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Rob K.
Rob K.

Kittyhawk RF-101C Voodoo

Photo 1 of 25


7 23 July 2024, 12:51

Album info

This is the Kittyhawk RF-101 Voodoo. Used the CMK Thunderflash resin for the Camera's and the photo -etch ladder is from flightpath. Inlets and exhausts adjusted.

25 obrázky
1:48 RF-101C & G/H Voodoo (Kitty Hawk KH80116)1:48 RF-101C (Eduard FE939)1:48 F-101 Voodoo Access Ladder (Flightpath 48206)1+
McDonnell RF-101C Voodoo
US US Air Force (1947-now)
15 TRS S/No. 56-0053
1960 - Kadena AB JP

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