26 May 2013, 09:44

I know your pain - I've finished one Viggen many moons ago and have a bit recent splinter camo experience with Ukrainian Su-27. Yet after so much work, when you unmask the model, the satisfaction clouds all the bad masking memories 😄
26 May 2013, 11:39

Ces't MAGNIFIQUE! I will soon get enough courage to tackle my Heller Viggen in the splinter scheme so can you tell me which mask and paints did you use? Excellent work!
20 January 2020, 15:00

Hi Glenn, I didn't use pre cut masks. I just made a copy of the plans and laminated those, on that a put tamiya tape and traced it. Then bit by bit I masked and painted the model with Vallejo air paints, can't remember witch ones. It took me three full weeks for the paintjob
21 January 2020, 12:14

Really nice, makes me even think even more whether to build my Heller set or not 🙂
22 January 2020, 16:44