The Two Colour Schemes
24 November 2012, 14:45

Here she goes again... Only 2 choices this time? The first camo looks a bit like that of a Russian T-80... 🙂 I prefer the 2nd option (if I would have to choose).
24 November 2012, 14:59

Hey Guys,
@ Adrian: Decals on order.. just standard Australian Army Helo Decals.
@Frank: Thanks frank, am off again.. the brown one is my prefered option too.. more unusual which is why i think i'll be going with it
24 November 2012, 15:06

Wow, love the sharkmouth on the 2nd, looks absolutely great!! Didn't ever see a pic of Harriers in that scheme!
24 November 2012, 15:10

Hi Malte,
There would be, its a What-If.. the Australians have never operated the harrier
24 November 2012, 15:14

I prefer the first option but it seems I'm alone on this one ... 🙁
24 November 2012, 15:15

its ok willy.. if i can get another harrier.. i'll do it in the first option, have them as a pair 🙂
24 November 2012, 15:20

sorry wilfried alaways liked sharkmouth my su27 has a simular design
24 November 2012, 15:24

Sharkmouths rule but the brown colour is ... kinda ... well you know ! 🙂
24 November 2012, 15:37

I like the first one, the green!!
Have fune Augie, i know that im going to like it 🙂
24 November 2012, 15:59

Augie, the green camo is my first choice. ( As I meanwhile know that green is your favourite color.)🙂
24 November 2012, 19:40

hehe thanks guys.. the Pinky Brown version still has my atemntion more.. still will be a few days yet until i am ready to paint
24 November 2012, 19:49

Thanks Mike and michael.
Cookie, its a what-if. Aussies havnt gone mad and bought ex-raf airrames
24 November 2012, 20:49

But the USMC has gone mad and bought ex-RAF airplanes. It's most unfortunate that the Brits didn't go mad and keep them!! 🙁
22 December 2012, 20:27

Well, they need something to use while they're waiting for their F-35s...
22 December 2012, 22:52

true enough.. I hope that thing is worth it.. seems too expensive to me
22 December 2012, 22:53
Album info
The two options i am choosing from