modelářská databáze | správa kitníku
kamal sabokbar
kamal sabokbar



15 January 2013, 20:04
Vorya hidaryan
Very Nice mr kamal👍👍👍.
 10 February 2013, 13:36
Vorya hidaryan
I love the interior!
 10 February 2013, 13:38
kamal sabokbar Autor
tanks vorya
 12 February 2013, 20:24
Mike Kryza
Hi Kamal - looks good, but I missed the blackend rubber tires and a little more weathering...;)
 12 February 2013, 20:31
Mohammad Adl
very good Kamal 🙂
 13 February 2013, 06:31
Kim Branders
A wonderfull result Kamal, extremly nice. Grtz Kim
 13 February 2013, 06:47
kamal sabokbar Autor
thank you very much kim...
 15 February 2013, 18:48
kamal sabokbar Autor
tanks mohammad
 15 February 2013, 18:50
kamal sabokbar Autor
hi mike,you are right i dident work a lot in the tires...thank you
 15 February 2013, 18:54
neil kerr
nice one mate
 15 February 2013, 19:23
Mike Kryza
that's ok 😉 - I hate colorize the rubber tires by myself and the german Panzers have always too much...😄
 15 February 2013, 19:38

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