Junkers 52 Ju 52/3mg6e 1/72 Italeri 1977 tool
68 20 June 2021, 15:07

Cockpit & fuselage painted (mainly RLM02 ). Hardly any flash which is a nice surprise. 🙂
20 June 2021, 15:11

Internal windows (masked where appropriate) and internal items to be added painted with RLM02. 🙂
25 June 2021, 18:27

Cockpit glued to fuselage. Door and windows painted. Windows masked and added to fuselage. 🙂
27 June 2021, 18:01

The fuselage went together quite well Lukasz. More of a concern is the wings on to the fuselage as there doesn't appear to be many contact points for the glue 🙂
3 July 2021, 20:36

Wings added (no spars on these), these were difficult to glue on. A bit of filler required, probably because of me having difficulty getting the fit right. 🙂
4 July 2021, 15:58

My biggest fear for a build of these Junkers (I have a W.34 in the stash) is gaps and trying to fill, but still keeping the corrugated details. Looking good so far, Guy!
4 July 2021, 18:53

Rear gunner now in place. 1st engine complete. Quite a bit of filler required. 🙂
29 July 2021, 11:02

Looking good, Guy! Saw the WCAM single-engine JU-52 in Winnipeg this morning. That is a scratch-built I would like to do…. some day
3 August 2021, 17:28

Many thanks Gordon. It's always a real pleasure to see the real thing, it always makes me want to build the model of... 👍
3 August 2021, 17:31

Following. Curious to see "the ring" in place.
Nice to see how some planes and helicopters are fitted with strange tools to do a task they were never designed for in the first place.
4 August 2021, 07:19

Many thanks Bas and Argento 👍 @Bas Tonn, I'm curious to see how the ring will turn out! 😉
4 August 2021, 15:56

Underneath aircraft painted Vallejo Model Air RLM04 and RLM65. 🙂
29 August 2021, 13:10

Primer added to the top fuselage and a bit of shading now added ready for masking and painting. 🙂
4 September 2021, 14:49

Vallejo Model Air RLM71 added to the top of the fuselage and wings. Next stage will to be add RLM70 🙂 .
26 September 2021, 13:38

The paintjob looks real nice, though some of the pictures are a bit dark. 👍
1 November 2021, 11:48

Many thanks Daniel and WhiteGlint. 👍 I'll try and make the next photos lighter WhiteGlint 🙂
1 November 2021, 18:08

Das gewählte Tarnschema ist sehr gut gewählt und sehr realistisch aufgebracht. Gefällt mir sehr gut.👍
1 November 2021, 22:05

Vielen Dank Harald. Ich freue mich über Ihren freundlichen Kommentar. 👍
2 November 2021, 05:58

Undercarriage has now been fitted. Vallejo gloss varnish applied and decals affixed. The main issues were trying to ensure that the decals fitted into all of the corrugated shapes. 🙂
13 November 2021, 10:41

Looks like these conformed perfectly. Congrats, Guy! (I remember a disaster with decals when I built Arma Hobby resin PZL P.1 kit, with corrugated skin everythere...)
13 November 2021, 15:00

Very cool progress and great performance with the Decals on that more than uneven surface...👍
13 November 2021, 15:01

Very many thanks Robert and Daniel, I really appreciate your comments 👍
13 November 2021, 16:20

Ah yes, decals are hard on such planes - had the same with my 3motor Junkers (Mk.24). Looks great, keep it up
13 November 2021, 20:55

Decals look great, Guy. Probably hard to paint them on the full-sized examples too!
14 November 2021, 14:24

I've now added the top and bottom pieces and of course, the mine detector!
All went really well until I tried to get the masking off the side windows... the windows all fell off inside the aircraft. 🙁 After taking the side door off I managed to get the right hand side windows back in but the damage was bad so I painted over both sides. (on the instructions, 2 each side were clear, the rest painted over)
I finally put on the rigging and now declare this complete. Many thanks to all of you who have followed this project. 👍
10 December 2021, 15:08

Very nice result! I have an old Italeri kit in the stash, it looks like it is really worth the effort to build it!
10 December 2021, 16:26

That's a lot of wires to catch the wind! Very neat rigging, Guy, and a super over-all result 🙂
10 December 2021, 16:27

Many thanks Daniel, Roland, Andrea, Bruce, Patryk and Markus. Your kind comments are greatly appreciated. 👍
10 December 2021, 20:44

Very good work, nice weathering, interesting subject- who wants more?
11 December 2021, 08:27

A very nice result, despite the broken glas. The mine detector is an interesting addition to this beautiful plane. 👍 Cheers, Guy. 🙂
11 December 2021, 12:30

Just a word of doubt - was it a mine detector or rather an electromagnetic trawl?
11 December 2021, 12:57

Very many thanks to you all, Moreno, Jan, Istvan, Neuling, WhiteGlint and Robert for your very kind comments. Also many thanks to all of you mates who have "liked" this model, I'm very grateful. 🙂
@Andrea, yes please do dig yours out of your stash, I'd love to see one made by you, your skills will do it the justice it deserves!
My error @Robert, the degaussing ring was used to safely detonate magnetic sea mines by mimicking a surface vessel's magnetic field. 👍
11 December 2021, 13:13

Thanks, Guy - I was just not sure about that, but remembered reading about such a device 🙂 It is interesting, nevertheless, how did they shield the instruments from such a strong magnetic field...
11 December 2021, 15:54

Thanks for your kind comment Alain 👍
Thanks for your like Hang Li 👍
3 March 2022, 13:36