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Gnat Build

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1 29 March 2015, 18:26
Augie Autor
And we're off.. cockpit walls an tub painted
 29 March 2015, 18:27
Mike Kryza
...and I'm sitting again in my chair in the first row...😉
 29 March 2015, 19:25
Augie Autor
hehe thaks mike make yourself comfortable, going to try and do this one more to my old timelines... not 3 months
 29 March 2015, 19:39
Mike Kryza
 29 March 2015, 19:43
Augie Autor
So.. ducts together.. weathering into cockpit started before detailing.
 31 March 2015, 18:29
Christian Borchmann-Backhaus
Nice... I got the Red Arrows kit some weeks ago...
 31 March 2015, 20:35
Augie Autor
thanks Christian, its a nice little kit..
 31 March 2015, 21:37
Clifford Keesler
Looking good Augie, as always.
 31 March 2015, 23:31
Augie Autor
Thanks Clifford, early days yet 🙂
 31 March 2015, 23:35
Clifford Keesler
I've really been struggling with the F-111, I ordered a set of resin wheels a month ago and still don't have them,so kind of lost intrest. On a happier note I got informed today that Hobbylinc finally got their shipment of the new Revell 1/32 F-4Gs So my backorder should be filled soon.
 31 March 2015, 23:41
Augie Autor
Funky 🙂 fingers crossed.

an dont loose interest.. Had that with the A-7..
 1 April 2015, 08:23
Augie Autor
Cockpit done, just about .. now just the seats to do before sealing it up
 2 April 2015, 20:14
Mats Bengtsson
It looks good so far Augie
 2 April 2015, 20:41
Augie Autor
thanks Mats, I'm hoping it will come out ok.. still a little unsure
 2 April 2015, 21:54
Augie Autor
another update for you all..

Seats are done.. and we have instrument panels.. quite like how they have come out.
 4 April 2015, 18:02
Steve Wilson
Love those dashboards😢👍
 4 April 2015, 18:04
Augie Autor
thanks Steve 🙂
 4 April 2015, 18:07
Christian Meyerhoff
Hi Augie! Excellent control panels and lovely seats. This will be another gem made by You!
 4 April 2015, 18:10
Augie Autor
Hey thanks Christian 🙂 fingers crossed
 4 April 2015, 18:20
Christian Ristits
Just beautiful, the panels are excellent painted!
 4 April 2015, 19:20
Clifford Keesler
Looks awesome Augie, I love the IP's.
 4 April 2015, 19:58
Rui S
Excellent Work in that instrument's panel. Top, Congratulations👍
 4 April 2015, 20:06
Es-haq Khosravi
Very nice job!
 4 April 2015, 20:28
Choppa Nutta
Hey Augie those control panels came out well ! 🙂
Please tell me they are decals that you have used other wise I shall fall into a pit of despair if you say you hand painted them😉
Just kidding but either way, looking good !! 😄
 4 April 2015, 21:54
Bill Gilman
Looking very good!
 4 April 2015, 21:56
Augie Autor
Lol Sorry chaps..that is a mix of both decals and painting. with a pre-wash
 4 April 2015, 22:47
Choppa Nutta
haha 🙂 either way it is your best looking control panel thus far ! 🙂
 4 April 2015, 23:01
John E
Agreed. Stunning work on those control panels! 👍
 5 April 2015, 00:38
Christian Ristits
I am excited how it will look finished and how the quality of the kit is!
 5 April 2015, 07:08
Augie Autor
Many thanks gentlemen I'm glad your liking.

This is definitely a great kit, airfix really have done well
 5 April 2015, 08:03
Holger Kranich
The worlds most ugly, series build airplane!😄 But your work on the kit is great, as usual, Augie!
The panellines look a bit washed out, are they?
 5 April 2015, 08:15
Augie Autor
Thanks Holly,

the panel lines are very crisp maybe a little deep for but they will take paint and washes well
 5 April 2015, 08:20
Aghis Barberopoulos
Excellent work on the instrument panel. The pit will look good once closed up.
 5 April 2015, 09:32
Augie Autor
tnx aghis 🙂
 5 April 2015, 12:13
Augie Autor
Sorting the little details Airfix missed on the back panel..
 5 April 2015, 19:30
Martien Lourens
 6 April 2015, 06:59
Augie Autor
thanks Martien 🙂
 6 April 2015, 07:16
Leif Adams
Nice, Augie! Do you always brush paint?
 8 April 2015, 04:53
Augie Autor
hi Leif thanks very much 🙂

I do only brush paint
 8 April 2015, 08:51
Augie Autor
So, Cockpit shot.. showing what it looks like together..

then the other .. body together and silver on it
 9 April 2015, 21:05
Clifford Keesler
Looking good Augie.
 10 April 2015, 01:24
Augie Autor
thanks chaps 🙂 the silver seems to be ok so far.. might need a future coat to balance tones
 10 April 2015, 07:23
Augie Autor
So Chaps.. the results of more hours than I care to think trying to get this dayglow right..

