Sukhoi Su - 17UM3, Hobby Boss, 1/48 + Pavla Ejection seats + Master Pitots + Part ladder
39 5 February 2021, 21:51

Stunning paintwork, is the weathering with pastels or oils or a combination?
7 February 2021, 21:44

Mark D, there is a combination of weathering techniques - starting from stains creating with airbrush during preshading stage thru oils, pastels, pigments mainly from AK, AMMO and ABTAILUNG.
8 February 2021, 11:02

This is extraordinary - perfect show of replicating the wear and aging of soviet camouflage, excellent way of dealing with different effects on top & bottom and with the metals on the engine and the extended surfaces of the variable wing sections. 👍 Impressive pro-job from A to Z!
8 February 2021, 12:21