HMS Hood 1:200
Photo 1 of 315
106 21 February 2020, 22:06

A standard that is second to none. 👍
So nice to zoom in on after I have copied it. 😉
I love it. 😉
22 February 2020, 01:00

Nathan, Spanjaard, James, thanks for your kind comments
22 February 2020, 22:33

Kerry, nice you like it, even after zooming in on all the faults one sees when zooming
22 February 2020, 22:34

Zooms are the fun part, as it reveals ALL what you do and how well you do it. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍
22 February 2020, 23:39

James, I'm pleased myself with the result of the hull painting and weathering. I brakes the 'flat' grey color and add realism to the model. Superstructure will take some time before I get to painting 🙂. And I'll add a crew, since the result with the Rodney was for many an eyecathcher, including myself
26 February 2020, 22:14

Cheers Lode, Great looking pom-poms, I like the weathering approach with mostly shading but in this case refraining from too much/browns/rusts - goes well with the "freshly finished for it´s sea burial" paint on the real ship and - while I really like worn paint & weather-punished ships (some really cool references appear to exist for some of the the KGV-class ships, would love to see that done in big scale... 🙂 ), for the Hood, decent is the way 👍
I also like the riveting job on the 4" AA´s - all just blending in to a really nice overall image 👍
4 March 2020, 11:43

just learned about the 2-pdr that the tips were of another material... and that in different variations...
Nice work by the way on these guns...
4 March 2020, 11:58

It seems I was waiting on the old deleted album and somehow didn't register for this new one 🙁
Luckily I found it!
Lode, the Flemish Friend, strikes again. I have no more superlatives to add to your build(s). Funny thing is, you keep improving 😄 So how does one comment on an improved build, while the previous one was already labeled a masterpiece??
Back to the old "well done Lode!" 😉
4 March 2020, 11:58

Slavo, as you've noticed, I'm less present @Scalemates, reason why I saw just know your comment. I tried not exaggerate too much, since she was freshly paint at her loss. And I had to try out new techniques to have a realistic look, there she was paint in just one color. I intend to do a paint & weather ship with HMS Nelson (also very nice photos on that one. Thank you for such a nice comment
4 March 2020, 21:39

Bart, I've now build enough pompoms and read enough documentation to make them realistic. Thanks for liking those
4 March 2020, 21:41

Martin, my Dutch friend. I hope the search was worth the effort 😉 You know I to strive to improve on each build. Well, this one is a real challenge. "Well done, Lode" suits me fine as a compliment 🙂 Thank you for that, mate
4 March 2020, 21:48

ABANDON SHIP. !!!! The ship is sinking from too much brass that has made her top heavy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!
Only kidding mate. 😉
Exceptional in every way Lode. I love it. 😉 👍
4 March 2020, 21:59

And a bit of progress, sanding, sanding and PE. A turret finished with the roundel (Thank you HMS Hood Association for your well documented site)
12 March 2020, 21:22

Kerr, but of course. Already done the portholes in the hull (maybe visible enough in photo 106). Why do you think I cut all that plastic for? Micro Krystal clear diluted with a bit of water gives a realistic effect of glazing
13 March 2020, 06:21

The forward superstructure is coming to life really nicely 👍 I particularly like the epic observation & fire control positions.
Looking forward to those portholes! The metal rings already look awesome, this will be the icing on the cake! I just hope your material is better than my Humbrol clear, which looks great when applied, but dries & shrinks to a sorry mass best described as "dried dropped snake-skin"... 🙂
+ do you know when your title photo was taken - there the Hull shows a lot of wear, is that the state right before the final re-paint?
13 March 2020, 07:29

Kerry, I've had good experiences with micro krystal klear. id did the glazing of the walrus on Rodney with it. Good result and stable. No dried dropped snakeskin, as Slavo put's it so nice.
Slavo, more details to come. Portholes are nice detailed. With a bit of preshading , on can attend a nice result.
As for your question, according the results I find and the detailing on the ship, it must have been 31 -32 (looking at the foremast)
13 March 2020, 08:06

I'm riding the bus while checking your pictures. It's hard not to drool, but I might get Corona kicked off the bus if I do 😉
I like the aim assist on top of the turret 😄
13 March 2020, 08:59

Martin, I hope you had a cool bus ride. No need to drool, mate. LOL, it did look as an aim assist on turret A. Nobody knows why the roundel was on turret A in 41
14 March 2020, 21:35

It must have been directive RN36B18a2: A roundel will be painted on the forward most turret on the main deck. The size of the roundel shall be 85% of the width of the turret, or 80% the length of the turret, whichever is the shortest length.
15 March 2020, 08:23

@ Roundel - looks cool on the model, but I can't imagine this (particularly the all-dark 3-color combination with the base grey) would work in wartime/North Atlantic conditions... The Italian red-white stripes show on 25% of the ship maybe could, but a "small dark dot"? The crew of the Sheffield could probably testify how well "air recognition" worked... 🙂
But on the "small" HOOD, it's surely a welcome addition 👍
15 March 2020, 08:52

Thanks for the lesson, Martin. Didn't find that on HMS Hood Association. If I am informed correctly, it appeared the first time during the Spanish civil war as neutrality marks
LOL, Slavo. Yeah HMS Sheffield looked really as a German cruiser...
The roundel is historical, so I had to put it on the turret. I faded the color with some self made grey filter
15 March 2020, 21:53

Thank you Kerry. The second one is better. Believe me, fragile stuff that takes a whole evening to assemble. I had to make some corrections though after I finished the second one. The first one is now slightly better
18 March 2020, 06:09

You do know I made up that directive, right?
Funnels look gorgeous 👍
18 March 2020, 07:16

I can imagine this took time! Time putting it together & time looking happily at the beautiful results 👍😉
18 March 2020, 08:25

Spanjaard, Martin had me too. Slavo, it gives satisfaction when it's done, not for its looks, just because it is done, ???? Urban, this kit is a lot of brass and a few pieces of plastic
18 March 2020, 22:32

Well, you don't get much use of the majority of the kit parts so that way it's an expensive kit!
18 March 2020, 22:46

Urban, ships in 1/200 are, but when I divide the prince by the number of hours spent, it becomes cheap 😉
21 March 2020, 16:53

Well, mates, the bridge is a RPIA, but at the end, the dryfitting came out pretty well
21 March 2020, 16:53

That's how I count as well. Our hobby beats just about any hobby there is when it comes to hour per money invested in the build. What's expensive is the stash itself but not the projects.
21 March 2020, 18:07

But what I meant with it being expensive is that you exchange most of the kit parts with after market...
21 March 2020, 18:09

looking good Lode making the brass work good,hats off to Pontos designers
21 March 2020, 18:55

Among other things, I really admire how clean your builds look like unpainted. My work-in-progress stuff is a hopeless ugly mass blend of plastic, filler, CA, smears of colors & stuff. On your builds, there is no trace of any glue, not even of a tool touching the metal 👍 Unless you paint the PE parts over with "PE- brass" before taking pictures...!😉
21 March 2020, 23:05

Pretty sure he's been taking Harry Potter lessons Slavo. "Expecto Cryo"!
22 March 2020, 01:36

