Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020
Photo 1 of 18
5 15 May 2020, 06:44

Re. photo 15, maybe you have the resin part the wrong way? Maybe the resin part is more wide on the other side?
20 May 2020, 14:47

Thanks all. Back on the bench after summer break. Next i'll paint pilot and rio.
24 August 2020, 16:59
Album info
Let´s start a little warmup for the scm group build. The oldie but goldie Fujimi kit will get a sundowners scheme with the lovely Miss Molly.
Maybe this ends up in a complete carrier diorama with the carrier deck from Italeri and the Fujimi deck crew.
Sestavení skupiny

Scalemates F-14 Tomcat Group build 2020
1. Květen dokud 31. Prosinec 2020
1. Květen dokud 31. Prosinec 2020