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25 August 2013, 23:21

i just figured i would build the entire Pz III family in chronological order, LOL 🙂 i think after this ill be burnt out on the Pz III for some time but these dragon kits are really fun i like how they easily break down into sub assemblies
25 August 2013, 23:28

Cool william! I just scored a PZ 1 for cheap Panzer-I B (Zvezda 3522, 1:35)
and beginning with that, I'll be building my way up to the PZ III. In the computer game I play (Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin) these PZIII's are tougher than the history books make them out to be. There is however a Dragon Stg IV StuG IV Early Type (Dragon 9038, 1:35) that I got for $10 that needs to be knocked out first.............
Have fun with your build and keep the pics coming!
26 August 2013, 00:44

Hey James, how is the Zvezda Pz I i enjoy the challenge of not so well engineered kits at times. I have the newer Stug IV which i think after these Pz III are complete will find its way on my bench
26 August 2013, 01:09

Let's see...........the current line up for builds, tentatively is: SU-100, Stg IV, KV-1 and then the PZ I.........then something Russian, then either a PZ II or III
I haven't looked at the Zvenda kit in detail so I'm not sure what to expect.
26 August 2013, 01:30

I have been looking to get the Dragon SU-100 premium edition kit 6359 but i keep getting out bid on evil bay, maybe one day i will get one. lately all my builds have been German and i have been looking at my firefly Vc kit a lot lately i might build it along with the Stug IV
26 August 2013, 01:41

That Premium SU-100 is the one I wanted but had to settle for SU-85M (Dragon 6415, 1:35).
If you're going to build that Firefly I suggest you hope over to Scale Hobbyist
and pick up this>>US Olive Drab Modulation Acrylic Paint Set (6 Colors) (#131)'ll love it!
26 August 2013, 01:59

Got a lot done on the J this weekend all the way to painting the big box on the back deck is a modified box from the spare box 🙂, I'm going to depict a 24th Pz Vehicle and pics at that time shows a big box
23 September 2013, 00:42

the J is about done now also, again just pigments and some attention to details and it will be done
6 October 2013, 23:37

yep, I'm with Roy.......nice subtle variations in the tone......I've got a Panzer I two builds down the road and I hope I can get my Panzer gray close to your interpretation. 👍
7 October 2013, 00:31

thanks for the encouragement, Im still working on finding the right variation of Panzer grey maybe on the right path im just having a hard time with the modulation i really need to break down and get those AK sets 🙂
7 October 2013, 01:03

im going to go ahead and call this one complete. I highly recommend these dragon PzIII's they are just fun to build, no serious issues at all.
13 October 2013, 22:54

👍 I repeat myself, but I like your crew figures and that you added the box at the rear, which was typical for 24.Pz.Div.
14 October 2013, 06:58