Urban, David, Peter, Slavo, thanks mates for the encouraging kind words
22 March 2020, 17:20

@Slavo, hardly to imagine your WIP is an ugly mass blend of all things, seeing the crisp projects you make. Paint it in brass would be too much effort, just for a photo. It's practice, practice and more practice
@Peter, I tought that spell @ Harry Potter, not otherwise
22 March 2020, 17:26

Lode , I've seen your work before and I see it now and you continue to fascinate me with your skills, patience and dedication to your builds. Keep it up mate!
28 March 2020, 01:53

Tim, thanks mate. Well, I just enjoy the PE (most of the time) because it really adds value to a build, especially shipbuilding.
28 March 2020, 19:58

Lode. Can you 'box' a compass. ? 🙂 👍
28 March 2020, 20:26

He was The of course. Can I box a compass, hahahaha. On what scale, Kerry? I admit, I wouldn't have understood it without the link
28 March 2020, 22:16

That was the very first thing I was taught when I went to sea at 15. 🙂 ALL good sailors can box a compass we were taught. 😉 Look out for the lubbers line too. 😉
28 March 2020, 22:50

I half-expect Lode to add an actually working 1/200 Compass to this one - With these Jedi metal-bending powers it must be possible!😉
29 March 2020, 08:10

Slavo, my dear mate, you're expecting too much. Well, after a weekend of metal-bending powers, I finally got the pelorus sights, searchlight sights, ALO and ADO done.
29 March 2020, 17:41

Lode, forgive me showing off with the nautical terminology, but for a builder of so many fine examples of the worlds navies, I just had to test your knowledge. (The devil made me do it. !) hehehehehe
😉 👍.
29 March 2020, 21:04

Martin, Kerry, you've plenty ideas...It would be great to copy your inclinometers, compass. You've a lot to learn me 🙂
Kidding. The details the makers of Pontos put in this set are awesome, but difficult. It's an experience not to repeat a second time, believe me
30 March 2020, 21:27

Spanjaard, the curses and spells are the common things through my builds. The things you call magic
3 April 2020, 16:09

Never did the tortures & rewards of our hobby get a better summary presentation than in pic 137 of this thread...!
Lode - we see the parts & the model, but we never see any tools in the backgrounds & corners of the pictures... I really believe telekinesis & power of the mind is at work here...😉
3 April 2020, 19:26

Hahahaha, believe. I've all torture tools one requires. But I always clean up my desk at the end of a building session. Yeah, I guess picture 137 shows the result of the torture sessions. But I know what price lies behind the efforts, once painted, washed and drybrushed. The satisfaction of awesome detailed pieces bringing this ship to the beauty she was. Previously, I did battleship closer to WWII with 'easier' superstructures. HMS Hood was between the dreadnaught era and the modern battleships, which is much more complicated. But mate, what an enjoyable build. And I've already new techniques in mind for the next one
3 April 2020, 21:22

Excuse me while I look for my jaw on the floor around here somewhere. Lode? You are magnificent!
3 April 2020, 23:16

You mean you've still got more tricks up your sleeve? I'd have thought you've extinguished every trick by now!
3 April 2020, 23:25

@Peter, did you find your jaw back? Thanks mate for the compliment
@Tim, yet a lot to learn. So the next one, I wanna try other techniques
@Jay, thank you for liking
5 April 2020, 18:05

Nope! Still stunned Lode and I am not exaggerating. Just blown away with everything!
5 April 2020, 21:47

137, oh yes, were you had your walking stick stick next to those nice 1/12 metal models.... strange that it has the shape of a toothpick.....
5 April 2020, 22:17

I got finally the brakewaters assembled. And primed. Next stage, painting, washes and weathering. A bit of rust seams appropriate
8 April 2020, 19:52

Lode, It's looking real good! I just don't get why you painted a bulls eye on the turret! LOL
9 April 2020, 01:52

Thanks Tom. And LOL. The bulls eye seemed to be on the A-turret as a recognition for planes indeed. But it is historical,and I intend to make her as accurate as possible
9 April 2020, 20:46

Aft construction almost done. And a some small parts finished
12 April 2020, 17:54

Peter, a lot of documentation and research 🙂
Martin, you know me hey. Always trying to improve for more realism
Greg, my mate, thank you. I can almost here the intonation in that sentence
Well, a bit of vacation now, so I hope to do some progress. The bridge is very tricky to paint and reassemble. Keep your fingers crossed mates. It will make nail or fail this build
14 April 2020, 20:34

Slavo, you didn't lose the bet, but some small repairs to do. ANd than for the second nail it or fail it part on the forward structure, the mast.
16 April 2020, 15:23

Lode, we're here if you need a shoulder to cry on? Poppycock! You'll nail it!
16 April 2020, 20:13

Thanks Tim, good to know I've shoulders cry on. I nailed it, but believe me, to assemble the parts was a clusterfuck. The assembly itself is not the difficulty, but some parts had to be painted first before assembling them. Not possible to paint it afterwards. But I'm very glad I nailed this one. Now the last real difficult part before the rigging in a few months
16 April 2020, 20:33

Tim, thanks mate. The foremast dryfitted, and yet still not complete. A fck PE monster. So, I did some binocular stands, just for fun and to do something else
Martin, far from it, but she's starting to look as a ship
20 April 2020, 21:38

The binoculars look spectacular with the blue glazing! 👍 But first and foremost, the juggernaut mast & observation posts look really impressive and - how else - flawless in execution 🙂
20 April 2020, 21:48

I would venture to say that if one ran his finger along any surface of this HOOD, and then put that finger on the tip of a tongue, there would be the taste of sea salt. 👍
So realistic Lode. 😉
Will there be sea gull droppings too. ? hehehehehehehe \Love your work mate. 🙂
20 April 2020, 22:56

As long as the Bismarck ain't around It's all good! I can only imagine Lodes basement at night! LOL
21 April 2020, 02:56

Slavo, thank you for your nice compliment. Less flawless than you think but flawless enough 🙂
Peter, nice to hear I gave you a good morning feeling
Kerry, good idea to add real sea salt on the Hood, lol. As for the sea gulls, my marines are allowed to shoot them off
Greg, thank you, my friend. It is a big complex thing for sure
Tim, Bismarck is in the stash, but not allowed r the naval wharf yet
21 April 2020, 15:49

All looking great and stylish now in grey! The glass also came out fine, looking pretty real 👍 Is there more laser-cut wood coming or did the Hood have other materials/colors on the superstructure decks?
The Bismarck being what it is will certainly try to sneak out to open waters at some point, but no worries, the Royal Navy will sort things eventually...😉
25 April 2020, 17:19

Slavo, no more wood. The lower decks were in corticene et upper decks in anti slip grey. The corticene is faded and a bit dulled. It does come pretty good out, but had quite frankly a though job to got the foremast straight. So for the colors, I will have to play with fading and subtle weathering
Greg, every type of modelling is different 😉There is plenty other stuff to do, such as Tintin, Australian trucks and so on. Thanks for the compliment, buddy
26 April 2020, 16:05

Started to add details on the main bridge. And weathered the funnels with streaks of the smoke coming down
26 April 2020, 16:09

