Sturmgeschütz III Ausf.GZobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam 1February 5, 2020 2February 5, 2020 3February 5, 2020 4February 5, 2020 5February 5, 2020 Komentáře 1 5 February 2020, 01:05jhull123Nice build! Love the junk in the trunk!! 5 February 2020, 01:30TomGreat build! 5 February 2020, 01:58Alberto Traverso Autorthanks very much 5 February 2020, 02:01NeulingTop work! Zimmerit layer looks very realistic. 6 February 2020, 17:15Alberto Traverso Autorthanks. zimmerit is ATAK. 7 February 2020, 00:02Rui SGreat work 👍 8 February 2020, 23:35Scott DuttonNice, interesting to see zimmerit not in all the same direction, makes for an interesting first look 8 February 2020, 23:37Randomhero66122Well done! Looks awesome. 9 February 2020, 00:09Alberto Traverso Autorthanks a lot 9 February 2020, 00:18Project infoSturmgeschütz III Ausf.G5 obrázky1:35Dokončeno4+StuG. III Ausf. G (early) Wehrmacht Heer (German Army 1935-1945)StuG.Brig. 2371943 World War 2 RAL7028 Dark Yellow RAL8017 Red Brown Všechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »