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26 May 2013, 23:10

I think I missed "Operation Locust Storm." Was that the 7-Day War with Upper Volta Nationalists who were flying Balinese Razorscreams? I think the "Frightenings" fared quite well that day.
26 May 2013, 23:18

🙂 Summin like that, however i just love these scheme that Gekko Came up with..
26 May 2013, 23:23

Somehow I like Burkina Faso 1978, but Op. LowCost Storm is also fine!
27 May 2013, 06:51

I agree,cool scheme. Let's see you do your magic. Did you ever finish the Vark? Did I miss it? I just got my first Hasegawa F-4 have never built one.
17 May 2014, 23:12

Hey cliff vark is almost done she's waiting some parts.
As for the hasegawa F-4 excellent theres a few gotcha's to look out for but they make a fine kit
18 May 2014, 06:28
Album info
It wouldnt be mine with out some choice schemes... well this one has some very very special ones