Still not perfect.. and very tempted to strip it down to plastic and start again..might explain the new RF-84G I have been looking at
 12 April 2015, 18:17
Lovely job!
 12 April 2015, 18:31
Augie Autor
Thanks PJ
 12 April 2015, 19:16
Mike Kryza
Wow!!! 👍
 12 April 2015, 20:00
Steve Wilson
Excellent Augie, glad you sorted the fluorescent, looks perfect. As Mike said... Wow!!! 👍
 12 April 2015, 20:39
Augie Autor
really guys?... I really dont know lol
 12 April 2015, 20:56
Bulldog Scale Models
Really great build
 12 April 2015, 21:05
Clifford Keesler
Awesome Augie.
 12 April 2015, 21:32
Augie Autor
thanks Antonio 🙂
 12 April 2015, 21:32
Vitor Costa
Hello Augie
Really nice build! I specially like the way you did the daglo, and with a brush is even more amazing the way it turn! Looking forward to see it finished.
 25 April 2015, 09:07
Clifford Keesler
Awesome Augie.
 25 April 2015, 15:54
Augie Autor
thanks boys 🙂 its getting there
 25 April 2015, 19:07
Augie Autor
Oddly enough.. I have just seen something thats given me a change of heart... and scheme..

 27 April 2015, 19:48
Kees Kleijwegt
Looking very nice Augie! On what brand of fluo paint did you settle in the end?
 27 April 2015, 19:50
Augie Autor
Hi Kees, It was a old Revel one I had kicking around thinned heavily..

Oddly tho.. I am actually considering stripping it and re-doing it in tactical camo.. saw a picture of a gnat in it and it really looks good..

Or I might just buy another lol..
 27 April 2015, 19:53
Kees Kleijwegt
 27 April 2015, 20:02
Steve Wilson
Ha! I'd buy anuvver, this one looks too nice to strip!!!🙂
 27 April 2015, 20:20
Augie Autor
Yeah I think your right will add another to the stash lol
 27 April 2015, 21:47
Martien Lourens
Exactly Augie, Buy a new one . Do not Strip that plane 🙂
 28 April 2015, 05:54
Augie Autor
Lol another gnat it is then 🙂
 28 April 2015, 06:16
Steve Wilson
Cor!!! Augie, really twisted yer! arm eh! Lol (((😄 ))) You truly are a proper modeller...👍
 28 April 2015, 07:15
Augie Autor
Lol aye... took a lot of convincing

Guido, your seat is reserved Sir😉
 28 April 2015, 11:36
Christian Ristits
Wow, still handbrushed?
 28 April 2015, 12:28
Augie Autor
All hand brushed lol 🙂
 28 April 2015, 12:54
Thomas Bischoff
completely agree with everyone - great painting and too good to be stripped
 28 April 2015, 16:17
Augie Autor
🙂 thanks guys and yeah its ok.. this one not being stripped.. I have the ultra fine sandpaper i need to repair a few spots so second Gnat order going in.
 28 April 2015, 17:12
Clifford Keesler
Looks totally awesome Augie, wish I could brush paint that well. LOL.
 29 April 2015, 02:37
Augie Autor
🙂 thanks clifford im blushing!
 29 April 2015, 10:35
Choppa Nutta
blushing whilst brushing ! how sweet 🙂
 29 April 2015, 12:17
^^ LOL!
 29 April 2015, 12:48
Augie Autor
 29 April 2015, 13:17
Holger Kranich
Better than "blushing whilst flushing"😢
 29 April 2015, 13:22
Choppa Nutta
lol, but brushing whilst flushing is A-ok 😄
 29 April 2015, 14:16
Ralf Schuster
It looks good augie...😉
 29 April 2015, 14:17
Kerry COX
Augie, Again your impressing everyone, and I do like your instrument panels mate. 🙂
 29 April 2015, 14:57
Augie Autor
Thanks guys 🙂..

