modelářská databáze | správa kitníku
kamal sabokbar
kamal sabokbar



5 November 2012, 18:44
Frank Krause
A beauty! Well done, Kamal!
 5 November 2012, 19:02
kamal sabokbar Autor
thanks frank.
 5 November 2012, 19:11
stefan natus
Very nice model.
 5 November 2012, 19:19
Vorya hidaryan
this model ship is amazing.
 6 November 2012, 16:24
Dave Flitton
Well done
 6 November 2012, 17:11
Michel Huijghe
 6 November 2012, 18:04
Markus Kutsch The Plastic Bench
All has been said by the Mates.
Iam allways jealous to the guys (and girls) who have the patience to do this.
Maybe when iam older and calmer 🙂
 6 November 2012, 19:14
Christian Meyerhoff
This kit must be about 50years old, so not the easiest one. The result is absolute perfect! Very well done!
 6 November 2012, 20:23
arsam hakhamaneshi
kamal jaan binazireh ...
 6 November 2012, 20:23
Mohammad Adl
agha kamal mesle hamishe ziba 😉
 10 November 2012, 21:00

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