That grey is freaky, depending on the light. One picture it's light grey, another dark grey. Lode invented colourshifting camo paint!
Very nice work as always my Flemish friend 👍
26 April 2020, 17:27

Martin, if that is the impression you have, than the paintwork is accomplished. it is exactly what I see with my own eyes. Just a matter of point of view and the natural light does change the effect.
Thanks Tim, still a lot to weather though
26 April 2020, 18:54

As you say Tim. So far good. But not a build to repeat. I've never experienced such a difficult build. I learn a lot tough
26 April 2020, 21:08

I was amazed when I saw your Warspite. Howe was better, Rodney was supreme, and you are still learning??
26 April 2020, 21:29

Martin, so much to learn Salt techniques, chipping, dioramas. Not done exploring and learning, mate
26 April 2020, 22:17

Thank you Peter. I tried to simulate a smoke / water effect on the funnels with some washes. Happy about the result
27 April 2020, 07:32

Painting is nice. The wood seating of the small one seems very fragile, can the seams be fixed with wood glue?
30 April 2020, 16:23

did youy delete your album by accident? (if so I'll restore it.... or is this a bug?)
10 May 2020, 20:30

I don't know. I've the impression it's a bug, but I would be glad if the album would be restored. If not, I've to upload all the photos again. I didn't press on delete
10 May 2020, 20:38

Lode, your work is master class for sure. I don't know how I missed the startup of this beauty.
10 May 2020, 21:12

I can only agree with all your friends comments and compliments. 👍
Outstanding and wonderful work on all aspects of your builds Lode. 😉
10 May 2020, 22:27

Lode must've breached the quality controls... too high and the safety measures automatically delete the album. Can't have mortals staring directly into the face of the divine... 🙂
10 May 2020, 23:34

Lode every Monday morning you manage to make me marvel at the results of your weekend's labours. I have used all of my superlatives, so I won't wax lyrical yet again. Pete
11 May 2020, 00:02

Chris, thank you. You're not too late to be part of this journey. It will sure take some time
Martin, Kerry, I do consider each of the boats as a little project within the project. And each project has a begin and ending. Kerry, I do my best, hey.
Greg, I think Tim of SCM deleted because of the volume of the album 😉, not of breaching quality controls. In that case, the bunch would have a lot of deleted albums. I am just a mortal fellow who likes to build ships and tries to learn, no more, no less
Peter, thank my dear friend. It's more the labour of past week I post, not only the weekend. I can't build that fast 🙂
@all, thank you for your comments. They are encouraging
11 May 2020, 20:13

Spanjaard, thank you for your nice words. Pity it is no surprise anymore. You guys expect way too much from my builds. The quality of my builds ain't higher than yours, it's just different
13 May 2020, 07:49

Great looking small boat festival 👍 Sea-life is not only returning to Venice, but also to the HOOD´s deck!😉
13 May 2020, 13:41

Lode, we don't expect that much. We just marvel at what you accomplish and are just amazed. Just when we've seen the best you pull another rabbit out of your hat!
13 May 2020, 20:37

Great Lode!
That life boats are like brillant Builts by themselves! 👍
13 May 2020, 21:02

Slavo, Hood is indeed a small boat festival. 15 boats in total . Well, Scalemates, they are done. I kept the best ones (IMHO) till the end. I wanted to be sure with the other ones before assembly.
Well Tim, as said to Slavo, I kept 2 bunnies in the hat till now 😉
13 May 2020, 21:10

Daniel, thank you for your fine comment. I did enjoy (most of the time) the boats. Each of all different and a little project in the big project.
13 May 2020, 22:20

Are you going to make a couple of painters and have them curled up on the fore deck of each launch. ? 😉 hehehehehehehe 🙂 👍
13 May 2020, 23:38

Chris, it was indeed a load of work.
Now Kerry, that might be an idea...
Greg, you saw a white rabbit?
14 May 2020, 21:28

Question Lode being the PE King which method do you use to remove your PE from the fret.
16 May 2020, 19:44

I suspect Lode has mental powers because today I found myself looking up the timeline for a 1/720 scale USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier... why? Why would I be doing that?😉
17 May 2020, 11:31

David, my method is quite simple. A cutting mat and I use scalpels n°11 (I buy them at the local pharmacie. Far more better than the scalpels for modelling as excel knives and about 5 times cheaper) After cutting, sanding the to eliminate the burrs
So Greg, Martin, no special skills here.
Greg, either you want to do a warship, either you've been to long in lockdown 😉
17 May 2020, 21:08

That is one word I will be glad to never hear again................."LOCKDOWN." !!!
I have had 12 weeks of 'isolation', hardly getting as far as the footpath on my 'daily walk'.
My modelling has saved me from going totally off the twig. !
17 May 2020, 22:21

Kerry, I will be glad to scrap that word from the dictionary. Fortunately, I had the luck to continu to work on site most of the time. The spare time went to modelling to keep my mental health safe.
18 May 2020, 05:09

Lode. My 'isolation' is just becoming a pain in the patoot, but, modelling has saved me, and no doubt, all others here. 😉
18 May 2020, 05:12

Lode,thanks its the method I use.Just thought you might have a better method.Ordered a set of scissors from Italeri to try,will let you know.
18 May 2020, 14:50

David, you're welcome. I'm looking forward to your feedback regarding the Italieri scissors
19 May 2020, 05:00

Dank je wel Günther. De stapels PE (18 vellen dus) en details gaan natuurlijk hand in hand
19 May 2020, 05:00

Jim, just a few ladders to install, but done except the rigging
5 June 2020, 07:31

Will you be doing HMS Repulse next Lode.Before her refit she looked very close to the Hood.
5 June 2020, 17:07

Fantastic Lode. Also just noticed the transparent glass windows amongst other things. Awesome 👍
5 June 2020, 18:39

"Started some detailling" Yeah right. 😄
This whole build is detailing to the max Lode. And you are very very good at it (saving some superlatives for later when needed)
6 June 2020, 12:33

The top platform with all the binoculars & equipment looks fabulous 👍 + very nice job on the heraldry piece!
7 June 2020, 07:58

Michael, Tim, thank you for your nice comment, mates.
David, Repulse is in my stash, but I haven't got any idea when starting that build. Probably when I am redoing the PoW
Jim, only noticable in the detailed photos. Glad you saw the glazing. It is done allover, even the portholes
Martin, I meant that now all the tiny bits and pieces are coming up (hatches, bollards, reels,...) but I agree that Pontos made this an awesome detailed PE monster
Slavo, the bridge and top platform are quite equipped in this kit, and I still have to add some parts,....and figures. On the other hand, the heraldry piece is not as I wanted, but to small in this scale to implement all colours.
Many thanks to all you guys for this heartwarming comments
7 June 2020, 19:33

Details, details and some more. It appears there is no ending is this kit
9 June 2020, 20:58

Martin, it surely does look nice, but even I want to do another kit from time to time, LOL
10 June 2020, 08:21

Well, the mine-sweeping pig next to the turret definitely looks like a kit of it´s own... 👍 I also remember seeing a Tiger (not HMS Tiger 🙂 ) next to the HOOD in it´s early days...
10 June 2020, 10:28