Second Gnat ordered for the tactical cammo lol
 29 April 2015, 16:43
Choppa Nutta
you might have to get a third one to do the Red Arrows scheme too😉
"Gnat" what you were expecting ? 😄
Anyhow, it would be a sweet looking trio
 29 April 2015, 17:41
Augie Autor
a sneak update.. decals going on now..
 10 May 2015, 19:59
Steve Wilson
Doesn't it come alive with decals placed, excellent Augie8)👍
 10 May 2015, 20:31
Kerry COX
Augie, Mate, Your giving air brushing a bad name.:-/
Just wonderful and patient work. 🙂
 10 May 2015, 20:40
Augie Autor
lol thanks guys glad you likes 😄
 10 May 2015, 21:12
Aghis Barberopoulos
Such a colourful addition to your display Augie! Another example of your miracle hand brush😉
 11 May 2015, 17:07
Augie Autor
thanks aghis 🙂 I do try😉
 11 May 2015, 17:31
Choppa Nutta
that is one really cute model Augie !
when one sees a nice example of a build it makes it very tempting to get one 🙂
 11 May 2015, 17:35
Augie Autor
thanks choppa 🙂 I was supprised how small it was.. its even smaller than a A-4
 11 May 2015, 18:52
Choppa Nutta
have you got a Skyhawk for comparison ?
 11 May 2015, 19:00
Kerry COX
Your one hell of a competent scale modeller Augie and you never fail to surprise.

Well done again. 🙂
 11 May 2015, 20:37
Augie Autor
Choppa, I have a A-4, will get some pictures of it to compare

Thanks Kerry 😄
 11 May 2015, 20:47
Clifford Keesler
 12 May 2015, 03:15
Kees Kleijwegt
Another nice one for the collection!
 12 May 2015, 05:30
Augie Autor
😄 thanks guys glad you like
 12 May 2015, 10:15
Leif Adams
Gorgeous lawn dart! Be careful playing with it.

What did you use for the cockpit grime? Looks awesome.
 13 May 2015, 02:15
John Young
Great job with the orange and natural metal finishes. Striking effect!
 13 May 2015, 02:47
Augie Autor
Thanks Chaps..

And.. dare I say it.. she's done. one slight goof.. but overall very very happy with it.
 17 May 2015, 20:37
Choppa Nutta
turned out nice 🙂
 17 May 2015, 21:00
Augie Autor
thanks Choppa 🙂
 17 May 2015, 21:03
Choppa Nutta
I look forward to your next Gnat 🙂 will it be camo or arrow ? 😄
btw nice that you left the canopy open, anymore piccies of the cockpit ?
 17 May 2015, 21:06
Augie Autor
can get more of the cockpit.

Next one will be camo 🙂
 17 May 2015, 21:23
Choppa Nutta
and then the arrow ?😉
 17 May 2015, 21:25
Augie Autor
No..dont plan on red arrows builds.
 17 May 2015, 21:28
M.Julian Marles
breathtaking finsh! My hat is off to you.. 🙂
 17 May 2015, 21:29
Augie Autor
Thanks M.Julian 🙂 Glad you like 😄
 17 May 2015, 21:56
Choppa Nutta
haha no worries 🙂
look forward to more piccies 🙂
 17 May 2015, 22:02
Augie Autor
🙂 thanks Guido
 17 May 2015, 22:30
Kerry COX
There is an echo down here Augie. LOL. absolutely, well done.
Consistency in everything you do. 🙂
 17 May 2015, 22:35
John E
Excellent build! 👍 👍
 18 May 2015, 05:16
Augie Autor
😄 thanks guys
 18 May 2015, 06:30
Steve Wilson
Jesus! Augie... How could've you even thought of strippin' it???😮
 18 May 2015, 06:51
Augie Autor
LOl trust me.. I needed 3000 grit sandpaper to get it looking as good as it does.. that be why
 18 May 2015, 16:47
arne vd burg
Looks very nice Augie
 18 May 2015, 18:05
Augie Autor
thanks arne
 18 May 2015, 18:12
Mike Kryza
Augie - you become better and better... 👍
 18 May 2015, 19:41
Augie Autor
🙂 thanks Mike your too kind
 18 May 2015, 20:11
Clifford Keesler
Very nice job Augie. Did you ever see the finished pictures of my F-4F? They are in a separate album from the WIP pictures.
 19 May 2015, 14:53
Augie Autor
thanks clifford 🙂this one was a struggle lol
 19 May 2015, 16:52
Martien Lourens
It is looking very good . 👍👍👍 I'm glad you have not changed it into another color scheme
 19 May 2015, 20:15
Clifford Keesler
I want to know how you get silver to look so good brush painting it. LOL.
 19 May 2015, 23:58
Ulf Petersen
Well done, Augie. Looks really nice.👍
 20 May 2015, 04:48

Album info

my usual build pics

20 obrázky
1:48 Folland Gnat T.1 (Airfix A05123)
Folland Gnat T.1
GB Royal Air Force (1918-now)
Central Flying School XM709
1964 - RAF Little Rissington
NMF BS381C:592

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