A-1H SkyraiderZobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam« Prev12Next » 12345678910111213 Photo 1 of 13Komentáře 6 30 August 2020, 15:16TreehuggerThe soot is a nice touch I think. 🙂 30 August 2020, 15:21Jeff Spaulding AutorThanks, I'm just getting back into building plastic models. First attempt at going to this detail. 30 August 2020, 15:50John ThomasVery nice 30 August 2020, 16:01James CVery cool 👍 30 August 2020, 17:52Project infoA-1H Skyraider13 obrázky1:48DokončenoDouglas A-1H Skyraider US Navy (1794-now)VA-176 Thunderbolts 137543/AK409říjen 1966 - USS IntrepidFS16440 FS17875 Všechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »