5 o'clock tea
1 15 November 2018, 22:03

Hallo mates, here is a little update. I started to paint the cockpit. Cheers Stefan
18 November 2018, 22:20

Hi mates, i washed the cockpit with oil paints today. Cheers Stefan
19 November 2018, 22:57

Hallo mates, here is the next update. The cockpit is finished and i glued the fuselage and wings. Cheers Stefan
21 November 2018, 22:20

Thanks Spanjaard and Geradl, nice to see you here. Cheers Stefan
22 November 2018, 10:54

Hi mates, here is the next up-date. I start to build a little base with the flightoffice of Duxford in the background. Cheers Stefan
27 November 2018, 06:53

Hallo mates, today I made the cut-outs for the windows and doors. Cheers Stefan
27 November 2018, 22:43

Hallo mates, Here is a little update, the concrete on the base. Cheers Stefan
28 November 2018, 21:41

Looking great Stefan 👍. How do you make the windows and door cut-outs?
28 November 2018, 22:44

Hallo Alec, here are some pictures of the tools I used for the cut-outs and I try to explain: First I scratch the shape with a vernier caliper and a scalpel. Then I drill a hole and saw out the window with a fretsaw. After that, I have filed the windows to the right size. Cheers Stefan
29 November 2018, 22:14

Thanks for the explanation and pics Stefan. Very clean and precise work indeed 👍
30 November 2018, 00:04

Hi mates, here are the next pic´s. The coolers are painted and glued. Now I'll fill in the gaps and apply surfacer. And I applied some earth to the base. Cheers Stefan
1 December 2018, 22:30

A i see you use the magic green stuff too... Iam stillwaiting for mine to arrive.
Good progress and i love the base 👍 Very clean work with the building there. 👍
1 December 2018, 22:58

Thanks Daniel, yes since I can´t get the Tamiya putty I use the green stuff in combination with the Mr. surfacer500 to get the same result. Cheers Stefan
2 December 2018, 11:29

Fantastic progress so far! this diorama base is going to be Great!
2 December 2018, 11:38

@Stefan, you can get Tamiya putty from Japan without much trouble. Via eBay for example
2 December 2018, 20:32

Thank you mates for your kind words and interest. Today the carpenter has installed the doors 🙂
@Spannjard: I keep the tip in mind, but in the moment I have enough of the green stuff.
Cheers Stefan
3 December 2018, 22:33

nice capenter job. if he can do 1:1 ones, please send it to Amsterdam😉 i need some doors done 🙂
3 December 2018, 22:53

Hallo mates, here is the frame for the first window.
@Spannjard: sorry, no 1:1 doors 🙂
Cheers Stefan
4 December 2018, 22:30

Hallo mates, have made a few swarfs today to structure the roof. Cheers Stefan
9 December 2018, 00:12

Stefan, I really like the way your pictures tell the story of the build. Very well thought out and creative. It looks great.
9 December 2018, 14:39

Hallo mates, here are the next pictures, step by step. I painted the inside black and the roof is glued. The back of the roof is still too big, because I can handle the part better. Cheers Stefan
11 December 2018, 21:36

Thanks Christian and Łukasz for your kind words. Here is the next update. I built the chimneys and glued on the gutter. Also I continued to build on the Spitfire. I sanded and engraved it. Cheers Stefan
17 December 2018, 16:32

Hi mates, here are a few new pictures. I start to build the figures for the diorama and use the RAF pilots and groundcrew from Revell. I will rebuild two of them because they are sitting on chairs. Cheers Stefan
21 December 2018, 20:15

Thanks Mac. Today, the carpenter did his job and built the table and chairs 🙂. Cheers Stefan
22 December 2018, 21:01

Wow stefan lets talk about your furniture in 72 in WD.
I thin i will order some 🙂 Fantastic job mate 👍
22 December 2018, 21:48

Thank you mates for your kind words.
@Daniel: It is a pleasure to meet you in WD and also to talk about your projects.
@Dirk: After our discussion yesterday, I think a slightly larger base is better.
@Mac: Yes, at the moment I have the patience to build something like that 🙂
Cheers Stefan
23 December 2018, 09:25

Hallo mates, here is a little update. I have applied some filler and sanded. Now I start to create the windows with clear plastic-sheet. Cheers Stefan
24 December 2018, 13:38

Wow! Absolutely admireable skills Stefan.
Got tons of evergreen in my stash but in my hands it is worthless 🙁
24 December 2018, 13:48

Thx Daniel, luckily I had some good teachers in the past who showed me how to work with metal and wood. Maybe I can show you a few basics in WD. Cheers Stefan
24 December 2018, 20:16

