Arado Ar 234 A V6
Photo 1 of 25
1 25 March 2018, 10:18

1/32 Arado 234, and built by Ken...i would not miss it for the world. i certainly enjoyed the Catalina. this will be amazing too.
25 March 2018, 15:28

Nice conversion. How is the overall fit of this kit? Have the same, but I want to build the nightfighter... drilling the holes through the canopy is what keeps me postponing this project.
3 May 2018, 08:22

I think it's OK Bart. But I almost cut everything a part, so I'm not really sure. However I plan on doing another one. An almost out of the box build, with just a few modification, we will see...
25 June 2018, 13:44

Masterly! That´s a beautiful and adorable Ar 234 model! Congratulations Kent....
5 July 2018, 18:38
Album info
Conversion of Fly's Arado Ar 234 B kit.