Red Bull Racing Renault RB6 "Luscious Liz"
1 27 June 2013, 19:56

Ahhhhh finally one gets the balls to start this😉 I'm really looking forward to this Dirk!
27 June 2013, 20:45

Thx boys,
your comments pushed me forward.....
So I`ll do my very best.
Meanwhile I`m glueing the Cockpit interior components.
28 June 2013, 06:08

No wings! Looking awesome Dirk, love the colorfull body of this beauty😉
How was dacalling going? Looks wonderfull, looking forward to the finish of this one.
28 June 2013, 06:29

Hi Dirk. Looking great so far. Can't wait until the next update.
28 June 2013, 09:00

Thx mates!
@ Philip
The subject has no wings, but the pilot skill is similar to Jet Fighter pilots and the aerodynamic features of the wings are reverse but identical. 🙂 🙂 🙂
The decals are from Cartograph and they are amazingly printed. Ones set on you has only few options for corrections and the handling must be absolutely careful!
28 June 2013, 10:13

Hi Dirk... Nice build👍
I somehow missed this one🤔
But your doing a grand job on that errrrrm!!! bothersome Ferrari hinderance, dare I say Lol!!!😄😄😄
29 June 2013, 12:05

ROFL 🙂 🙂
Steve... you are truly unique 🙂 🙂
....."on that errrrrm!!! bothersome Ferrari hinderance" LOL 🙂 🙂
Thx for your kindly words of my work, means a lot for me as you are bedrock in this discipline!
29 June 2013, 12:32

I think Steve needs to hurry down to Silverstone and show them some model cars to remind them of their history. that qualify was pathetic 🙁
29 June 2013, 13:14

Thanks a lot Dirk...
Sure was Alex...
All I can say is. It wasn't the race and I hope Ferrari, at least Alonso, but please both cars can get one of those phenomenal flying starts, we know they are capable of😳
29 June 2013, 13:25

Yep, where is today the great british tradition of Formula One, the great drivers, the spectacular technologies ??? Is it the time for the kids, the younger generation? 🙂 🙂 🙂 Are the role models, the parents now grand parents?? 🙂 🙂 🙂
29 June 2013, 13:28

I guess the only role models alive today is, Niki Lauda and Sir Jackie Stewart. the drivers of today's generation are more machine than the cars are 🤔
29 June 2013, 13:35

I also need to pull my finger out and get some more building done, including finishing some projects I've already started. One problem is, I keep coming up with another idea, which I get over eager to start🤔🤔🤔
29 June 2013, 13:37

My favourite is Jacky Stewart! Very sympathetic man, did a lot of for security !
Niki is an arrogant egocentric but skilful driver! I` ll never forget his words after his horrible crash:
" I would not stop my car to help..."
Crazy man... :/
29 June 2013, 13:41

Speaking of ancient Formula 1... I want to share a vid with you guys which shows a FULL!! coverage of the 1973 German Grand Prix with Jackie AND Niki. Also in the race Emerson Fittipaldi. Nice to see him at the qualifying today 😉
Youtube Video

29 June 2013, 17:02

Hallo Dirk,
a very nice Kit. You get done excellent work. Everything looks very clean. I like very very much.
30 June 2013, 08:13

Thx mates for your kindly comments! 🙂
Thx also for this amazing video!!!
So many names of the hall of fames! Stewart, Cevert, Lauda, Ickx, Maas and a lot of fine cars, Tyrell, Lotus etc.... Cool stuff
Of interest is, that you can follow a race 2 hours without any stupid comments of moderators... Cool only the amazing sound of the important thing: F1 Engines RROOOAAAARRRR
30 June 2013, 11:26

The cockpit is now in place and clued. Next steps will be the front suspension.
9 July 2013, 13:24

Top build Dirk, looking forward to the endresult of this magnificent work 👍
9 July 2013, 13:36

Looks ver nice! Just one little problem so far, it says "S.Vettel" on the cockpit, shouldn't that have been "M.Webber"?? I think you better strip it and start over again 😉 😉
9 July 2013, 15:06

@Tim van Dooremalen:
I`ll change into Marktian Webtel....only for you!!!! 🙂 🙂
9 July 2013, 15:24

Great work Dirk ! 👍 but who's Vettel ?? is he the pop "singer" from the states that all the 10 year old girls is in love with ?
9 July 2013, 15:52

ROFL, gggggg
Hmmmm, the correct english translation for Vettel is "hag"????
😄 😄 😄 😄
9 July 2013, 16:14

Haha😉 Probably born and raised in a bunker with cats the poor little man😉 he certainly acts and lives by the rules of a cat. i should be first no one else counts ! what are you looking at i haven't done anything wrong ! 😉
9 July 2013, 16:19

Everyone is allowed to make mistakes as long as they don't drive for red bull😉 or maybe it should be the other way around :/ your only allowed to make mistakes when driving for red bull 🙂 anyhow it's a great little kit. and even i are going to get it now that the prices are starting to drop.
9 July 2013, 19:19

Second step is done!
Hmm ok it is not a Profi F1 model, but let me say, I`ve a lot of fun!
Enjoy and feel free for criticism!!
I`m a lil bit dismayed about all those none-essential ejector marks on prominent surfaces!
Is this really a Tamiya kit???
I`ve count about 12 ejector marks only on main front wing part!
21 October 2013, 15:14

That first picture is...
How Herr Vettel should race his car at the next race, this Sunday coming...🤔
21 October 2013, 15:39

What a wonderful build!!!!
How could I miss this one?!
Awesome job Dirk😉
21 October 2013, 18:34

Thx mates.
Your professional and skilful replies means a lot for me, as I`m truly a newbie and need any help of your many years of experiences with building model cars!!
Many thanks for your comments!
22 October 2013, 07:26

