My Man Cave
30 January 2014, 23:16

It's always on one or the other ever since I found you guys!
31 January 2014, 00:07

Thanks John, it's far from being done but I'll get there.
1 February 2014, 02:07

It's a good start. Are you afraid of airbrushing near your computer?
1 February 2014, 02:16

No, not at all. These are two of my oldest, I have three more. It's great having them so close, quick reference or chatting with mates is just a click away!
1 February 2014, 02:20

No, I own a condo in west palm beach but now i'm right outside Washington DC.
1 February 2014, 02:29

I am so sorry I was thinking of the wrong town. Please except my apology
1 February 2014, 02:30

Cool. My brother also lives outside of DC. He lives in Woodbridge VA. I am planning on coming down to the Fairfax contest in April. That a very nice contest. I was there last year also visited Air and Space while I was there
1 February 2014, 02:45

Nice set up!....I really miss having a computer near my desk...Really like the 1:1 Les Paul too
1 February 2014, 11:38

easy, but effective setup, but 5 PCs in total... woludn´t know what I saved where... 😉
I´ve got just one laptop, but apart from the positive sides, it reduces modelling progress by at least 50%, sometimes 70% 😄
1 February 2014, 11:46

Very nice. May be if you would go to the Fairfax content we could have a chat. I had an old boom box in my old model room that stop work because of the overspray from airbrushing, that why I asked about the computer dust and all. My computer is in my bedroom only a few steps away. Still quit a nice layout.
1 February 2014, 13:41

John, that would be nice. I picked up my Sundowners last year at that show. All in all it was a great day, so many kits. When I left I was broke, lol!
1 February 2014, 13:51

Wim, thanks bro. I wish it was a real Les Paul, it's a Epiphone LP. I need to play more, as you can see, my amp doubles as a table. Fabian, that is one con, production does go down. When I find that to be a problem, I crank the tunes and enter the zone!
1 February 2014, 13:59

That would be nice may be I will see you there. I went nuts there last year. It's one of the best one day shows I be to. I was lucky to get 2 awards. I filled my car trunk with kits.
1 February 2014, 14:22

I was thinking of going to the Tricon show up your way. These events are really scarce, I wish we had more to go to. It's a shame most kids don't model anymore, damn technology!
1 February 2014, 14:40

I will be there. I am also a member of the club. Hunter Cummins a Scalemate is also planning on attending. It's smaller than Fairfax and not quit as many vendors, but has opened judgeing It's a nice afternoon.
1 February 2014, 14:54

Epiphone makes excellent guitars. I'm in a band so I have to practice to keep up.... I play bass
1 February 2014, 14:56

So many notebooks... Crazy!
But obviously a good place to be and to work! Love the Les Paul! And a nice stash, also!👍
18 February 2014, 13:17

Thanks Holger. My stash is growing, have to kits in the mail, can't wait!
18 February 2014, 16:20

Our show is awesome ahah
I spend 100 dollars and got 30 kits lol
I will be there 😄
18 February 2014, 20:23

I have three, the one I use for paint is a Badger Renegade Velocity. I use a Master G25 for clears and Alcads. I also have cheap no name bottom feed airbrush, it works fine but I never spray the amount of paint needed to get that thing going.
I'm on the fence right now about buying the Harder Steenbeck Infinity but still thinking about it.
9 March 2014, 02:02

How do you like your Master G/25? I use mine quite a lot. Mainly for Acrylics. I have a Badger I use mostly for enamels. I have 2 Testors bottom feeds I use for clear coats. I would like to get a fancier one, but kind of hard to convince the better half when she sees the price on them. LOL.
9 November 2014, 03:20

Every 'man cave' I have seen here has one thing in common. Our models don't stand a chance now, as we attack them with every known device invented to prevent them from stuffing up on us. But some do. LOL 🙂
9 November 2014, 04:04

Clifford I like the G25 a lot. I mean it was cheap, it works good and have had no problems with it at all.
9 November 2014, 16:48
Album info
Its still in the setup phase. I just bought the house in Dec. It's better than using the dinning room like I did in my condo.