AV-8A USMC Build
8 June 2018, 20:59

Looking nice, was wondering how you were, had not seen you on for awhile.
13 July 2018, 01:43

I threw in a HH-65 Dolphin in, between Harriers, it was a quick and relaxing build.
13 July 2018, 01:45

Lol I've been around my frirnd just lurking an building slowly. I dont get many views anyway 🙂 as for the HH-65, pictures or it didnt happen 😉
13 July 2018, 11:21

I also wondered where you went. Glad to see you're still having fun and it's Looking good!
13 July 2018, 12:26

Ahh, I see I could inspire you infact to build one of your Harriers. Nice progress and interesting camo.
13 July 2018, 15:22

Thanks sven, straight usmc camo 🙂 so will be ok. I have more to build
13 July 2018, 19:50

There are pictures of the HH-65 up, guess just no views. Check my albums. LOL.
13 July 2018, 22:34

👍 Nice progress though, despite the (bad) weather. Here modelling progress is restricted to some construction work (and adding to stash 😄 ), no paint jobs for the moment ...
21 July 2018, 13:44

Yeah we have very hot weather at moment, makes modelling harder than usual.
21 July 2018, 14:53

Looking good though. Was just wondering this morning how you were and how the Harrier was coming along. I will be starting another one as soon as I finish the Hawk.
21 July 2018, 20:51

Hehe, am doing ok my friend, hows you doing?
Harrier is getting there, not rescribed as well.. scares the shit out of me.
21 July 2018, 23:42

I am doing well. I have got to the point where I think I will try and re-scribe anything now. I have Iteralie's JAS-37 Viggen and it will most definitely be getting a re-scribe. I just can't seem to bring myself to pay what they want for the Trangrus kit. My spelling sucks. LOL.
23 July 2018, 00:50

Iff yur spealling suks u ken gett a dickshinairay! Won dey i wil gett won two. 🙂
23 July 2018, 09:28