4 17 March 2020, 22:18

Wow mates, thank you very much to every single one of you 👍
@Erik Nach Krankheit war ich völlig platt, das ist das richtige Modell, um die Energie zurückzubringen!
@Alec Hold your horses! The wheels will take a bit time.
The next update soon ...
18 March 2020, 21:08

OMG bughunter, I want this kit so bad (trying not to buy any more kits). So pleased you are building it! Yay!
18 March 2020, 21:13

I picked it up during the last exhibition beginning of March, but I was not able to put it into the stash. Some kits, and this is one of them, has to be started immediately! This is the right thing to recover from illness.
18 March 2020, 21:34

Thank you Ben and Marcel!
@Ben See pic6, white primed, brushed the "wood base" irregular. Then brushed the wooden structure with different oils (raw sienna, burnt sienna, golden ochre, mixed with "Medium L" for shorter oxidation time). After some days on radiator airbrushed MRP Clear Orange, Clear yellow and finally a clear coat.
18 March 2020, 21:51

Is the irregular brushing in pic6 different colors of acrylic or different thicknesses of the same color? The result is amazing.
18 March 2020, 23:12

Yes Ben, the paint is AK779 "Wood base" (part of a set "old & weathered wood vol.1"), just irregular applied. It is also possible to paint wood using the other paints of this set, but I find to work with oils is easier because of more time to modify.
I tried the first time to create some structure very early during my Albatros W.4 project last year, see the WIP and the final album here: Albatros W.4 | Project by bughunter (1:48)
19 March 2020, 13:07

Something different - and looking very cool already - the engine is a masterpiece, the dark red bits really totally look like painted metal 👍 Wish you a good recovery & return to the hobby. We need to see these tiny technical jewels coming out of your shed!😉
19 March 2020, 14:33

Thank you Slavo! I am glad that you have discovered this model in the flood of great projects here! You find always so nice words 👍 The red paint is a Gunze gloss one, so kudos are going to Japan.
The model is now prepared for the drive belt. The kit offers two different solutions, on with a plastic belt and modified wheels, the other are normal drive wheels, but you have to find your own belt. Let's see...
19 March 2020, 21:49

Thank you Matthew! Many tries to do the belt, e.g. alu and paper failed. The plastic axles don't like the slightest force and will bend easily. To late to replace the shafts by metal, so the solution was flattened/rolled lead wire. Not perfect, but I call this topic done.
20 March 2020, 18:12

Was mich bei Dir immer wieder erstaunt ist die absolute Präzision und Tiefenschärfe bei der Lackierung. Es sieht alles lupenrein aus, ohne Staub und Fussel Einschlüsse. Messing zu Messing, Stahl zu Stahl,
Holz zu Holz und Leder zu Leder! Auch der Glanzgrad passt zu dem jeweiligen Teil. Ein großartiges Ungetüm als Vorbild!
21 March 2020, 12:46

Uih Danke, jetzt brauche ich aber ein <rotwerd> Smiley! Und so ein Lob aus der Feder des Erbauers des Merlin 👍 Das ist nur ein Eindruck von den Bildern, es gibt schon Problemstellen😉 Lackiert mit Alclad und Gunze. Farben, die ich gerade da hatte: H33 Russet und H65 RLM70 Black green. ICM gibt schwarz an, so wie beim Original im Deutschen Museum, ich fand den grünen/roten/hölzern Nachbau wie im Walkaround hier auf SM einfach schöner.
Genervt hat mich hier nur der Formversatz, bei einem parallel verlaufenden Baubericht auf Britmodeller schaut es deutlich besser aus! Scheinbar ist jede Abspritzung Glücksache. Der Versatz ist nicht mehr als sonst auch, aber hier sind die Teile sooo filigran. Also wer die Chance hat, bei seinem Händler vorher in die Schachtel zu schauen, soll sich ein Exemplar mit wenig Versatz aussuchen.
21 March 2020, 13:35

Moin Bughunter, just found this and it's, once again, a "state of the art" build. =Respect-Smiley=
22 March 2020, 07:06

