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Paulo Fonseca (apfonseca)


Photo 1 of 103


17 8 November 2021, 01:39
Thomas Bischoff
all OOB? Nice display, like the idea with the flying off B-25 👍
 31 December 2021, 16:22
Paulo Fonseca Autor
It's the Ruptured Duck (that I have already done in 1/72 to join to this model) who almost went to the water, because they forget to put the flaps down... By the way, what means OOB?
 31 December 2021, 23:06
Thomas Bischoff
Didn't know this about the ruptured duck - OOB means out of the box = no aftermarket sets
 1 January 2022, 07:35
Paulo Fonseca Autor
ok, thanks , yes it's OOB 😄 unless the support of the Ruptured Duck 😉 . I still have a lot of completed models not loaded her and this is one of them... if you have FB you can see her in facebook.com/media/s..007680140&type=3
 5 January 2022, 02:05

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103 obrázky
1:700 Hornet CV-8 (Tamiya WL.A110)

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