the real thing, too, not replicas! I wish that the entire Horton flying wing glider was there. But at least it is preserved for the future.
26 April 2012, 19:31

Awesome! This is what my son was talking about when he suggested we visit when I go see him in DC
3 October 2013, 19:28

I have visited it this summer. What an awesome souvenir. Thank you for the pics!
4 October 2013, 08:03

What a museum! Are these planes all real?!! Nice pix! Thank you Bill!
4 October 2013, 11:02

Martien, the museum is huge, although not as big as the National Museum of the US Air Force in Ohio. You are right it is paradise! Es-haq, all the planes are the real thing. I believe there is one replica, which is the Wright Military Flyer from 1908. Everything else is real. 🙂
4 October 2013, 17:21

Awesome is right. Next time I go back I'll bring a real camera and take some good pictures. I had some more recent photos of the Helldiver restoration, but they were lost by AT&T when I was switching over to a new phone. Bummer.
25 February 2014, 00:28

I used to live in Rockville,Maryland and my family went here once in a while! It was awesome!!! My favorite was the Enola Gay. Have you been to the one in DC? They have an amazing collection! They have Apollo 11's Capsule "Colombia" and (what would of been) Apollo 19s lunar lander. (Apollo 18s Lunar lander in in CT) there's also a lot of WWII aircraft,and a whole naval aviation exhibit (my favorite!) it's such a cool museum,if you have time check it out!
25 February 2014, 01:09

Also did you know that the weaponeer of Bockscar (Frederick Ashworth) is from Beverly,Massachusetts. That's where I'm from,he went to Beverly High School. That's where I'm going next school year. See: en.wikipedia.org/wik..orth#Project_Alberta
25 February 2014, 01:12

Yup, I've been to the one on the mall in DC. My son works at Ft. Meade so we visit down there a lot.
25 February 2014, 02:30

Any of you guys been to Chino?
Planes of Fame Museum, Chino California USA | Album by Navy Bird
Most of these babies still fly! Including the Zero! Any plane you see indoors with a drip pan under the engine is a flying example.
25 February 2014, 02:34

Never been in US, if I ever do,I will certainly do whatever is needed to do in Dulles.....this place is a gold mine!
23 September 2023, 14:33

Six hours is not enough 😉 I've spent there almost 8 hours, until the battery pack in my camera almost boiled 😉
23 September 2023, 14:36
Album info
The pictures aren't the best quality, but it should give you a good idea of this museum. If you're travelling through Dulles Airport, arrange about a six hour layover. The shuttle bus to the museum costs only 50 cents, and admission to the museum is free! Storage lockers are also available free!