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kamal sabokbar
kamal sabokbar

Mil-8 Trumpeter


7 July 2012, 20:15
Christian Mundt
Excellent work! Did you build it OOB?
 8 July 2012, 06:22
kamal sabokbar Autor
what does oob mean?
 10 July 2012, 19:08
Urban Gardini
Out of the Box. In other words a build of a kit without usin' any after market products.
 10 July 2012, 19:10
Aghis Barberopoulos
Looks very well done. Congrats!
 10 July 2012, 19:21
Urban Gardini
I concur with Aghis! It's a beauty indeed so thanks for showin' us.
 10 July 2012, 19:22
Bill Gilman
Looks very nice, Kamal! Keep posting pictures of your models, we love to see them!
 10 July 2012, 19:33
Philip De Keyser
Beautiful work Kamal, nice paintjob, greetz Phil
 10 July 2012, 21:54
kamal sabokbar Autor
thank to all my friends
 13 July 2012, 20:54
Steve Wilson
Great stuff!!! well done kamal...
 13 July 2012, 20:57
babak chalangi
great work bro 😉
 13 July 2012, 21:02
kamal sabokbar Autor
thanks babak
 17 July 2012, 20:13
Dave Flitton
Nice work!!!
 17 July 2012, 20:21
Mohammad Adl
agha kamal mesle hamishe ziba 😉
 10 November 2012, 21:01

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