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Djordje Nikolic (djnikcy)

P-51B - Tamiya 1/48

Photo 1 of 9


31 2 June 2024, 04:23
WOW! How can this have been overlooked by everyone - it's a beauty!
 10 June 2024, 15:29
Great weathering and the pilot is explaining how to fly...
 10 June 2024, 15:51
Simply amazing.
 10 June 2024, 16:15
Christoph Kunz
Great show 👍
"And then, I came in like this and shot him...."
Can you tell me where to buy this pilot?
 10 June 2024, 18:35
Pietro De Angelis
Beautiful work, congrats!
 10 June 2024, 18:38

Album info

My contribution to 80th D day anniversary. North American P-51B-5-NA Mustang "Hot Pants" - Serial № 43-6461.USAAF 359 FG, 370 FS, East Wretham, Stn 133.1/Lt W.K. Baker Jr, Pilot.1944. Model by Tamiya in 1/48 scale. I lost the port wing landing light cover, which Tamiya USA will kindly send me as a replacement, but the kit is done so I'm posting pictures. Painted with Vallejo paints, weathered with AK washes, pigments and pencils. Model 13 for 2024!

9 obrázky
1:48 North American P-51B Mustang (Tamiya 61042)

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