4 19 May 2017, 23:28

stunning paintjob. perfect weathering,. i love the metallic colors. you have done an excellent job! congratulations
20 May 2017, 02:47

Oh yes! I love your MiG Greg! You've done a great job on that brute of a fighter. Bravo sir. 👍 🙂
20 May 2017, 12:34

Thanx guyz. @David, the kit is at the best obnoxious... remove it immediately from your wish list! 😄 😄 If you want the PD variant better value your time and wait a couple of years for AMK...
20 May 2017, 21:41

Fantastic work Greg! Great weathering and your metalwork is outstanding. Very impressive...
22 May 2017, 01:42
Album info
1/48 Kitty Hawk
Big ED
Barracuda nose-wheels-nozzles
Quick boost seat
Master pitot tube