A little less than 4 weeks delayed, and I finished the Spitfire mk. XIV
29 25 October 2021, 20:16

Really interesting reference photos. Liking your builds, and watching with interest 👍🙂
13 December 2021, 21:55

Good job on removing the decals, right decision. Don't worry about time passing 🙂
16 December 2021, 07:31

Never seen a model kit get a waxing job before! Did you try wetting the decals before resorting to exfoliating them?
18 December 2021, 20:53

I didn't try the wetting technics, just the quick and dirty tape method. The decals were old, and just applied a day before, so I tried.
18 December 2021, 22:10

Yes! Photo 31 conveys exactly the feeling of what you set out to do. Good job! Thumbs up! 👍
13 January 2022, 00:57

I agree with all the above comments: very creative and great build! Well done Bas! 👍🏻
13 January 2022, 06:54

Pure vintage, what a trip down the memory lane. 👍 Is that the original stand?
13 January 2022, 08:51

Nice Build, Bas. The diorama looks very impressive. Congratulations!
13 January 2022, 09:39

Lukasz, yes, it's the original stand. The kit shows it's age, but that's ok.
It was a fun built, and I will do my best on another Spitfire soon 😉
13 January 2022, 10:06
Album info
The V1 is done for now, maybe I'll do some touch ups in the next weeks.
The Spitfire has been assembled for the most part, and a few layers of paint are on.
After applying the first decals, I found them far to purple, so I googled "how to remove decals". Witch worked more or less ok.
But it will take me at least four weeks to repair