Contest "beer mat" of
2 13 June 2016, 20:51

really nice, a fine addition to an already interesting collection of models !! 🙂
13 June 2016, 21:07

That Engine looks 100% like the real thing! You can only distinguish it by the beer mat - Great! 👍
14 June 2016, 05:25

Sorry guys, even if it looks real, the resin is not strong enough to start the engine. So I could not upload a sound file😉
14 June 2016, 16:08

Thx to all! @Choppa My existing collection is posted now, for more models you have to wait a bit😉
15 June 2016, 19:10

Gibs zu: der Motor ist 1:8 und der Bierdeckel 2:1.... 🙂🙂🙂 absolute stunning!!!!
16 June 2016, 10:15

Danke Bernhard! No, the engine is 1:1 from a museum, and the beer mate is made from MDF😉
16 June 2016, 17:30

WOHOOO!! Amazing! When I see the tiny parts with the 1 cent comparison, that is the part where you can count me out if I have to do this!! 🙂 Truly breath taking, and boy what skills for such tiny assembling.
2 August 2016, 08:08

Nicely done MDF beermate! Like a real one! What about modelling a glass of beer in this scale? 🙂) 👍 Really excellent job!
3 August 2016, 16:50
Album info
In half a year this 120PS AustroDaimler was build from the Resin kit of Wiener Modellbau Manufaktur and a bit of scratch work with brass.
And thanks to my friends at modellboard this engine was voted as winner model.