Stephan RyllVery nice work - I saw a real one a few weeks ago - top work 👍
5 February 2018, 16:41
Scott HastingsThis looks awesome. Love building choppers
5 February 2018, 16:54
PierreGreat result, what orange is that?
5 February 2018, 17:05
Andy W.An absolutely stunning build. Great finish.
5 February 2018, 17:38
Mike DanielsTop job Vance. Striking bird. Love the weathering.
5 February 2018, 18:20
5 February 2018, 18:20
Tim HeimerWow that looks great! Nice work!
5 February 2018, 20:58
Liu Vance Autorthank you Pierre,the orange is Tamiya TS-12,i use a straw to collect it so that i can make it useful for airbrush
6 February 2018, 01:20
Michael PhillipsThat is beautiful! Very well done Vance!!!
6 February 2018, 02:20
Rafael MozetoAwesome improvements! 5 stars!
13 November 2018, 01:16
13 November 2018, 05:58