Belgium T-15 Tank
Photo 1 of 7
7 16 May 2020, 01:56

Wow thats really cool and a lot of work for a small tank.But the result is stunning! I still got an old ADV/Azimut version of this tank somewhere. But it will not have the details your scratchbuild version has I'm afraid.
16 May 2020, 08:20

Thanks so much Lenny, I wanted the Azimut kit!, for some reason Azimut is no longer on line, so I had to build it for a Diorama I am building, I also have a Vickers (VCL) almost completed, also from Azimut. I should have better photo quality when I complete it.
Thanks and stay safe.
16 May 2020, 11:28

Very nice, my kind of thing, the way you build. But what happened, did she become a shelf queen?
I'm now scratchbuilding a 2cv (lelijke eend 😉, and desperate need some azimut figures to go with it (Bigeard Boys, Algeria 1960)
It's like you say, they don't respond at Azimut. So, a French scalemate went by two weeks ago. He offered to go, came back with a new kit, and told to be patient about the website and ordering.
Do we talk Dutch? 😉
Groet, Tini
21 April 2021, 13:45

Hi Tini, how cool I love the 2cv ugly duck. Love to see some pictures of it.
Azimut is not great with communication and to be honest their kit quality is not consistent. In todays world an how fast new kits are produced (not only in plastic but also modern Resin and 3D printing.) I doubt buying a new kit from them as the price is still quite high, and before you know it a plastic version appears for half the money. They sometimes attend the bigger Dutch scale model fairs, I recal promising Edward I would keep a lookout for some Azimut kits. But we first got to get rid of Covid.
As for speaking Dutch, I do but I don't think they speak Dutch in Canada (looking at Edward)
22 April 2021, 11:32

Thanks Lenny, you're right. When I returned to the hobby I was flabberguested how many new companies ánd models there were. It was just if I blinked my eye and there they were.
And some look very bad, as in how quick can we make money.
At the other hand, was the cost of an conversion often very expensive, now you get it all in one box...
But about the ugly duck, i'm building it as an foc at twenot. I see you are an member too 😉.
Keep some roodband aside from your 1:1 project, comes in handy with dio's. Lol
22 April 2021, 11:49

Lenny! how are ya Mate! thanks for English! Ha, I can understand Tini would like to speak in the native language, LoL! and thanks Tini for the compliment, as for the tank well its sort of a shelf queen, I finally have the new Masterclub rivet set, I don't like the size of the rivets I have on there now, so I'll strip her pretty soon, once completed I'll add her on the site, also have put aside a couple of diorama project's lately, have to finish a WWI diorama for the local RC legion and I am trying to complete a 28mm Greek Hoplites diorama for an old Army buddy.
Tini, I am planning a Dien Bien Phu diorama; have all the parts just waiting for the mood to kick in, good luck on your project.
Lenny, I have a bid in on evil bay for a Matford truck! seems complete! just waiting for the out come of the bid in a few days!
Take Care Mates and keep safe!
23 April 2021, 00:36

It's a era from not much to choose. I finally found the officer at Blast models in indochina/algiers era.
Still a shame about Azimut, I still would like to have them.
I got my M8 HMC tracks from Masterclub too, nice brand
Lot's of work you got ????
23 April 2021, 08:06

Hi Edward,
Good to hear from you! I'm good. Covid made quite a mess at work, as with everybody I guess. So modeling has been a bit slow... Or actually stopped foe a year, I'm slowly picking up some work. How's life overseas and how are you?
I would love to see some photos of the diorama your working on, and fingers crossed that you win the auction. That's still a kit I haven't seen in plastic anywhere.
23 April 2021, 16:16

Every thing is good Mate, just sent you a few photos' of the layout, I am determined to get that Matford, I bit $100 US so far! Oh boy! Bev will kill me yet! hopefully we will all get our lives together again soon! LoL!
Hope the people you take care of came through this alright, and hope married life is treating you good, LoL.
If I do win the bid, I will try to make you a grill for your Matford! shouldn't be too hard, its about time you put it together!
23 April 2021, 20:15

Hello Tini, yes its a shame about Azimut, I had ordered a French halftrack from them and never heard anything back, I asked one of our mates; Olivier; since he lives in France to check them out, he told me they will open again in the future! hope so.
Take Care
23 April 2021, 21:38

Hi Edward,
I asked the same to Olivier, he's our man in Paris, it seems 😉
If it is the Citroen WW1 halftrack, another French company makes it as well.
Check out
They make cool things too.
Cheers! Tini
23 April 2021, 22:07

Hi Tini, yes Oliver is on French connection for sure. I really like some of the Blitz stuff, got a few figures and I have there Laffly S15 T built, nice kit; but still a shelf queen for now! the T-13 SPG from Retrokit is also a nice kit, not built yet; but looks pretty intense!! LoL,
As for the halftrack, I have the H&K P-107 halftrack; the French version and the H&K German Becker version built, I had ordered the DES kit of the SOMUA Halftrack from Azimut, I have the German Becker version from Brach models which is a really nice model kit.
I really want the Best Value Model kits, they are really hard to find, but again Azimut!!
24 April 2021, 02:11