F-16CJ Block 50 - Have Glass VZobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam 1June 29, 2021 2June 29, 2021 3June 29, 2021 4June 29, 2021 5April 12, 2022Tinted the Canopy, still have to touch-up the right wing and paint in some lights. Komentáře 13 29 June 2021, 16:03Daniellooks cool 👍 what color is your have glass gray? 30 June 2021, 17:23Donnie Briscoe AutorHi and Thx Daniel 🙂 I used (rather "tested") The Mission Models Acryli, MMP-083. Looks alot better Irl, than on these pictures ^^' 30 June 2021, 19:20Maciej BellosLooks, well, a bit evil! Great work! 12 April 2022, 19:29Project infoF-16CJ Block 50 - Have Glass V5 obrázky1:48DokončenoVšechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »