Leopard 2A6M (, Revell)
Photo 1 of 3
26 December 2015, 13:44

Hi Thomas, nice work on the Leopard and dio, how would you rate the Revell kit? I'm thinking of making one.
27 December 2015, 13:43

Hi Andrew! Thank you 🙂 I'm really new to modelling (it was my 2nd tank ever) so bear that in mind when I say the following:
I don't know much about tanks and just build them because I like their aesthetics, but from what I've read, this kit is very accurate and the modern armor in 1:72 from Revell generally get excellent reviews.
The tracks are 4 straight rows of plastic (2 for each side) that are put in hot water to make the bends. This was my first time trying this (instead of multiple straight segments with different lengths) and for the first time it went kind of okay. Tools aren't seperate parts, but I think in 1:72 thats understandable. The hatches and side armour panels on the turret can be put on open or closed.
In the photo the MG and side mirrors are still missing (because I didn't glue them on before transporting the model I didn't built at home).
All in all, for the price of ~13€ I'd say you can't go wrong with this one! 🙂
28 December 2015, 10:27

Beautiful model and great job. I have the previous version of 2A5 from Revell on the bench and I hope that I get it just well as you. With the chains I do have some problems.
Schönes Modell und tolle Arbeit. Ich habe die vorgänger Version 2A5 von Revell gerade auf der Werkbank und hoffe das ich es genau so gut hin bekomm. Mit den Ketten habe ich noch so mein Problem
28 December 2015, 12:11

New in modelling? This is outrageously well done! 🙂 Großartiges Modell und der Boden ist auch hervorragend dargestellt. Weiter so!
28 December 2015, 12:40

Thanks for the detailed report Thomas very helpful. To echo Melf's comments new to modelling...great work looking forward to seeing more kits.
28 December 2015, 23:34