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F-19 Build "Frisbee"


5 August 2012, 10:03
Holger Kranich
This is , what i was waiting for! Go Augie, go!😢
 5 August 2012, 11:14
Augie Autor
Hehe Thanks Holly, first challange was to free the cockpit frame from the fueslage, as its a single molding..

 5 August 2012, 11:25
Augie Autor
OK, so.. work so far..

Removed molded seat.. and rebuilt the cockpit.
Removed the canopy from the body
Fitted mesh intake filters (from tights)
sorted replacement seat.. and nose gear..
 5 August 2012, 22:29
Duncan Cook
WAs this plane eever build?
 5 August 2012, 22:38
Augie Autor
Nope.. the F-19 was never built..

But i just love the shape of the kit...
 5 August 2012, 22:46
Augie Autor
Found the replacement nose gear i'll use.. from an F/A-18.. big and heavy
 6 August 2012, 22:19
Bill Gilman
We'll have to call you Augie the Whiffer - you sure do like those "what if" themes! 🙂
 7 August 2012, 02:08
Augie Autor
Cheeky git!.. its only my second... of 4 on here😉

I cant help it, i like letting imagineation wonder...
 7 August 2012, 18:07
Mike Kryza
Hi Augie - will be an interesting project...
 7 August 2012, 18:17
Steve Wilson
A very stealthy start to your build, now "WHAT IF" I hadn't said that😢
 7 August 2012, 18:17
Augie Autor
thanks mike.. reminds me i need to get more piccies of progress before its built!
 7 August 2012, 18:18
Mike Kryza
LOL - I know this - I always forget taking much more pics too...
 7 August 2012, 18:25
Augie Autor
Ha thanks steve.. its soo stealthy pictures are rare😉
 7 August 2012, 19:02
Augie Autor
Piccie of the scratch built details in cockpit added
 12 August 2012, 10:02
Augie Autor
Update as to progress..

We have lots of detailing to do.. as you can see.. its gained an F-18 Nosegear
Paint is as decribed in Tom Clancys "Red Storm Rising" 🙂.. its kinda funky..
 14 August 2012, 23:12
Bill Gilman
Looks pretty cool. Coming along very nicely!
 15 August 2012, 01:20
Augie Autor
Thanks bill 🙂
 15 August 2012, 06:14
Wilfried Bogaerts
Very good book ! 🙂
 15 August 2012, 12:24
Holger Kranich
Really an eyecatcher! Great work! Love it!
 15 August 2012, 12:56
Augie Autor
Thanks guys.. sorry willy no wing fold as too small😉

more work to do yet.. airbrakes need rebuilding.. the originals were molded into the wings.. and were different sizes 🤔

and of course weapons hehe
 15 August 2012, 18:58
Mike Kryza
I like the greenish camo - looks good.
 15 August 2012, 19:10
Augie Autor
Thanks Mike 🙂
 15 August 2012, 19:13
Vitor Costa
Hello Augie 🙂

Very nice camo, i think that is a very happy color combination! Very eye catcher and original too. I like it.
 15 August 2012, 19:22
Dirk Heyer
Hi Augie,
it is always very impressive to see your amazing results here on scalemates. You are really exceptionally!
A girl who builts so well and so consequently like a maniac!
The camo is a great choice and make this outstanding frisbee very attractive!
Well done and a clean built. Only the canopy is a bit thick in front, but it`s only a minor point!
Thx for sharing

 15 August 2012, 19:43
Jan H.
Really nice camo on that whiffie.

We have an competition in our local club, each of us building the Mig-37 🙂
 15 August 2012, 20:12
Duncan Cook
Where is that 1:48 Augie Figure sitting in the cockpit?.😉
 15 August 2012, 20:18
Wilfried Bogaerts
No wing fold ?? Strange ... ohoh now I noticed, the tailfins crooked inwards before the glue had fully cured ! Ya think ya can still fix it ? 😉 Maybe leave it as is, it really looks neat !
 15 August 2012, 20:28
Augie Autor
heheh thanks guys..
@Dirk yeah its a bit thick, going to be thining it down while i sort the airbrakes
@ducan.. yeah i will have to do a figure sometime.. only downside will be doing long purple hair!
 15 August 2012, 20:40
Augie Autor
Boys.... she's done.. i even saved the decals..

No wearthering, as well they are composite..😉
 21 August 2012, 22:00
Holger Kranich
Congrats, Augie! Its coming around great! Well done!🙂
 22 August 2012, 06:06
Augie Autor
Thanks holly 🙂hows it going your side?
 22 August 2012, 06:17
Holger Kranich
Well my dear, very good! Its raining a lot so i can model! But as soon as sun appears i´m out to get a sunburn (sarcasm, sarcasm, sarcasm...) I love the look of your F-19, you brought a lot of childhood rememberings back! THX!😢
 22 August 2012, 06:32
Steve Wilson
It's a great honour having my initials put on such a great build Augie!!! I'd like to dedicate this award to my friends and family, to my wife who's put up with so much $4!7. And of course Augie for such a fantastic build, thank one and all... LOL!!!🙂🙂🙂
 22 August 2012, 07:45
Philip De Keyser
Great build Augie, the camo looks awesome, love it, greetz Phil
 22 August 2012, 11:15
Augie Autor
Thanks guys 🙂
I'll add you as pilot name too steve😉
 22 August 2012, 12:37
Frank Krause
Hehe, you used your time very well, whilst I was away from computer and workbench. Again a beauty! Well done, Augie!
 22 August 2012, 15:32
Augie Autor
Thanks frank 🙂 glad you like
 22 August 2012, 18:32
Frank Krause
Glad, you built it!😉
 22 August 2012, 18:32
Steve Wilson
@Augie, Hey!!! thats nice can you make me Top Gun Pilot pleeeeaaaasssseeee...LOL🙂
 22 August 2012, 18:38
Mike Kryza
very uncommon - but nice....
 22 August 2012, 19:57
Hi Augie, again a nice jet.
 22 August 2012, 21:28
Augie Autor
🙂 thank you guys again for your kind words.. they will be recorded and sent to a lesser modeler.....

i expect to get them in the post next week 🙂
 22 August 2012, 21:32
Augie Autor
Thanks Michael 🙂
 27 August 2012, 06:02

Album info

The usual build thread

15 obrázky
1:48 F-19 Stealth Fighter (Revell 4580)

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