Hallo mates, here are the next pictures. I attached the last details to the flight-office and I have built a new slightly larger base. The spitfire is ready to paint. For a final check I fix the landing gear and exhaust with colorstop. The next step is to mask and clean everything for painting. Cheers Stefan
28 December 2018, 21:00

Impressive scratchbuild so far! 👍 it seems to get busy around the spitfire! 🙂
28 December 2018, 21:07

thanks Flop_se and Daniel, Yes, I want to show it in Wilnsdorf 🙂. Cheers Stefan
29 December 2018, 10:41

Thx Spanjaard and Moritz, you are always welcome. Cheers Stefan
30 December 2018, 08:57

Hi mates, here is a little up-date. I built a frame out of plywood.
@ Mac: Thanks for the idea 🙂, I keep it in my mind.
Cheers Stefan
1 January 2019, 19:58

@german Modeler pics 12-18 answer the question😢 Welcome to scalemates btw. 👍
1 January 2019, 20:21

Hallo German Modeler, für das Haus habe ich Polystyrolplatten verwendet. Nur statt der "kleinen" Evergreenplatten verwende ich größere Platten aus dem Architekturbedarf.
Hallo Dirk, thanks, you can see it towmorrow. Cheers Stefan
1 January 2019, 22:32

Thx Spanjaard, today I masked the canopy and primed the Spitfire. Cheers Stefan
4 January 2019, 20:27

Hallo mates, here are the next pic´s. I continued to paint the Spitfire and the flight-office. After a small mistake I have to rework the primer on the flight office again. Cheers Stefan
7 January 2019, 22:24

Hi mates, today I continued with the painting of the flight-office. Cheers Stefan
8 January 2019, 22:52

Hi Daniel and Tom, thank you for your very kind comments. Cheers Stefan
9 January 2019, 12:20

Hallo mates, Here is a little update. I airbrushed the camouflage freehand. When the paint dried, I'll fix it a little bit and paint the underside. Cheers Stefan
10 January 2019, 22:17

This is some fantastic scratchbuilding there Stefan, very nice! Nice spit too 👍
11 January 2019, 08:27

Stefan it looks amazing. I don't know what I like more, Spitfire is perfect but the building is unbelievable👍.
11 January 2019, 12:40

Thanks Alexander and David, I'm glad you like it and thx for your very kind comment. Today I continued the work at the base. First I painted the concrete with the airbrush gray, then I washed the area with black and brown acrylic paint. After that I drybrushed the surface with oil paints and applied the and the joints painted with a pencil. Next I used up pigments as earth. Cheers Stefan
13 January 2019, 00:36

I really like the way it i all coming together and going from "material" to "model". Keep up the good work. This is a GREAT project.
13 January 2019, 19:21

Thanks Mac, for the motivation 🙂. Today I washed the concrete again with oil paint and airbrushed the flight-office in a lighter green, because I try to make the next step only when I'm satisfied with the last one. Now I continue with the detail painting of the flight-office. Cheers Stefan
14 January 2019, 21:56

Thanks Cuajete, here is the next little up-date. I glued the base in the plywood frame and applied the grass. Cheers Stefan
17 January 2019, 00:07

Hi mates, today I painted the roof with acrylics. Cheers Stefan
17 January 2019, 22:59

Hallo mates, today I washed the front with acrylics and painted details. Cheers Stefan
21 January 2019, 22:43

Hi mates, here are the next pictures. The frames and the last details are painted and I applied a washing with oil paints. The next step is to mask and paint the windows. Cheers Stefan
23 January 2019, 22:47

Da hänge ich mich mal gerne dran Stefan 🙂 Die gewaschene Hauswand kommt gut
24 January 2019, 11:18

Thank you very much Flop_Se, Lukasz and Tom for your kind comments.
24 January 2019, 18:41

Hi mates, here is a little up-date. Today I masked and painted the windows of the flight-office. Cheers Stefan
2 February 2019, 00:05

Thx Christian, here are the next pictures. The first attempt did not work 🙁. So I did not mask the windows individually in the second try. I cut the tape in strips and painted the frames in two steps. Now you can see the result of the third attempt 🙂. Cheers Stefan
5 February 2019, 21:40

Hi mates, today most of the work at the flight-office is done 🙂. Now go on with the Spitfire. Cheers Stefan
8 February 2019, 21:57

Fantastic Stefan👍 your skills with evergreen and stuff is most impressive!
This is 72 scale ..unbelievable
8 February 2019, 22:18

Hi mates, here is a little update. I continued to paint the Spitfire. Cheers Stefan
14 February 2019, 23:58

Super subject Stefan. Over here in Blighty I'm building the same 'fix Spit (latest tool) and 1980's tool to compare. How was the wing to fuselage assembly?, any issues?
2 October 2019, 20:51