Nice work on all the stowage lockers and reels etc. You can really appreciate how small all these items really are in the zoomed out pictures and equally appreciate the detail work on the close ups 👍 BTW, what is the function of all the assorted reels?
10 June 2020, 19:43

Slavo, you remembered well I started a landbattleship in the early days...well, there are a lot of kits of it's own in this build. Lucky me, I didn't buy one kit, a bought dozens, lol. To do you pleasure, I insert temporarely some pictures if that beast on this album
James, that is really a nice comment. If even zoomed out the pictures show detailed work and being appreciated, than I am a very happy builder. Most of the reels are rope reels, but there a are real shipmates here who can better answer to this question, and learn it to me too
10 June 2020, 20:43

By themselves, the small individual items don't look like much, but collectively, and once finally positioned really just adds to the overall build and is fascinating to watch it slowly come together piece by piece. 👍
I wonder if the reels have something to do with storing the assorted lines for hanging the pendants when not in use?
10 June 2020, 21:02

I agree on that James. I noticed that on my previous build. A deck was full of small details and without looks oddly empty. Put on a dental stick, they are just detailed pieces without purpose, but once installed, they make a ship coming to life. BTW, I hope you like my progress on the Tiger I. I'll put those pics in a specific album 😉
10 June 2020, 21:14

I wondered what had happened to your Tiger build. Looks awesome mate but deserves it's own album😉👍
11 June 2020, 19:56

And some progress on the bow section and upper deck with hatches, sky lights, reels,...
30 June 2020, 20:15

Peter, thank you. I was quite of them too. First time they came out as wished
Tim, fascinating because the progress is so slow 😉
1 July 2020, 20:04

208 images and counting documenting the fascinating process of constructing this fabulous build, and still going... That's dedication! Looking amazing Lode👍
1 July 2020, 20:57

Glad you like the fascinating process and dedication. Much appreciated my friend
2 July 2020, 19:32

The mighty HOOD is living up more & more to it´s name with every step posted... 👍 Coming close to that magic moment when it stops looking like a work-in-progress model and starts getting almost indistinguishable to pictures of the real ship...
4 July 2020, 14:48

Slavo, you describe perfectly the feeling of thta point were a model turns from a build to an almost finished model. It is indeed the magical moment when it comes to live. When the last ladders, railings are added and the figures man her, she becomes a story. What you see now is the cover. Thank you for capting that moment
4 July 2020, 21:00

Peter, what can a modeller expect more than big thumbs up. Thx, my friend
7 July 2020, 09:53

I don't even know what those are, but it sounds impressive. I was thinking about you yesterday when I bought my very first ship (well, first one that I don't intend to cut up, put wings/wheels/flappers on, etc.). It's a Hasegawa 1/700 u-boat, and I actually plan to build it as a uboat... and I'm looking for a 1/700 Fletcher-class Destroyer too...😉
14 July 2020, 23:56

Looks like a simple PE bent wall, but then you have all those triangular reinforcements... The Devil in detail... will look great when done!
15 July 2020, 08:01

Greg, finally convinced??? Just kidding, if you've a Uboat and destroyer, it sounds like you've a story in mind waiting to be told. You've all the skills to make these models
15 July 2020, 20:18

Slavo, you've a very keen eye to detail. The bending is only difficult because of the angles and to get them exact, but the difficulty are indeed the triangular reinforcements. Count about 15 till 20 per splinter shield, all of them to put straight without glue traces. As in the Right Stuff said by Chuck Yeager, I'm chasing the Devil out there
15 July 2020, 20:21

Thank you, Nathan . Greg, since a few months on my list, but not yet in the theaters here 🙁, so I don't know...
16 July 2020, 05:16

It was supposed to be in theatres, but was released a few days ago on Apple TV instead. I've watched it twice already and quite liked it. It's a very tight movie... almost like a one-man show... with no fluff. I suspect scale model builders will appreciate it's authenticity, but the unwashed masses will probably wish for more of a face was put on the conflict. Tom Hanks commands a Fletcher class Destroyer and three escort ships (two British Destroyers and a Canadian Corvette) in defence of a North Atlantic convoy against German U-boats... that's the movie... no musical interlude necessary.
16 July 2020, 07:33

You're doing a beautiful job Lode. The weathering is consistent, gluework impeccable. You must have been a master shipbuilder at John Brown in a previous life.
18 July 2020, 09:18

so trained the spiders that usually do the rigging, to also do the welding of PE? because there is no glue to be seen there....
18 July 2020, 23:50

And the beautiful woodwork is done by carpenter ants!, but they're easy to spot because of toolbelts they wear!
19 July 2020, 21:02

James, thank you my friend. That is a huge compliment you're giving.
Martin, well, if I believed in reincarnation, I surely must have a connection with the sea 😉. You know, my parents bought me a flower class when I was 11 or 12. It must have been a Matchbox kit, I stopped because I didn't knew how to build it. So far for the master shipbuilder.
Spanjaard, Steven, Tim, my dwarfs would be insulted if they knew you called them spiders, but they reply extremely well to the given instructions
21 July 2020, 20:48

Ah, I love me a nice, big ship model! Lode, this is incredible work. I think we can all appreciate the long-term dedication it takes to bring one of these kits to life, as you have. Bravo!
21 July 2020, 21:35

Gary, such a compliment given by a builder who has done the USS Constitution, is top notch. I never tried a sailing ship, and regarding your accomplishment, you're a true ship builder. Surely you know what a long-term dedication means. Thank you for nice comment on my work
21 July 2020, 21:46

Added the ladders and railings on the main bridge. She's coming to the end stage, bit by bit
2 August 2020, 19:09

Steady becoming a complete masterpiece. I hope I have a chance to admire her in person.....
2 August 2020, 19:31

The railings look perfect Lode. I also like the subtle weathering and discoloring that you've applied to the funnel, lower hull and anti-fouling/boot line. Looking outstanding. 👍👍👍
2 August 2020, 20:17

You bring the biggest smile to my face every time I open your pages Lode. As having tried but a couple of times to tackle the ship building side of me, I am in awe of your skills, patience and dedication to your work. 👍
Salute the master. 👍 👍 👍 😉
2 August 2020, 20:48

I just love how it dwarfs the cutting mat. Lode, do you also make your own display covers? Also do you find that the hull is flat enough where you can work on it like that without a wooden building board?
3 August 2020, 20:26

Spanjaard, thank you for your so nice compliment. Well, she will only make one journey to Affligem in october 2021. She is a way to fragile to do more voyages.
James, Kerry, my friends, what to reply to your likes. I admit that the weathering and discoloring gave what I hoped for. It was the only way to bring this single colored ship to life. Almost all details are now on the ship. Next stages the f**king rigging (I don't know any shipbuilder who likes that process), main railings and figures and maybe the ship's mascot. Bringing the biggest smile is one of the greatest compliments a builder can get, Kerry. Thank you for that.
Tim, thanks for your steady following and compliments.
Gary, not figured out yet what display is going to cover this beast. Just ideas in my head. And yes, all battleships I've already build have a flat bottom hull. And a cutting mat turns easily to manipulate this big one.
What I didn't figure out yet, is an environment to take some decent pictures
4 August 2020, 21:25

i admire your modellings skills, but the fact that you actually dare to move those beauties out of home is also something to admire as well....i will need to set that in calendar then😉
4 August 2020, 22:15