Eine echte Augenweide! Gratuliere herzlich zu diesem tollen Modell.
22 March 2020, 08:38

Thank you mates! Yes, it's a great kit 👍 Only the price is on the upper end of the range ...
@Stefan Please do not praise too soon, I am not finished yet! The wheels needs to masked and tires and hub painted, and some small parts are also not mounted yet.
22 March 2020, 09:14

Thank you MoJo and Alec! This (at least for me) speed build is done😉 Final pictures soon.
22 March 2020, 17:52

Ein MEISTERWERK. Total cool wie die Montage der Speichenräder gelöst ist. Top.
22 March 2020, 19:05

Thank you mates! Don't miss the final album! Benz Motorwagen 1886 | Album by bughunter (1:24)
I really like the outcome of this speedbuild!
22 March 2020, 22:03

Thx mates 👍
@Tom: Clean room? Forget it! I need really to clean the bench before I can continue with a started project.
@Thomas: the kit is great and well engineered, but sometimes also tricky.
@Neuling: I tried to follow the walkaround here on SM closely, even if that colorful one seems to be a replica. The original one in the Deutsches Museum München is black overall (see Wikipedia for pictures), as told by the ICM manual. On this one the wooden parts are also painted black. So I decided for a colorful one.
23 March 2020, 18:06

Thank you very much, mates! I must admit, that I'm normally build biplanes and cars only sporadically. This Motorwagen has the advantage that I could use techniques like wood painting from my biplanes.
When people see the final pictures Benz Motorwagen 1886 | Album by bughunter (1:24) due to the macros they normally estimate the size wrong - it fits on the palm of my hand 😉
17 April 2020, 22:20

Mind blowingly stunning, and such great photography of all aspects of your superb build. These will come in handy as I attempt to build mine when it arrives from Europe. 👍
So inspirational and such a superb subject to offer a scale modeller. Brilliant. 👍 🙂
18 April 2020, 05:13

Very impressive paint job. How did you get the wood to look so realistic?
18 April 2020, 08:02

In my wish list! This is absolutely stunning! (By the way, even your cutting mat is squeaky clean! Impossible at my place...)
18 April 2020, 09:26

Wow, thank you mates for the kind words!
@Kerry Nice to see another build soon! It's a great kit, but has some pitfalls. The parts are very filigree and light. On my kit there was a annoying misalignment between the mould halves, but this was only bad luck. I have seen better ones of the same kit after that. The spokes are a bit to long, I got some trouble during mount and they are under some strain now.
Which colors do you want to use? I followed the walkaround here on Scalemates, but this one is "only" a replica. There is one in "Deutsche Museum" Munich, seems to be more original, but is painted mostly black: [img1] (SM seems to destroy the link with a smily). I like it more colorful 😉
@David See pic6 to 10. I tried to get already a tonal difference in the base color on white primer, so brush painted, and not airbrushed. The oils and clear color have to do the rest of the work 😉 Need wood simulation often on my old biplane models, so I have not done this the first time here.
@Bilbo I used the only clean corner of this mat for the pictures 😉 A big area is a complete mess, once a glass bottle with black! Alclad primer brakes (the internal ball was the winner) during shaking! I had the black primer everywhere around the bench, on the Fokker model, face, T-Shirt, lamps, wall ... and also on this mat.
18 April 2020, 10:49

@Bughunter I had the same experience with a *glass* bottle of Humbrol Maskol once! My wife didn't know that I put an iron ball in it and shook it before use... I was able to clean my workspace easily enough, but my very favourite hoodie still has pink latex residue on it, even after half a dozen washes.
I am really impressed by your work (not only this one) and I'll be following you very closely from now on!😉
18 April 2020, 10:57

The Alclad black primer is much more agressive, the fuselage of the Fokker was foaming 🙁 Normally we don't put it in that high concentration on models. BTW, I recovered the project by taken new unneeded halves (there are different variants in the kit) from another Fokker kit.
18 April 2020, 11:12
Album info
Another try to do a oob build!