T29E3 Build
Photo 1 of 3
22 February 2017, 15:16

I had some doubts if the turret would fit nicely and i do have to say Takom did an excellent job. I had no trouble buildig the turret and everything fitted the way it should.
22 February 2017, 15:18

I am also joining in...will build mine soon...so now some experiences and work will go easier. Nic ejob so far!!
22 February 2017, 18:58

Thx for the comments i still need to loot my leftovers from other kits so i can add stuff like thomys and helmets.
22 February 2017, 21:05

Received mine this morning. Very disapointed by the color sheme proposed. Someone must stop smoke weed ....
23 February 2017, 09:09

Looked at my T30 T34 color plate it's even worst ...."Color info and profiles by Ammo Mig". I think somebody has to look for another job. Not serious at all !
23 February 2017, 09:33

i have to agree with that Eric. The first cam, the one on the box, looks cool but the others just look ridiculous. you'd be better of checking out some WOT camo's.
23 February 2017, 13:07

Yes, it's a bit disapointing. But we have to accept so many "Paper panzer" from other manufacturers, I have to admit why not from Takom ..... I'm not specialy an addict of "What-if" subjects.
24 February 2017, 05:22

Otherwise these "Paper-Tanks" or prototypes leave a wide range of camos...i think you can paint what you like because non of these paints ever existed or came to real live...it´s a "What-If"-project...so, why dont we just add a crazy looking vehicle to our shelf?
25 February 2017, 07:37

I'd go with a Hello Kitty design🙂 . Probably best to stick to the standard olive army green.
26 February 2017, 20:11

Well at the moment it will take some time because i have exams soon. So far i've done the wheels and i'm done constructing the model, I painted it in it's base colour and i will soon install the suspension and tracks and then start painting the camouflage and start wheatering.
12 March 2017, 10:12

Good to hear, i am waiting for news...and you did a great job so far...good luck for your exams!!
13 March 2017, 06:49
Album info
I had some doubts if the turret would fit nicely and i do have to say Takom did an excellent job. I had no trouble buildig the turret and everything fitted the way it should.