How. Did. I. Not. See. This. Already! Was I in a coma?
Another exemplary build, Lode! I'm in awe as usual. Don't know how you do it, sir.
[Still can't believe I missed this build... WTH]
4 August 2020, 22:24

Lode it is with great joy to watch you build these beauties, but more of a joy watching your skills increase with each build, each year. You must get a gratifying feeling each time you find a new way with something you've improved on. Keep it up mate!
5 August 2020, 03:46

Railings all around & "a bit of rigging" and she should be ready for the final pictures trials 🙂 Looks finished, but I guess there is still a good number of working steps & sessions (careful look at the pics still shows a pin-hole or a space on deck where "something" is clearly bound to arrive, but now it is perhaps at least possible to judge their number... Unless you plan to add "life" & all the stuff going on on board like with the Rodney, I dare hope we get a final reveal soon... And I am really-really looking forward to that! 👍
5 August 2020, 07:43

Tom, there is so much nice work here on SCM, one can't see everything. Welcome on board of this journey
Tim, true that I try to improve on each build, which makes sometimes the choice harsh. There are a lot of photos of even more detailed ships, helping me in the search to improve and is what I try to implement in 1/200 scale models. I was thinking of the use of salt techniques on the Nelson, worn out at the end of the war.
Slavo, you've seen it well, I've still all the mushroom vents to do, the rafts, some small hatches to put in place,ladders, etc....and of course, figures to add life to the ship 🙂. So the final reveal will take some more time.
Michal, thank you. I hope by the end of Autumn to reveal the final product
5 August 2020, 19:07

Looking awesome. Your mention of rigging reminded me that I have a bunch of ratlines still to weave on my pirate ghost ship. Add that to the ever-growing list.
How much rigging is on one of these mid-century warships? I see in the photos a couple of halyards on the superstructure and radar mast. Is there much more? Are you running your rigging line over some beeswax before installation? What are you using for line? Kit supplied or a model shipways product?
One of my handiest rigging tools is a couple of sets of alligator forceps. I'm not sure of your exact application, but if your unfamiliar, look at a pic and you'll instantly know if you need a set.
I am really enjoying this build; I'm building vicariously though your album. I was looking at the 1:200 Missouri, and tallying up the score for all the aftermarket goodies. But with three teens still in the house it's all fantasy; I'll have to wait for college to reclaim a room to display it.
Have you ever donated any of your work to a museum? Because, you know, that's where it belongs.
6 August 2020, 01:19

Gary, I use rigging thread of Infini models. Applied with CA glue (just a tiny drop) and I use tweezers to put them in place. Thank you for enjoying the build 🙂. The Mighty Mo is in my stash, but it won't be the next project. Probably HMS Nelson in het BPF camo.
Never considered to donate my ships to a museum, except my own little warship museum 😉. Personally, I don't think it has that quality. I've seen better and worse.
8 August 2020, 20:45

Today, I put the last 2 boats in place. Tricky stuff and I ended a bit with mess. So be it. It was the best shot a could give. A bit of rust weathering to camouflage the faults and then see what it gives
8 August 2020, 20:50

The rigging on the davit looks great - where is this "mess" you speak of? Tell me, the boat on the deck, what's it's purpose? It looks a bit like a pleasure craft. Perhaps to shuttle the skipper to shore?
It all looks fantastic. In that last pic I've been groovin' on the trio of searchlights.
9 August 2020, 13:41

I have not been on this WIP for a while, so I have to study all the excellent effort you have made. Very very nice work my friend 👍
9 August 2020, 13:50

Thank you Gary. The rigging on the davits is all made of PE. I had an issue with on of the belts broken during installation, so I had to make some repairs which left glue spots 🙁. What boat are you referring to? There are 13 boats on the deck 🙂 The searchlight are a resin kit (within the Pontos set) They are very detailed. With the liquid chrome for the mirror it gives a nice effect indeed.
Christian, thank you for your nice comment. It's highly appreciated
11 August 2020, 05:08

There seems to be no end on these PE parts. Flag staffs prepared, as the 50ft beam on the port and star board sides
12 August 2020, 20:23

Lode: holy crap, I just noticed all the small craft in pic #228. I had no idea that these leviathans carried so many. I'll rescind the question in order to do my own research on what these were used for. They all look great btw.
So much PE, you must experience a little eye fatigue. What, if any, optical aids do you use? My paying job involves computers, so I wear a pair of Gunnar gaming glasses. I frequently reach for them when working with small bits. They provide a bit of relief from bright lighting and add a bit of magnification. Do you have any tips/tricks for working thru that much PE?
13 August 2020, 00:07

Gary, indeed a lot of small crafts. I'll come later to you with the answer on your first question. PE is indeed magnifiying glasses al the the time. Mine are from HBM, 1,0 to 3,5. Tips and tricks, mmm. Well, I consider them as small projects, each one on on their own. In a final stages, all of them come together in the master project.
25 August 2020, 21:23

Yes. Your so right Lode. 🙂
Each PE assembly can be called a 'Kit within a kit' add infinitum.
The most time consuming part of any project, no matter how proficient one becomes at the PE side of this hobby.
This is why Lode has got the reputation he has.
Big salute to those who get it right every time. 👍 👍 👍
25 August 2020, 23:24

Beautiful as always. I recently bought a 1/700 Fletcher-class Destroyer from Tamiya and had a moment where I considered getting a PE/resin upgrade set... "Lode makes it look so easy!"😉
26 August 2020, 13:37

Give in to it Greg.... I'm also busy learning to deal with these railings and supersmall details...
26 August 2020, 14:06

Kerry, you make me a bit shy with your most kind comment, and yet with a smile from one ear to the other. Thank you, my friend.
Greg, it looks only easy. Some parts are simple, other complex. Sometimes it fits like a glove, sometimes sweat and curses. But I don't need to convince you that what looks simple, it is often the fruit of many attempts. And sometimes, it is easy 😉
Bart, if they are supersmall, just need just Stronger magnifier glasses 🙂
26 August 2020, 18:31

Not for the moment yet. I've tried working with these and can't get used to it. So my still trusty eyeball is still up for the job, aided by some clear lights...
26 August 2020, 19:11

I love the angled on bow and stern shots.... really shows off the lines of this beauty quite well. Also, a great start I see on the rigging. 👍
17 September 2020, 19:20

Bart, keep those eyes.
James, thanks for liking my friend. On the other hand, it only appears a great start on the rigging. I had to deal with a lot of issues of parts coming off
18 September 2020, 16:20

All repaired my friend. Only the builder will see the damage done
18 September 2020, 23:18

Good to hear mate... I had feared that something catastrophic might have happened. 👍
19 September 2020, 06:10

I certainly would not be able to see any faults or lasting damage... I can imagine the work on the rigging & all being a challenge - the whole of the rigging really makes an important overall element in the ships appearance and scale-impression and the different aspects, tensions, sag and realistic appearance are not a trivial topic... But as ever, that casts no doubt on how the result will, in due time, be here!😉 👍
23 September 2020, 07:51

