The Stash / Finished Models
Photo 1 of 18
1 27 April 2014, 20:47

63 of those kits are 1/72 Spitfires !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you opening a spitfire shop ? 😄
or are you going for broke on the battle of Britain mega diorama ?
better start getting some Schmitties and Heinkels in 😄
18 June 2014, 02:15

I've got a few Huey's and Bell 47's but nothing close to double digits
18 June 2014, 17:24

12-14 Tomcats is a good start! And about a dozen Phantoms to go along with that. 😄
18 June 2014, 18:07

wow! Guess you'll be needing a bunch of exotic Spitfire decals then!
18 June 2014, 18:59

I have 4 1/35 UH-60's 2 1/35 Hueys a Bell 47 a 1/35 AH-1W and 2 1/32 AH-64s I'm a Chopper nut.
19 June 2014, 00:24

yeah they are very interesting aircraft, more than half my stash is helis, a mere 20 out of 38 model kits and more than that of various types of RC helis from Raptor 50's to Pico Z's 🙂
19 June 2014, 00:39

My mother told me she found a box in the basement labelled "Model Kits". Another 48 kits, even as a kid I had a "Stash Addicition"....
13 September 2014, 04:20

I've only eight Dakota derivatives. Then there are five Mustangs, three Mosquitos, three Spits, and three Texans. Beyond that are a clutch of craft with variant pairs of kits. Everything else is singletons; those were meant to be 'better' kits, but I sure have my doubts. All too many times, they were the best I could get at the time.
22 September 2014, 04:02

Gordon has 34 Spitfires ! he is clearly putting together a big wing 🙂
29 September 2014, 14:01

I have a murder of 109's and a bunch of P-47's....we all have our favourites, don't we 😉
29 September 2014, 14:06

I have 4 109s now Wim, And 3 Spitfires. I do have 10 mustangs 6 1/48 and 5 1/32, crap I have so much stuff I forget what I have. I have a whole sqdn of Migs.
29 September 2014, 14:11

you have a murder of 109's ?!?!? lol, a strange and interesting depiction indeed 🙂
my favorite WW2 fighters are the classics, Spitfire, Me109E, FW190, Corsair, Mustang.
Must say that I am hugely impressed with Eduards 1:48 & 1:32 Bf109 and Revells new tool Spitfire Mk2 1:32
29 September 2014, 14:21

It's a murder of crows isn't it? I always thought that fits the 109 quite well....
29 September 2014, 14:36

WOW! Fantastic collection! Loved it! Loved the photos of the finished models, so many spitfires! Also liked the photos of the stash, one is not so visible, I am curious... 🙂
30 July 2017, 15:52

Heller Spitfire XVI built when I was 12 or so.....37 years ago! Had to fix a prop tip, and cast a new gear leg/landing gear door and pitot tube.
14 December 2017, 22:02

Nice collection 🙂 beware of the styrene addiction.. it sneaks up on a person.
15 December 2017, 00:14

Nice collection. Yes I know I am a confirmed styrene addict, bad.
15 December 2017, 19:07

I think I have had a stash since I was 6 years old, so I do qualify as a Styrene Addict! The Heller Spit, Revell Stearman, and Frog Ta-152 are the oldest, all built in the early '80s...There are 22 Spitfires in my display case, with 3 more on the bench.
16 December 2017, 11:16

Got these Nail Polish Holders from aliexpress for $2.25 (including shipping!). Kind of a tight fit for the Micro-Sol bottle or a Model Master paint bottle, but should help prevent spills...
30 December 2018, 17:39

Why do so many modellers have multiple copies of the same kit in their stashes?
24 March 2019, 20:15

so we can build different schemes,, cause we're indecisive and cant choose one lol
24 March 2019, 21:17

haha Augie very true !! 🙂
but also a second chance at building it but with less mistakes (hopefully) 😄
25 March 2019, 00:25

Different Schemes, Different Version, or maybe we just like that airplane! I have a couple models in my display cabinet I finished in the early late 70 or early 80s. Would like to try again just to see what I could do now...
25 March 2019, 17:10

I have a Academy FB-111 that was my first build, after returning to the hobby. To look at it now it looks terrible, so it will be getting tore down and given a majior face lift, with what I have learned here on scalemates over the last four years.
25 March 2019, 22:20

Nice collection of both unbuilt and built Gordon. The polish holders are a good idea. May have to invest in a pair.
10 June 2019, 20:21