1/35 Tamiya Stug III diorama
24 1 November 2021, 03:37

The buyer would like to have a German grey scheme which I was not very familiar with. I learned a lot of new skills from Night Shift's channel. Luckly it turns out alright this time.
1 November 2021, 05:01

Vorwärts Kameraden! Very dynamic scene, good work on tank, figures and terrain! 👍
1 November 2021, 09:33

That's a great dio. Nicely painted figures and a dynamic presentation.
1 November 2021, 11:40

Very nice paint job allround and dio 👍
IMHO, I would say that the panzer it's heavy and would be more into the terrain? 🤔
6 November 2021, 17:20

Well done dio👍
A good paint job with nice weathering!, nice figures!
Like the groundwork of the dio but i'm close to rui, nevertheless good job
6 November 2021, 17:28