James, to be honest, it was catastrophical. Half the foremast to pieces. With lot of patience and time, I managed to restore most.
Slavo, fortunately, she's big enough to mask the faults ans damage 😉 Well, rigging isn't my favorite part of building, but I try always to go as far as I can. It is the only small part that completely alters the look from a build, to a realistic project. It always surprises me how it does change a ship. HMS Hood doesn't have the easiest rigging scheme, but the result is on its way. It is done for about 80% now. Photos will be posted shortly, mates
23 September 2020, 21:12

It's unfair of us to expect that every time you tackle some aspect of your ship builds that they will be perfect. :-/
We all know how good you are Lode and, how much effort you make to be as good as you can be. 👍
I just hope that your 'catastrophes' don't get to you and make you doubt yourself.
FYI......I still think there is no one better. 😉 👍
23 September 2020, 22:27

Kerry, that is a very nice comment. Thank you for the compliment, which I accept with great attitude, knowing your skills. The thing with PE, is that is rests fragile, even when it is put in place and for some activities, as there is rigging, one touches easily fragile parts. Well, it is part of shipbuilding 🙂
Thank you for considering me as a talented shipbuilder. very nice to hear, and you've met already some.
Tim, thanks mate
24 September 2020, 09:04

Lode, I beg to differ - I see no "catastrophe." I know the difficulty in midship rigging when all those port and starboard fiddly bits make it difficult to be comfortable when running a line. I doubt a skilled surgeon could've produced better results. It all looks perfect.
26 September 2020, 13:02

Gary, believe, they are there, but you can't see them in the photos. In the meantime, the rigging will be completed today (I hope) apart from some minor details I'll add on later. The result is satisfying, but not spectacular. I hope to add some pictures this evening or tomorrow.
28 September 2020, 09:12

And added some photos with the full rigging without the details though
28 September 2020, 21:14

I thought that the P/E work was intricate enough... but that rigging just adds another level of realism entirely.
Fantastic work mate, and great to see some more progress 👍
29 September 2020, 05:12

What a delight to see all that spider web work of yours Lode. You have got to be so satisfied with what you have achieved. 👍 👍 👍
29 September 2020, 10:20

It looks fantastic - In my humble opinion, consistency of the whole appearance is even more important than one spectacular detail that imbalances the build and scale-impression - and here we have a consistency on the level that visually practically matches the original - the rigging, ladders, scale thickness of elements & co - very, very pleasing to watch... 👍
Rest assured that if any fails may be instant eye-catchers to you as the builder, always looking at the known error (I know this feeling all too well 😄), for us, they remain far invisible in the labyrinth of shapes and details of this epic build... 👍
29 September 2020, 11:20

you may not consider it spectacular, but for most of us, is beyond words.
29 September 2020, 13:38

James, my friend, thank you for being so gentle and polite. PE is intricate, rigging less but more tricky. But it does add another level of realism. It always surprises me that just a few threads can give that effect.
Kerry, mate, it's my pleaure to share the delight with the bunch here. I am satisfied, however, she is not yet complete 😉
Slavo, you've the talent to synthesize in one comment the essence of shipbuilding. I'm very pleased with your comment and you should see the big smile on my face. If the watching pleases my friends, I've done a good job. Thank you
Spanjaard, a littlebit exagerated (😉 ) but I had to catch up with your (all of you) achievements which improve continuesly at a high level. What a pleasure to be part of such a group of talented builders
29 September 2020, 17:41

Your HMS Hood comes out better and better. I much like the painting and weathering as well as the sharp and detailed rigging. I hope to see you and your magnificent work next year 🙂
4 October 2020, 15:13

Due to a severe Builders Block on my side, I haven't been checking out Scalemates much lately. Just yesterday I did some painting and now I'm catching up here. And to see what I have been missing!
It is pure joy to see you have been chugging along. I just spent over 45 minutes checking out this build from start till the not yet finish.
The last few pictures show a stunningly beautiful model of a famous ship. It takes the rest of the pictures to truly appreciate the workmanship and perseverence and dedication to quality that you're displaying.
You are way too modest in deflecting the rightfully deserved praise. Stand up and be recognised as a marvellous shipbuilder 👍
4 October 2020, 21:02

Christian, thank your for your most kind comment. As for myself, the weathering is the most succeeded part, and despite I dislike rigging, I've never gone such in detail as on the Hood (where the book Anatomy of a ship - HMS Hood was very helpfull with the rigging scheme). First of all, meeting you again next year would be great. I can't promise if she will be there. Such a fragile build, that I have to choose my moment to reveal her to a public. But, if you're next year at Veldhoven, know it is just 50 km from where I live...
8 October 2020, 17:54

The weathering is done really well & very plausibly - the hull receiving a visibly different degree of maltreatment than parts "farther from the sea" - the attention to such things make her look ever more like a real believable ship... The underwater part is also absolutely convincing. Next issue of the Anatomy of a ship could benefit from these practical examples😉
8 October 2020, 18:50

Martin, sad to hear you suffer Builders Block. I know the feeling. You're a brave man to spent 45 minutes of your precious time to scroll the HMS Hood album. This is one of the best compliments a builder can get. Probably, I am too modest about my builds, but that is my nature. Don't get me wrong, I am proud of my builds, and I am aware they can stand amongst other fine craftsmen. But there is always space to improve when I see better models, so I try to improve 😉 Your compliments are highly appreciated, my friend, and maybe, I should take more credit for my work
8 October 2020, 19:39

Lode you say you dont like rigging.looks perfect to me ,big thumbs up.
8 October 2020, 20:34

David, it is because I do dislike it, that I can't give the best shot. It is tricky business, but I also known the outcome, which is the only drive to do it
8 October 2020, 20:37

As a young apprentice I got all the awkward jobs,all I was told was persevere,persevere it definitely works.
8 October 2020, 20:40

It surely is tha case in shipbuilding, David. Perseverence is a requirement, I guess
8 October 2020, 21:16

O.k Lode. After putting on my glasses and admiring your work on this, and watching you build this...the first thing I must say is that your weathering skills on the last few ships have improved so much that this one looks awesome!, the second thing is the rigging job you did. I can see how you might not like it but considering the amount on this ship compared to others you've done, I can see why you don't like it because you know where the short fall are. My advice to you is...stand back and look at it, admire that you made it though that hell and say....anyone who doesn't like it is a son of a B!
9 October 2020, 03:46

Tim, since when do you use glasses 😉? Just kidding. Yeah, I also do like the weathering on this one, and it more and more familiar to me. A part I like. It is not that I dislike that much to do rigging particulary, but the times one has to do it again. It creates glue spots and decreases the possible perfection. That is the real reason. The amount of rigging does satisfy me, my friend, not the overall quality.
I did stand back, and I do agree with you. It is not that bad 🙂. Your last sentence reminds me of one of my favorite movies, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...where Tuco shouts....son on a B 🙂
I appreciate very much your comment (which is for one time a serious one, ???? )
Spanjaard, you're becoming religious?
Martin, thx. Hope you recover soon from modellers block
10 October 2020, 21:34

It just might happen Lode. I started mt F-86 back in June to get my mojo back. It has done exactly the reverse. I feel like Alan in Two And A Half Men. I try to do the decent/right thing, and somehow it bites me in the a$$.
11 October 2020, 07:46

