T-74 and scratchbuild Ural M-63.
5 29 February 2020, 10:27

Two drunk guys rode on a bulldozer and crashed into a fence. The passenger fell out of the cab and fell asleep. The driver communicates with the police.
29 February 2020, 11:20

Haha, so cool! But why are there still apples on the tree? 😄 Love the scene! 👍
29 February 2020, 16:03

Nice ^_^ .
@Daniel In fairness unripe apples do not shift easily😉 .
29 February 2020, 20:11

Great idea & scene and modeling! All "vegetables" looks very true!!
1 March 2020, 11:19

Start laughing when I saw the empty bottle near the body. Great scene with lots and good details. Very well done.👍
25 September 2020, 20:11