Marder meets Leo
Photo 1 of 20
113 24 March 2019, 10:57

very realistic, initially I had to do a double take as I thought they were the real thing! great modelling 🙂
24 March 2019, 18:11

schön geworden; vor allem dein "In Szene" setzen ist immer ein Augenschmaus! 🙂
24 March 2019, 21:55

Another stunning build and photos. It's always a pleasure to see your work, Neuling!
24 March 2019, 22:24

Thank you mates! Auch Herr Schirrmeister Kirschbaum war mit dem Zustand der Panzer zufrieden!
25 March 2019, 15:10

Geht noch sauberer 😉. Hast du die Tarnung gepinselt? Schaut irgendwie so aus 😉
25 March 2019, 22:03

Das dio ist ja von 1992! Ich hätte gedacht das sind neue werke! 😉 hast du nichts neues in Arbeit! 😉
25 March 2019, 22:08

Jawoll Herr Schirrmeister! Thomas, Dein geschultes Bastlerauge hat die Pinselstriche gesehen. Tatsächlich kann meinen Projektbeschreibungen entnommen werden, daß ein Teil der von mir gezeigten Dioramen schon einige Jahre auf dem Buckel hat. Die Möglichkeit, sie einem fachkundigen Publikum zu zeigen, habe ich erst jetzt wahrgenommen. Zur Zeit arbeite ich an einem Dragon-Bausatz (Mehrfachraketenwerfer MLRS), der für sein Alter (1992) gar nicht so schlecht ist.
26 March 2019, 09:23

Mir geht es genauso. Endlich ein Publikum welches die Arbeit erkennt und honoriert. Wie DU schon gesehen hast habe ich auch schon "Viel" zusammengebaut; Wird aber erst präsentiert nach den "Verbesserungen! 😉 Nochmal zu der Pinselbemalung. Die ist voll in Ordnung, da Sie nicht realitätsfremd ist. 🙂 Grüße aus Ingolstadt
26 March 2019, 16:10

Another project with all the qualities we came to appreciate from you.
19 February 2023, 15:19

Looks great, both vehicles and crew. You really made that Italeri molding shine though!
19 February 2023, 19:03

Super gemacht! I truly appreciate the grubby paint/weathering and the way the figures are interacting in this scene instead of just plastic stuck in a vehicle. Very convincing! 👌🏼
23 February 2023, 08:54

Sehr schön in Szene gesetzt und ausserdem der Beweis, dass man keine neuen und übertechnisierten Bausätze braucht, um stimmungsvollen und guten Modellbau zu betreiben!
Very nicely staged and besides the proof that you don't need new and over-engineered kits to do atmospheric and good modeling!
23 February 2023, 13:26

Thank you mates! - Markus Antonius, als ich das Diorama gebaut habe waren die verwendeten Bausätze auf der Höhe der Zeit. Einige dieser Oldies schlummern bei mir noch im Regal ......... when I built the diorama the kits used were up to date. Some of these oldies are still lying dormant on my shelf .............
25 February 2023, 10:48

Hello Neuling!
Very cool browsing through your albums after a long break - I start with a comment on this one - already the thumbnails show the unmistakable handwriting... All the clues are there and particularly the thumbs really look like real-deal pics from a military magazine - esp. the series from 15-19. Particularly nice "European theater" choice of light conditions too 😉
I really like the approach where through "nothing particularly shiny/spectacular" in terms of singled-out in-focus details or special highlights, but sheer consistency you can achieve such a convincing result 👍
Just by chance - any changes/new discoveries in the photography department?
17 March 2023, 19:18

Thanks a lot Slavo! I always liked to read your comments on any album of any author here on scalemates. - I used to take my pictures with a Panasonic DMC-FX01. Meanwhile I own a Sony DSC-WX500 which features a movable monitor adjustable to an easy view angle (important for close up pictures). My latest albums were shot with the Sony camera. As my pictures are taken in my garden, I have to make neighboring (garden) houses invisible with a little help from a friend named Adobe Photoshop. I´m just about to pimp up old albums with better pictures taken with my Sony.
19 March 2023, 11:09

Absolutely stunning. So realistic, for a minute I thought these were photos of the real thing. And I cannot believe these are the old Tamiya and Italeri kits. Just goes to prove that the skills are in the painting and finish, not the small details in isolation. My favourite Leopard version with that lovely upright turret.
9 April 2023, 08:35

Thanks a lot Stephen, also for the many kind likes! Much appreciated!
11 April 2023, 08:15

Definitely worth a bump. I thought initially you were going to replicate the actual photo. Then I realised these were the models. Incredibly realistic .. totally in awe of those skills.
7 May 2023, 08:16

Out of curiosity, did you build these two models out of the box or with modifications? Apparently a lot of people complain about the Italeri tracks for the Leopard. However, a lot of people just like to complain...
8 May 2023, 13:15

Stephen, these models were built out of the box, no aftermarket product used. I only scratchbuilt some minor details, for example the camouflage net on the Marder. I don´t remember any issues with the Leopard track.
9 May 2023, 05:50

Thank you Holger for the kind like, nice to see you back here on scalemates!
9 June 2023, 16:35

Completely fooled by the teaser pic. Another stunning build Neuling, I think its the lighting that makes it look sooooooo real. Do you photograph the dio outside near a forest or something?
9 June 2023, 22:12

Thank you Jennifer and Mr James for having a look at my albums! - Mr James, I take most of the pictures in my garden overlooking my hometown Regensburg in open daylight.
18 June 2023, 09:50