I recall when I built my A20 Boston I decided to use a single length of EZI line to stretch from the tail to the radio mast behind the cockpit. The process took far longer than it should have, and really turned me off attempting to do it again. That was just ONE length... I can't even contemplate how complicated the rigging was to do on this, but it looks superb! 👍
11 October 2020, 18:47

Spanjaard, I had to know you're not that catholic 😉
Martin, you're back with your super fast build
James, thanks for your appreciation, knowing what rigging is about
Tim, of course you are 😉
13 October 2020, 21:30

Sailors, sailors and more sailors. The scene is in my head, but still a shitload to paint 😉
13 November 2020, 21:22

Indeed. And you didn't see the complete set of sailors, Martin. But some will be painted in white costumes, for HMS Nelson
13 November 2020, 21:52

Greg, painting bootlaces would go a bit far, but shirt buttons are painted, you know
14 November 2020, 14:52

Bloody hell! You must have the patience of a saint to even consider trying to paint figures in 1/350 scale! They are going to look amazing once placed aboard. 👍
14 November 2020, 16:48

James, no problem. They are almost twice that size (1/200) but with the next 1/350 build, I'll do probably some figures too
14 November 2020, 17:31

Captain! We found a sailor taking a s*** behind B-turret!
Well done Lode 👍
29 November 2020, 20:34

Jimbo has hit the nail on the head. That is insane! I got nothing. Just sitting here in stunned silence.
30 November 2020, 00:15

They literally bring her to life! You never fail to impress with each update Lode 👍
30 November 2020, 16:29

What a blessing for all of us to be able to say. We know this bloke, yeah, ! The one who gives life to bits of plastic and brass.
Lode Schildermans is his name. Worlds number one naval modeller. 👍 🙂
Bar none.
Did any of them have beards Lode. ??? hehehehehehehe 😉
30 November 2020, 17:44

My dear scalefriends, what to say. I am overwhelmed with your comments and you make me speechless and touched by your kind words.
Well, Martin, as a matter a fact, the sailor is not taking a s*** behind X-turret, but just sitting on a few sacks, to lazy to follow the others
Peter, insane? Probably, but when it comes from a man from the home of Mad Max, it take it as a compliment 😉. Thanks, buddy
Tim, is that an abreviation for a Tim's expression? LOL
James, Painting 100 sailors and officers is well worth the result. I fully agree it brings this magnificant ship to life
Kerry, I don't know what to answer to such compliments. I makes me humble. And for the laughter, yes, there are about 10 with a beard. I'll try to take one decent photo of one of them.
Well, still some few railings to add and some small details, and she can be considered as built
30 November 2020, 20:02

I'll just follow up on your first comment and remain speechless............ 😮
30 November 2020, 22:12

Now I know we've been Hoodwinked, because you've only came some what close to this type quality build! Wow, just Wow! LOL! Lode will be taking a bow when he's done and then we can all pat him on the back! And then he'll do a back flip because he's over joyed that it's done! This I've got to see!!!
1 December 2020, 05:38

What a fantastic work! Your skills and your patience, your sense for painting and details... outstanding.
1 December 2020, 07:22

I don't know what the big deal is... I mean, sure it's okay... for a boat... if you like that sort of thing. Personally I find sheer perfection boring. It lacks character. A few flaws here and there would really bring out it's inner beauty much better.😉
1 December 2020, 07:29

WOW! That's stunning and painting 1/200 figures to that level of detail is just insane!
1 December 2020, 15:44

Patrick, thank you. No need to rest speechless
Tim, at my age, it is dangerous to do back flips, but a nice idea, lol. Joyed indeed it's done, and a bit sad, because despite the difficulties, sha was a beauty to do. She shoud be done this weekend with the last details, and probably the last photos too
Thank you Klaus, very nice to hear and yes, patience was in it's place for this one
Greg, LOL. A comment to my heart. It made me smile from ear to ear. But, she is far from being perfect. I just didn't share the flaws, lol
Gorbygould, I have very good magnifying glasses 🙂
Thank , Miro, for your comment
10 December 2020, 18:58

congratulations Lode, an amazing build. hope to see it in person, when this corona mess is over....
13 December 2020, 22:45

You can breathe now Lode. Marathon effort but one we all enjoyed. Hope you did too but as long as we enjoyed it, it was worth your time. Well done my friend. Well done!!
14 December 2020, 05:07

What an effort and what an amazing result! Congrats mate on one hell of a great looking build.
You have done all the lost crewman proud!👍👍👍
14 December 2020, 05:28

Every praise you got here is well deserved Lode. A masterpiece! Worth every effort you paid!
14 December 2020, 10:13

Wonderful result mate but there's a sailor that probably should sleep it of in the brig, Photo #289.
14 December 2020, 10:55

Spanjaard, thanks mate. I hope Affligem in October 2021 will take place. That will be the only journey she'll make (too fragile I'm afraid)
Rui, nice to hear you like this one
Peter, my friend, the marathon was worth the trip. In overall, I enjoyed the journey as much as you did. The longest I ever did (till now)
Gareth, thank you for your most kind comment
James, that would be the greatest comment I could receive, making the Hood sailors proud of a small effort compared the theirs
Neuling, that is very kind to say. Thank you for that
Urban, probably not the only sailor 😉
Nathan, the pleasure is all mine and and what more can a builder have than sharing the pleasure with other builders
14 December 2020, 18:31

Spanjaard, indeed, fingers crossed
Thank you for your nice comment, Alec
Steven, nicely said 🙂
Patrick, nice wordplay from Steven, ain't it?
15 December 2020, 22:18

Mooi schip hoor ik ben er ook mee bezig
Maar de kleuren die ze aangeven kloppen niet met de nummers bv van Faleo verf
19 December 2020, 20:27

It's a beauty Lode... there are more superlatives to be said, but...
Tiger1gek: daar bestaan conversietabellen voor om het verfnummer van het ene merk om te zetten naar een ander merk. gewoon zoeken op bvb "Mr Gunze 2 vallejo paint conversion" en je geraakt al een heel eind. Wel opletten, het is een tabel, en er kunnen dus dichterlijke vrijheden zijn en of kleurverschillen... Ik bedoel maar het ene Neutral Grey is het andere niet, en spuiten vs schilderen geeft een andere toon aan je kleur.
20 December 2020, 06:05

Well Lode, once more I strolled along your wharf as Hood was being under construction. The only thing missing is the stench of the decaying muck in the drydock. Your Hood is near perfect, just the right amount of rust, just the right amount of salt caked along the waterline. Before I get bashed for saying near perfect, there's always room to grow. Not much though in your case.
I'm proud I can say I shook your hand and that we shared a drink. My privilige!
I do hope we are able to share another drink in Affligem with Spanjaard 👍
21 December 2020, 18:21

After being sub-radar for the best bit of 2 months, came back to scalemates with the firm expectation that the Hood will look even nicer than before. Not disappointed!!! 👍 😄
Wish you a great naval year 2021 my friend!
1 January 2021, 23:04

