- Nakajima B5N-1 - Kate -Hasegawa
Photo 1 of 4
2 April 2015, 15:55

Very nice work, Christian ! What did you use to make the chipping effect ?
2 April 2015, 19:42

Thanks mates 🙂
Hanno, this is my first (and, 'till now, only) try with chipping effect. I've simply painted the aircraft with silver, and "above", I've painted the green, trying to respect the image on the istruction sheet...nothing simpler than this 😉
3 April 2015, 06:41

Thanks, a rough job indeed, fortunately, in the last three years I improve myself a little. ;P
Hey Kerber, everything ok at the other side of the Adriatic sea??? 😉
3 April 2015, 09:29

If you believe manuel.prego.free.fr/b5n2.хтм
Mitsuo Fuchida B5N2 it.
With scraping the bust. Paint gets lost small spots, and you have the whole the plane of naked. In contrast to the color of the airframe, the Hinomaru (insignia) permanently restored. On color photo is clearly visible. Nice work. I Congratulate.
3 April 2015, 10:51

Igor you're right...this is what happen when I follow instruction sheet instead to search photo-documentation. Thanks for the information. 🙂
3 April 2015, 12:36
Album info
I've built this kit 3 years ago. It has been my first attempt with "scrape off"