Dragon Aufklarungspanzer 38 (t) mit 7.5cm Kw.k
1 28 December 2014, 02:52

still got more to upload!!! omg this is getting hard feels like im just bombarding my work onto everyone atm!
28 December 2014, 03:02

I like this odd looking tank. Very nice model, you really show great skills here!
28 December 2014, 03:46

thank you im only getting better the more i do! have a VK 45.02 (P) Vorne in weathering stages atm.
28 December 2014, 06:56

Nice one..it's certainly an odd looking duck isn't it , lol? 😛
30 December 2014, 21:42

This kit had a marathon of fit problems from wheel alignments, the armoured citadel and the engine deck and rear of the hull. Odd it is only a 2-3 reference photos 2 of the three were only prototype mockups the third was a horrible ass end shot but the kit was fun to build.
30 December 2014, 21:52

AFIR (As far as I resarched 😉 ) this thing was never fielded. So that would explain the lack of photos...
Thanks for the hint with issues, well, a nother reason this kit will get pushed down the stack. But otherwise there are quite usfeull spares (20mm Ammo crates, etc.) in the box, which could be maximized by building the stripped down version as seen on one for the photos 😉
30 December 2014, 23:59

Never fielded as you can see the vehicle is impractically weak and a stand out. Reading just 5 degrees traverse left to right and just as much up and down a field gun carted by horses made this afv obsolete lol but paper panzers are a big thing for me to note that subject. I will be purchasing another one to tackle this time camo and figures for what if but if I do its going to have a 76mm ripping the guts out of it lol
31 December 2014, 00:13

Although it seems to be 20° traverse in both directions (guerra-abierta.blogs..r-38t-mit-75-cm.html) it would have been not too wise staying with the basic 38(t)-design, respectively the recon vehicel based on it... esp. as it could have been already used the Hetzer as base. A typical "this vehicle´s gun is not big enough anymore, put a bigger one on it"-story. It worked a few times, but not this time 😉
31 December 2014, 01:12

Indeed, the gun was virtually obsolete during the blitzkrieg ;P ....kind of a waste of resources!
31 December 2014, 01:44

Lol im just bashing heavily on the funny little vehicle with the traverse, but I sure do love it 🙂 shit talking is part of our fun.
31 December 2014, 01:48