@ Tiger1gek. Recent is ontdekt dat de kiel niet rood was maar grijs. Ik raad je aan om naar de website van sovereignhobbies te gaan voor meer info
@ Bart, thank you for such a nice comment
@ Martin, The privilige is all mine. Drinks on my account @Affligem, if it takes place and if Hood manages to survive the trip. Thanks also for your comment. Too much credit and still room to improve
@Spanjaard, I hope we could meet @Affligem. Always a pleasure to see you
@Slavo, I recognize the feeling, since I ain't much around here due to work. Glad to hear you're not disappointed by the final result
6 January 2021, 06:06

Hi Lode, it's been a while since I've been in touch about one of your great projects. But the Hood beats everything, every praise and positive comment is justified, a really great and above all inspiring result! Congratulations!
6 January 2021, 07:38

Roland, no worries mate. Thank you for your most kind comment. For myself, HMS Hood beats indeed my previous builds and I am quite satisfied with the outcome.
31 January 2021, 18:52

Peter, I am looking forward to it. Maybe we can already start to build the Bismarck together 🙂 After that, no excuse to not build HMS Hood
31 January 2021, 18:53

Rui, thank you for your compliment. I do my best to as good as I can
31 January 2021, 18:54

Belgian Nationals tomorrow. I wish HMS Hood best of luck in the contest
15 October 2021, 20:36

Best of luck Lode. Would love to be there, but I am in Spain at the moment
15 October 2021, 23:12

Very nice work. It must have taken a long time but must have been so much fun 👍
16 October 2021, 06:16

You have aced it again Lode. 👍 😉 Quite the pride of the fleet for sure.
16 October 2021, 16:48

Is still at Affligem on Sunday? I'd like to view her up close and make Spanjaard jealous 😄
16 October 2021, 17:33

Martin, it sure was there today, they had to erect a separate table for it!
16 October 2021, 17:37

@all of you guys, thanks for the support. Fingers crossed.
@Steven, I guess the best of show will be one of your 2 magnificent air carriers. Excellent builds
@Martin, you can make Spanjaard Jealous. Affligemis the whole weekend
16 October 2021, 19:08

Not only gold medal, gents. He won Best of Show again, as I predicted.
17 October 2021, 18:01

Oh ! What a wonderful feeling. Especially when your awarded GOLD. !
Lode. I am so happy for you my friend. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Will there be enough room in your trophy cabinet. ?
Hehehehehehehehe. A big salute. WELL DONE. 👍 👍 👍
17 October 2021, 19:30

Now his mantlepiece will be in equilibrium again!
17 October 2021, 21:40

All credits to the magnificent builds of yourself, Steven. You won gold in the same class and fully deserved. The best of had to be shared to both
17 October 2021, 21:48

My fellow bunch mates. I thank you for your most kind comments. I also thank you all to have guided me through this build with your encouraging words. Your comments helped me a lot during the building process and in a certain way, HMS Hood is also your achievement. Almost impossible to thank you all one by one, but consider this comment as a personal word to all of you separately. Thank you guys
18 October 2021, 21:10

Wow. What a well deserved bit of recognition. I guess we need to call you Mr. Schildermans from now on... 🙂
19 October 2021, 21:44

Greg, no need to call me Mr. Schildermans, just Lode. Thanks for your nice comment.
Rui, thank you for your praise
25 October 2021, 05:03

I keep telling everyone we were being Hoodwinked! Big congrats Lode for this one is a gem after all the detail you've done!!
5 November 2021, 03:52

My dear friend Lode, I just noticed the well deserved award winning of your wonderful HMS Hood. Not only a Gold, but also a Best Of Show. IMHO a BOS is indeed hard to reach with a ship model, hence the BOS indeed count most! Considering your big smile on the photo with the Best Of Show Trophy you know it for sure.
Sad that we could not meet each other this year, but I am looking forward to 2022 with a positive mind.
Take care and keep on the excellent work my friend 🙂
5 November 2021, 07:50

@Tim : I'd say, mission accomplished
@Christian, my friend, very kind words. It isn't indeed often that a ship gets awarded with a BOS. In this case, the ship and her history deserved such a credit. I am just the builder who tried to brought this beauty back to the present so she wouldn't be forgotten. And yes, it painted a big smile on my face. I hope to meet you again in live in 2022
@Kerry, my dear mate, thank you for your always kind words
@Andra, nice to hear you like the build
8 November 2021, 20:52

How long did it take for your chest to get back to normal size mate. ? 😉
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to see your reaction to your awards when they were called out.. OOOOOOOOO 👍
9 November 2021, 02:15

We were there when the judges placed the cards next to the models. Lode had a grin a mile wide!
9 November 2021, 07:09

Hahahahahahaha. How wonderful to know that Martin. Thanks for sharing mate. 👍 😉
9 November 2021, 13:57

Lode, I know that you are proud of your HMS Hood, but please be aware of just how proud your "Mates in Scale" are of you. Well done mate, so proud!
13 November 2021, 22:15

Kerry, Martin, Steven, I did have a grin a mile wide at the moment. It isn't common that a ship wins a BOS, which is a huge compliment for a builder. Yeah, I'm really proud, but all credits to this magnificent and beautiful ship which made a huge difference.
14 November 2021, 22:29

Peter, the one award bigger than a BOS, is the proudness of my Mates in Scale. Thank you, Peter, this feels as the ultimate appreciation.
14 November 2021, 22:33

Judges had a hard time I think, with this beauty and her nemesis next to her 😉
18 September 2022, 21:12

As Martin requested, both ships ended up with a golden recognition from the jury. So you can guess the smile on my face.
Spanjaard, glad I ain't a judge and the pleasure to bring Hood along was all mine, since you didn't had the opportunity to see her past year. And nice to bring the beauty and nemesis together
Maurice, always a pleasure to have you with me all the time along to encourage me, convincing me to have more confidence in my builds and to push me always a bit further
19 September 2022, 18:58

LODE. ! My heart felt congratulations to you on your GOLD my friend. 🙂
I have been watching from afar all the progress you had made in quest of the recognition of being one of the worlds most accomplished naval scale modellers. 👍
Salute. 👍
21 September 2022, 22:59

It was a Hoodunnit again, that's nothing re(bis)mar(c)kable with Lode in the building.
22 September 2022, 05:07

Kerry, thank you friend for your compliment but one of the worlds most accomplished naval scale modelers is giving me to much credit
Steven, nice wordplay 🙂 The same counts for your magnificent builds you showed. Princeton was in fact a Kingston
22 September 2022, 17:03

Congratulations my friend for the well deserved 1st place for both ship models. I had the pleasure to see your HMS Hood at Veldhoven in 2019, but missed you Bismarck so far.
It is wonderful gratification for the long evenings and time spent to finish such detailed models.
Looking forwar to CU next year.
Happy Modelling, Christian
23 September 2022, 18:25

Thank you, Christian. Veldhoven was too difficult this year with by birthday on Saturday. The Bismarck, mmm, I even didn't count the long evenings and made an estimation the other day on the time spent. I guess it is about 1750 hrs. That should it better be good, no 😉? The pleasure to meet you next year will be all mine. CU around, my friend
27 September 2022, 19:55

Lode, Now you have her in dry dock. That rust could do with a chip and scrape. :-O
14 October 2022, 13:42