Hasegawa Eggy Zero Fighter
Photo 1 of 40
19 September 2015, 01:12

...... I dedicate this one to Augie, a mojo shake'n'make 😄
19 September 2015, 01:37

Yeah they are too cute, had to have at least one 🙂
Just the ticket for getting the mojo going again
I wonder now that Hasegawa have done a range of Egg Fighters,
will they be bringing out some Sausage Bombers ??? ((( 😄 )))
21 September 2015, 01:07

Found this. There are some guys who have really gone to town on them. I had to get the Tomcat.
21 September 2015, 11:09

too cute 🙂
Egg-Plane 1/72 И-153 Яйцечайка
21 September 2015, 20:34

What other gems are you 'hatching' for 2016 Choppa. ??? LOL 🙂 👍 ?? 🙂 👍
31 December 2015, 05:04

....... depends how much I can afford to shell out 😄
My new years resolution is to get productive again,
I had hoped to do more this year but alas not,
at least this is one off the list
(after a bit more faff with weathering )
31 December 2015, 05:22

Good to know mate, and I wonder if Augie is getting 'clucky' now she has seen this. ?
But it was the egg carton that got me. 🙂
Very creative mate. 👍
HNY. !!! 🙂
31 December 2015, 05:44

I do believe Augie is already cooking up her own "Mojo Rebuilder",
the F-19 Stealth Fighter, cool plane btw 🙂
yeah the egg carton needed doing 😄
31 December 2015, 05:58

Great use of left over sprue for the carrier. You might say it is an...wait for it...EGGCELLENT idea!
31 December 2015, 07:06

Awesome idee. You must have fantasy and a big imagination. Excellent.👍👍👍
31 December 2015, 07:58

...... Al'white, al'white, al'white.... I do love a good yoke 😄
Thank you chaps for the kind words, the egg cartoon seemed like such a natural for carrier deck for this Eggy Fighter 🙂
This is my entry to the Genissis Models Group build comp, some really good entries in it 🙂
here's a couple I really like ...
31 December 2015, 09:58

Well said Choppa and you certainly can take a joke.🙂
You have my vote. 👍
31 December 2015, 11:02

I really got a chuckle when I saw this, Choppa! Well done and extremely fine execution of the diorama re: EGG planes! I am still smiling when I see that egg carton.
31 December 2015, 17:40

Cheers Ken, it makes me smile too, it's a cheeky little kit 🙂
wahoo finished it 🙂
complete with a little flying-take off stand thingy etc. and what not 😄
over weathered but I like it rough 😉
Anyhow gave me a chance to mess about with my new Mig enamel washes and I like them 🙂
Cheers all, I hope you like the new photos 🙂
31 December 2015, 23:11

And I still am not sure how I feel about these models. Dont know if they are cute or ridiculous. Just cant make up my mind. LOL
1 January 2016, 19:58

Cheers Ricardo 🙂
haha Donald, it's both of course 😉
I do fancy getting the Corsair now, just coz...
2 January 2016, 02:50

Guess you dont have to worry about historically correct colors or the like. LOL
2 January 2016, 06:19

The best modeling idea I`ve seen for a long time. Congratulations
2 January 2016, 10:48

Thank you kindly chaps and no, historical accuracy is not a consideration here Donald 🙂
Well, I thought I would have one last twirl with the ridiculous to see how much I could max out the silly factor, so I thought I would have a wee stab at some Manga drawing for my "Gal" Kimi Kaze 😄
3 January 2016, 22:19

OK, I am going to have to get one of these now. God help me. LOL
4 January 2016, 03:36

Cracking under the pressure ?
At least you won't have to shell out much for one .......
4 January 2016, 03:43

my egg plane carrier won "Most Original" on the Genessis Model Show Group Build !! 😄
Wahoo !!
Most "uneggspected" I must say, what a lovely surprise indeed, I'm over the moon,
never won a place in a modelling competition before.
I've won a trophy, T-shirt, dog tag and a Revell Lancaster too, sweet 🙂
Here's the vid, at 35 mins in he shows the pics and makes the announcement.
( just in case you demand proof haha 😄 🙂 )
Youtube Video

8 January 2016, 17:30

Funny project and a well deserved award. I like much like the aircraft carrier IJN Eggamaru🙂
8 January 2016, 19:21

well done Paul. really loved the eggbox carrier idea. a worthy winner indeed!!
8 January 2016, 20:01

Thank you ever so much everyone, high praise and kind words indeed 🙂
I'm still a little bit surprised though, I really thought Nigel's A4
was gonna take it with his very cool action diorama & lights 🙂
Christian, IJN Eggamaru, haha very funny 🙂
going to call it IJN Akeggi after the IJN Akagi 😄
Cheers Paul, lucky I managed to squeak through the door in time 🙂
I do like your V22 though, some great internal details
and nice to see something very different in the line up.
Really looking forward to the Sci Fi groupbuild,
I'm so glad it won the vote ! the sci fi has been a long time coming 🙂
Got some ideas brewing away but here's one I laid earlier... 😉
Tempted to do an Egg Wars one with Fry Fighters -V- Eggs Wings, Milleggnium Chicken....
Yoke Shellwalker, Darth Eggbeater, Princess (Egg) Layer. Eggy Toast Kanoobi, eggcetera etc. 😄
May the Yoke be with you..... 😎
8 January 2016, 20:31

A big thankyou to Genissis Models for the prize and trophy 🙂 👍
20 February 2016, 15:00

Good on ya mate. Your genius is recognised again, and again, and again. Cheers mate. 👍 🙂
20 February 2016, 23:02

Great and most engaging build.... and a well deserved price!
21 February 2016, 07:44

Hey Choppa,
We have to love that aircraft carrier Idea hehehe
Nice photos 👍
21 February 2016, 16:13

Quite the reverse Kerry, I feel extremely humbled by such wonderful comments 🙂
21 February 2016, 23:29

Well done that man. A great idea, well executed... congrats on the win 🙂
21 February 2016, 23:39

Thank you kindly Mike 🙂
Kerry, although it is nice to see my progress appreciated I feel I still have a huge amount to learn from the plethora of talent that resides on Scalemates and elsewhere 🙂
21 February 2016, 23:57

Choppa, I was just saying the same thing to Clifford and Derek Jordan. 👍
22 February 2016, 01:02

Cheers Don 🙂
Kerry I want to be the best modeller in the world !!
but I'm "A Ok" with being the best modeller in my own home,
just as long as I can improve bit by bit 😄
22 February 2016, 02:48

What a great way to look at it mate. I salute your integrity Choppa. 🙂 👍
22 February 2016, 04:18
Album info
A cheap little bit of experimental fun that won't get me arrested 😄
I do think these eggy's are so cute though 🙂