Hi Dirk. This build is coming along very nicely. Keep the updates coming please. 🙂
22 October 2013, 13:39

I cannot believe that I missed this build so far! looks absolutely stunning Dirk! keep up the good work!
23 October 2013, 04:39

maybe a newbie to car modelling , but the quality is stunning as always !!!!!!
23 October 2013, 07:39

Thx Christian!
Someday in the future we will see us on a Modelshow, I hope! 🙂
27 October 2013, 11:38

Hi Dirk...
Fantastic progress, doing a great job Dirk!!!
Ferrari next???🤔
27 October 2013, 11:41

Hi Steve,
thx for your kindly words! 🙂
Think, I would prefer the Lotus 72 E from Ian Sheckter, Gunston Team, Kyalami.
It is the open engine with all those little technical features what pushed me to decide this car as the next one!
27 October 2013, 11:50

I was joking really, these little Ferrari prompts have become expected of me.
So I deliver. Nice choice Dirk!!! but you tease me with the Ferrari background😢
27 October 2013, 12:52

Know this, Steve! And believe me, that`s what I like!
Unthinkable, Scale Mates without any Ferrari punchlines from Steve!!
27 October 2013, 18:51

@Dirk: This will be a pleasure fore sure. My next dates will be Scalemates Meeting at Wangerooge and Munster 2014. Maybe we meet there. Would be fun!
27 October 2013, 19:04

Jody, Ians little brother...
Lives and runs his farm not far from me...
27 October 2013, 19:13

Beautiful Dirk! 👍
I love your CF work and all the details of the nose!
Well done😉
27 October 2013, 19:31

The Rear Wing construction is finished.
I wasn`t really amused about fixing all parts together. I`ve learned a lot about fixing parts with and without Zero Paints Clear Cote.... 😄 😄
Doesn`t matter, F! cars in scale 1:20 are nice... and I don`t think that will loose my interest.
31 December 2013, 15:27

Many many thx for your kind words, my friends. I`m proud, that so many car maniacs here supporting my WIP. Thx mates.
@ Laurent
Salut Laurent, Wow!
Je suis très heureux de vous voir ici.
La Red Bull RB6 est ma première voiture de formule 1. Si tu veux une formation de test.
Je pense que, ce n'est certainement pas le dernier kit de voiture. 🙂
Je tiens à vous remercier, Lolo, vos photos de walkaround étaient d'une grande aide pour le montage de mon Mirage III. 🙂 Merci Lolo!
1 January 2014, 13:21

Super, content que ça ait pu te servir, Dirk! C'est toujours un plaisir de partager et si on voit un tel résultat avec ce que tu fais, c'est tout bon! 🙂
1 January 2014, 18:52

Very well done Dirk! If this is your first attempt at building a racecar, it looks very promising for the future😉
1 January 2014, 22:25

Hi mates,
meanwhile the frontspoiler is finished and ready for the showroom.
At this stage the engine cover is on the bench, the very last part of this amazing kit from Tamiya.
The last step is always a sad moment because it is the sign of "the fun is over"!Well Well
12 April 2014, 10:13

Not a fan of RBR team, but this is an awesome build. Keep up great work mate!
12 April 2014, 14:00

Now I`d time to make the final pictures.
Meanwhile this model is finished since more than 2 month, and the only additional upgrade are the mountings made out off brass wire for the cowling.
It was truly a happy modelling nonetheless it was my first F1 car. That must be the result of an amazing engineering from Tamiya.
2 June 2014, 20:09

Now I got it 🙂 If you build jets and auto, then you know both technics. Saaame as me😉
Excellent work on this Bull 🙂
4 June 2014, 16:04

How talented you are and, you must have the patience of an angle Dirk. Every thing I have looked at that has your name on it is a work of art. I am in awe. !🙂
6 October 2014, 00:55

After the actual happenings in Suzuka, my thoughts are by Jules Bianchi😢
6 October 2014, 06:37

Mate I'm having this problem...
I've got to somehow come to terms with the fact, that Herr Vettel won't be driving for this bothersome Ferrari hinderance anymore😮
Why? is he going to Mercedes?... NO! Is he going to M-m-m-m-Mc-m-m the M-Team?... NO!
He's going to be slinging his toys out of a Ferrari from next year...
What is Ferdy thinking of, what's happening in F1...
But in the immortal words of John Cleese as Miss Anne Elk: " I have a theory "!!!
Back in 2013, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo started the Le Mans race and said:
" he'd like to see Ferrari racing back in Sportscars again, "...
Then this year 2014 the race was started by Fernando Alonso and said:
" he'd like to race in the 24 heure Le Mans, "
Also this year Luca stepped down as President of Ferrari, Fernando is rumoured to be leaving Ferrari F1 this year, with no guarantee of a seat in any other team. The M-Team says he's not going there, bothersome hinderance has Daniil Kvyat filling Herr Vettel's seat along side Daniel Ricciardo. Mercedes is settled with their line-up and I can't see Ferdy going to a lesser team...
So my theory is could Luca be setting up a Ferrari Le Mans Team, along with Fernando Alonso as a Driver???
Or even a Driver Partner??? Dah! Dah! Daaaaahhhhh!!!
You heard it here first folks...
6 October 2014, 08:19

Yes Steve, hoping Jules get well soon... and another sad story: Andrea de Cesaris died yesterday in a road incident whilst riding his Suzuki motorbike... R.I.P. 😭
6 October 2014, 18:58
Album info
I couldn't wait until the final steps of my Mirage III project!
I've got the F1 virus and have started my Tamiya kit!
As Guy Goldstein has promised, I have a lot of fun and I feel like a young boy discovering a new toy! 🙂